Elementary Schools in Dhaka - Page 2

Find Elementary Schools in Dhaka. Listings include Nandipara Govt primary school, Dhaka, Alesa Bibi Memorial High School, St.Patrick's Grammar School- Rahul Gomez., Five Star Pre-Cadet School, Morning Glory International School and Madrasatul Qasem Al Islamia : মাদ্রাসাতুল কাসেম আল ইসলামিয়া. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.

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Nandipara Govt primary school,  Dhaka A Nandipara Govt primary school, Dhaka
Dhaka, 1214

To encourage the every child their development of life and their dream

Alesa Bibi Memorial High School B Alesa Bibi Memorial High School
East Nurer-Chala, Vatara, Gulshan
Dhaka, 1212

Nurer chala Model school (2006) change His Name Alesa Bibi Memorila High School at 2011 .

St.Patrick's Grammar School- Rahul Gomez. C St.Patrick's Grammar School- Rahul Gomez.
140 Bara Moghbazer
Dhaka, 1217.

St. Patrick's Grammar School , Established in 1967. Still it is running . Alexander Rozario and Helen Rozario they are the founder principal and Headmistress of this renowned School.

Five Star Pre-Cadet School D Five Star Pre-Cadet School
Dhaka, ১২১১

ফাইভ স্টার প্রি-ক্যাডেট স্কুলে সবাইকে স্বাগতম

Morning Glory International School E Morning Glory International School
House 18, Road 1, Dokhingaon, Bashabo
Dhaka, 1214

Learning today, leading tomorrow

Madrasatul Qasem Al Islamia : মাদ্রাসাতুল কাসেম আল ইসলামিয়া F Madrasatul Qasem Al Islamia : মাদ্রাসাতুল কাসেম আল ইসলামিয়া
৩৫/এ/১, উত্তর গোলাপবাগ, যাত্রাবাড়ী
Dhaka, ১২০৩

ইলমে ওহীর আলোয় গড়ি আদর্শ প্রজন্ম, সেই আলোতে সাজাই সবার জীবন ও কর্ম।

Priyoful -প্রিয়ফুল G Priyoful -প্রিয়ফুল
Dhaka, 1216

সেচ্ছাসেবী দ্বারা পরিচালিত ফ্রি স্কুল

Star Light Pre-Cadet School H Star Light Pre-Cadet School
Dhaka, 1236

We have made the first multimedia class room in this Areas. We have started The first Pre-play class

Wavy Academy I Wavy Academy
House#GP. KA-74, Shahjadpur, Gulshan/2
Dhaka, 1212

Merging creativity with academia to foster holistic, personalized learning. Small classes, global skills, future-ready!

Cosmic Kindergarten  Pre-Cadet School J Cosmic Kindergarten Pre-Cadet School
55/7 Middle Paikpara, Mirpur-1

EMIS: 310011252. It's a kindergarten school which is situated at Paikpara Mirpur 1 (near Chapakhana mor).The establishment of this school is in 1987.

Alor Dishary Ideal School K Alor Dishary Ideal School
X9Q8+X7 Basan

একটি গবেষণামূলক শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠান। প?

PGS Surjashikha - পিজিএস সূর্যশিখা L PGS Surjashikha - পিজিএস সূর্যশিখা

PGS Surjashikha is powered by PGS BANGLADESH a FREE elementary school for under privileged children.

Talepur Kindergarten M Talepur Kindergarten
Dhaka, 1310

An educational institution

Nabinagor Child Care School N Nabinagor Child Care School
Dhaka, 1207

Nabinagor Child Care School

মাহাদুস সালাম একাডেমি Mahadus Salam Academy O মাহাদুস সালাম একাডেমি Mahadus Salam Academy
Pachdona (Oposite Playground) , Ati Bazar, Keraniganj
Dhaka, 1312

Combined education of Quran-ul-Kareem and general- Book of NCTB.

