CSULB Geography Department Linktree: https://linktr.ee/CSULBGEOG
This is the official page of the Gamma Pi chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota at California State U
Located on the campus of California State University Long Beach, the BCCM Saxophone Studio is building on a nearly 50 year tradition of excellence.
We create and lead initiatives that serve the social and civic health of our state through teaching,
We advise CSULB College of Eduction graduate students and faculty from the point of first contact through graduation.
SCA is a student run organization dedicated to serving the Communication Studies Majors and Minors of CSULB.
Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK) is a campus group committed to studying the Word of God and building Christ-centered relationships as a family of God.
Beach Launch Team is a university student group at Cal State Long Beach dedicated to designing, buil
The Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies prepares students to promote a broader and deeper understanding of the role of leisure and recreation in the lives of all people and to enhance the quality of experiences available to each person.
Welcome to Photography, an excellent program within the Department of Visual & Media Arts at the Long Beach City College. We are here to welcome you, whether your interest is in Fine Art or Commercial Photography, we has something for everyone.
A University Center at California State University, Long Beach focused on research, outreach and education for the goods movement industry.
The 2016 Chinese Culture Festival will take place from October 24-28, 2016 and will focus on Chinese
The CSULB chapter of the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
We are pleased and excited that you have chosen to visit us on Facebook.
CSULB Puro Fuego Salsa Official Page ♡No experience needed! Just an aptitude for learning! ♡Message us if interested in joining the following semester! ♡Est. 2006 ♡Follow us on IG, Subscribe on YouTube or keep track right here
This is the official page for the History Students' Association at CSU Long Beach.
SWAT = Student Worker Advisory Team A group where Student Workers' voices can be heard!
First Friday Cult Classics hosts monthly screenings of cult movies at the Art Theater Long Beach! Join us February 5th for our inaugural screening!
This is the official page for the Program in American Studies at CSULB. Check in to find out course status updates, advising hours, and info about events and opportunities for American Studies students at The Beach!
Somos gente emprendedora que nos esforzamos en ser los mejores
Join the 2015-16 CSULB Innovation Challenge Win up to $50,000 in value, including $10,000 in seed funding, to make your creative idea happen!
The ATOD Program strives to create a campus climate that reduces harm to all CSULB students through
Chican@ and Latin@ Studies ONLINE hours for Maestra Suarez
This page is for California State University students who #FeeltheBern! We want to #Fightfor5 and #StandwithCSU
This page features the projects and lab work from the students of California State University, Long Beach in our Physiology of Sport and Exercise Lab.
The Lois J. Swanson Leadership Resource Center (LRC) focuses on developing one of the most important skills a CSULB student can have - Leadership. We know that the university setting provides a laboratory for learning inside and outside of the classroom.
The LIFE Project (Learning Independence for Empowerment), developed in 2009, is for students with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Asperger Syndrome, or other social-cognitive deficit at California State University Long Beach.