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LeaderStance LeaderStance
Lubbock, 79413

LeaderStance is a community for leadership development, personal discovery, consulting & bringing le

Wurkout Freak Wurkout Freak

The Health and Fitness equipment superstore.

Cheney Middle School Cheney Middle School
Cheney, 67025

CMS is a 6-8 campus in Cheney, Kansas. We believe students should show PRIDE, perseverance, respect, integrity, dependability, and empathy.

Cheney High School Alumni - KS Cheney High School Alumni - KS
800 N Marshall Street
Cheney, 67025

Cheney High School Alumni Association

Cheney USD 268 Cheney USD 268
100 W 6th Avenue
Cheney, 67025

Educating Minds - Connecting Hearts - Touching Lives Welcome to Our Family

St. Paul's Lutheran School St. Paul's Lutheran School
621 N Lincoln Street
Cheney, 67025

St. Paul's Lutheran School is an LCMS school that serves grades pre-school through 8th grade.

Cheney Elementary Cheney Elementary
126 W. 5th
Cheney, 67025

At Cheney Elementary, we believe in educating our students minds as well as building up their hearts and making a difference in our community.

Cheney Elementary School Breakouts Cheney Elementary School Breakouts

This is a page dedicated to the Breakout Classes at Cheney Elementary School! We will be using this to communicate and post fun things! Page includes: Music, Art, PE, Library, and Counseling

CES P.A.L.S. (Parents Assisting Local Schools) CES P.A.L.S. (Parents Assisting Local Schools)
126 W 5th Avenue
Cheney, 67025

PALS is a free service organization designed to improve the communication and family cooperation betw

Heartland Ranch Riding Academy Heartland Ranch Riding Academy

~Ranch on the Prairie🌻~🐴Horses in the Heartland❤️~Welcome to God’s Country~Friesian Drum Horses🐴❤️

Trinity Learning Center Trinity Learning Center
416 N Washington Street
Cheney, 67025

TLC is a private Christian preschool focused on preparing children for Kindergarten & developing Christian values in a loving Christ centered environment.

Lovin' Time Daycare Lovin' Time Daycare
4465 S. 391 Street West
Cheney, 67025

Lovin' Time Daycare is a licensed home daycare in the Cheney, Kansas area. I have been licensed since 2005. I care for children age 2 months to age 10.

312 Little Learners Pre-K and Child Care 312 Little Learners Pre-K and Child Care
Haven, 67543

312 Little Learners offers pre-k classes as well as child care services.

Rooted Microschool Rooted Microschool
Haven, 67543

Rooted Microschool is a hybrid homeschooling option, providing and facilitating a Christ-centered, engaging learning community and supporting homeschool families in rural Reno and Sedgwick county.

USD 312 Education Foundation USD 312 Education Foundation
414 W Main
Haven, 67543

USD 312 Education Foundation is a 501C3

Haven Grade School Haven Grade School
202 E. 4th Street
Haven, 67543

Through intentionally designed systems, Haven School District is committed to creating a positive and inclusive culture, focusing on academic and personal success to ultimately be the district of choice for staff, students and our communities.

Haven Grade PTO Haven Grade PTO
202 E 4th Street
Haven, 67543

The Haven Grade School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a very active group of parents and teache

Haven Middle School Haven Middle School
320 N Emporia
Haven, 67543

7th & 8th Grade

Haven Wildcat Wrestling Haven Wildcat Wrestling
400 E 5th Street
Haven, 67543

High School Wrestling is back in Haven, KS. This page is dedicated to the High School Wrestling Team

Haven Wildcat Booster Club Haven Wildcat Booster Club
400 E 5th Avenue
Haven, 67543

Join the Wildcat Booster Club to support Haven High & Middle School students!

Haven High School Haven High School
400 East 5th Street
Haven, 67543

Home of the Wildcats!

USD 312 Haven Public Schools USD 312 Haven Public Schools
414 W Main Street
Haven, 67543

USD 312 Haven Public Schools serves the communities of Mt. Hope, Partridge, Yoder, Pleasantview and

720 N Sedgwick Street
Garden Plain, 67050

Garden Plain Elementary School Garden Plain Elementary School
700 Section Line Road
Garden Plain, 67050

Garden Plain Elementary is located 15 miles west of Wichita, KS, in the small community of Garden Plain. We are a K-8 school with an enrollment of 310.

MWE Performance Center MWE Performance Center
100 W. Main Street
Mount Hope, 67108

Mid-West Entertainment School of Professional Wrestling Trainer: Lance "The Mangler" Chaffin - Tra

Sterling College Theatre Sterling College Theatre
125 W. Cooper
Sterling, 67579

All things theatre at Sterling College, in Sterling, Kansas.