মানারাতুল কুরআন মাদরাসা Q মানারাতুল কুরআন মাদরাসা
Excel Garden, House No #6, Road No #4, Block/A, West Dhanmondi Residential Area, Mohammadpur, Hazaribagh
Dhaka, 1207

ইসলাম ও অনুমোদিত আধুনিক শিক্ষার একটি সমন্বিত অগ্রযাত্রা

Pre-eminent Model Academy R Pre-eminent Model Academy
Shamlashi Bharalia Para
Dhaka, 1310

An ideal institute for developing minds of children

Brisbell Bright School. S Brisbell Bright School.
M-15, Nurjahan Road, Mohammadpur
Dhaka, 1207

Learn in a fun way. It's A Place of Junior KIDS.

Savar United School T Savar United School
Arapara, Savar
Dhaka, 1340

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom..

St. Eugene's School U St. Eugene's School
58 & 60 Pragati Sarani, Block-J, Baridhara
Dhaka, 1212

“Educating and Empowering Students for Excellence”

Noorani Talimul Quran Academy V Noorani Talimul Quran Academy
Mukshudpur Bazar, Dohar
Dhaka, 1333

“দোহার থানার অন্যতম আদর্শ দ্বীনি শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান” 📌 মুকসুদপুর বাজার, দোহার, ঢাকা।

ECEC-Early Childhood Education Centre W ECEC-Early Childhood Education Centre

ECEC is an informal school that prepares your child for formal schooling.

Sufigan Adorsha kinder Garten school X Sufigan Adorsha kinder Garten school
Jajira, Sharitapur

কুন্ডেরচর মধ্যে সব্বোর্চ রেজাল্ট কারী স্কুল। আমরা কথায় নয় ,কাজে বিশ্বাসী।

Robi's classroom Y Robi's classroom

Education gives you wings to fly

Tulip Kindergarten School Z Tulip Kindergarten School
236/1, East Nakhalpara, Tejgaon I/A
Dhaka, 1215

Established in 2006 in East Nakhalpara, Dhaka, Tulip Kindergarten School is a beacon of modern and up-to-date education. Tulip Kindergarten School aims to equip its students with the essential skills and knowledge to excel in their future endeavors.

Active Kid Care 1 Active Kid Care
Purano Palton

Active Kid Care: Nurturing young minds with care and expertise led by our dedicated teacher, Bipasha Bari. Join us in fostering a love for learning and building a brighter future for our students!

Purbo Rasulpur Primary School 2 Purbo Rasulpur Primary School
Road No 04, Purbo Rasulpur, Kamrangirchar
Dhaka, 1211

An Ideal Educational Institution Estd: 2009

Madrasaye Noor-E-Madina 3 Madrasaye Noor-E-Madina
Road#19, House#24, Rupnagar, R/A, Mirpur
Dhaka, 1216

We Provide The Combination of Both Islamic and Modern Education in Our Institution

Kasemul Ulum 4 Kasemul Ulum
527/1, Samiti Bazar, East Nakhalpara, Tejgaon I/A
Dhaka, 1208

Shikhte Chai - শিখতে চাই 5 Shikhte Chai - শিখতে চাই
Dhaka, 1229

We are a non profit organization aiming to bring an enjoyable revolution to the way knowledge is consumed.

Pedagogy Elementary Academy - P E A 6 Pedagogy Elementary Academy - P E A
Capital Hill Manor, 30 & 23 Probal Housing, Ring Road, Adabor, Mohammadpur
Dhaka, 1207

Pedagogy Elementary Academy creates the prospect of harmonization within all areas possible for your child’s precise development. P E A has no branch.

Green Lawn School & College Dhaka 7 Green Lawn School & College Dhaka
Dhaka, 1230

Greenlawn School & College, Dhaka

প্রাইমারির চাকরির সাজেশন 8 প্রাইমারির চাকরির সাজেশন


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