Abdirisak Ibrahim Adam “British” is an English teacher who has been teaching English for many ye
Empowering Somali youth with digital skills & entrepreneurship. Join us at Alamtara Institute to unlock your potential and shape the future.
What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it feels about education.
waxaa loogu bixin doonaa tababaro tayo sare leh oo lago dhisu doono maskaxda umada Somaliyeed ee dha
CPD waa xarun taba bar taas oo aad ka heli karto taba baro xirfadeysan wax weyna kabadali karto mustaqbalkaga aqooneed
Waa Bogga Rasmiga ah Dugsiga Carafaat Ee Magaalada Baydhabo Welcome to Arafat Primary and Secondary School. Tacliin iyo Tayo Tarbiyo iyo Akhlaaq. horaa loo yiri علم بلا أدب كشجرة بلاثمرة. fadlan nagu soo biir Mahadsanid
Welcome to Haldoor Academy! Home of Skills
Madarasada Al-sacaadah ee barashada diinta islaamka muqdisho Somalia
Waa bogga rasmiga Professor Osman oo ka tirsan Jaamacadda Ummadda Somaaliyeed(Faculty Veterinary medicine and animal husbandry).
Midowga Ardayda Jaamacadda Soomaaliya Waxa uu u taaganyahay isku xirka iyo kawarqabka dhamaan ardayda
LAAMBAD waa madal E-waxbarasho oo loo aasaasay si loo horumariyo loona tayeeyo xirfadaha, hal-abuurka iyo farsamada bulshada Soomaaliyeed iyadoo la isku xirayo Baraha iyo Bartaha.
page Kan waxaad kahelysaan had io jeerba faafinta diinta
Express yourself & Business better
Since its inception in December 2021, The LAMAHURAN TECHNOLOGY COURSES (LTC) has been committed to providing the highest quality, needs-based training interventions to its clients and Students, both.
Yeel Tech was launched in 2019 to be a leading service provider in the area of technology. Yeel Tech
Abaadir Abdulkadir is an English teacher who has been teaching English language for many years
Waa Bogga Rasmiga ah ee Kulliyadda Cilmiga Computer ee Jaamacadda Caalamiga ah ee Horseed
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Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology offers a co-operative undergraduate program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Computer Science. The Faculty has adopted a Strategic Plan to improve quality, of each course offered.
Who We are? Hanad Learning Center is an Online Education Platform for Skill development & Trainings.
waa mu'asasa ka shaqeysa barbaarinta iyo waxbarista
dugsi ka shaqeeyo hormarinta tacliinta https://t.me/abuubanaadir
Kusoo dhawaada machadka barashada xirfadaha dumarka ee Rimaas online skills Academy
((where leaners come from the darkness to the light))