Elementary Schools in Dhaka - Page 6

Find Elementary Schools in Dhaka. Listings include প্রাক-প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা, Bangladesh International Tutorial- BIT, Aprashi - আলোকিত প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা, Knowledgium, Uttara Model School & College and নীলাচল স্কুল এন্ড কলেজ. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.

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প্রাক-প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা A প্রাক-প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা
Dhaka, 1216

প্রাক-প্রাথমিক শিক্ষকদের দ্বারা পরিচালিত পেইজ।

Bangladesh International Tutorial- BIT B Bangladesh International Tutorial- BIT
Plot#13, Road#1/A, Sector#14, Uttara
Dhaka, 1230

Welcome to BIT's official page! Receive up-to-date information regarding school activities, awards, events, news releases etc.

Aprashi - আলোকিত প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা C Aprashi - আলোকিত প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা
Dhaka, 1204

Aprashi (আপ্রাশি) “আলোকিত প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা”

Knowledgium D Knowledgium
Dhaka, 1216

An academy for quality education run under direct supervision of a group of senior retired Army Officers and learned civil personalities.

Uttara Model School & College E Uttara Model School & College
Dhaka, 1230

We are different from others ........

নীলাচল স্কুল এন্ড কলেজ F নীলাচল স্কুল এন্ড কলেজ
House-10, Lane-01, Purbachal Road (Near Baytus Salam Jamey Mosque), North Badda, Badda )
Dhaka, 1212

Nilachal School & college A Different Touch In Modern Education

Smart Kids Interactive School G Smart Kids Interactive School
8/2 Madrasha Road, Joint Quarter, Mohammadpur
Dhaka, 1207

Smart Kids Interactive School is an English Medium Pre-School in Dhaka

অক্ষর শিশু শিক্ষালয় ঢাকা H অক্ষর শিশু শিক্ষালয় ঢাকা
Campus-1, Road 13, House-19, Rupnogor
Dhaka, 1216

এখানে নিয়মিত পড়ার পাশাপাশি কো কারিকুলাম অ্যাক্টিভিটিস ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা দেওয়া হয়

Tuition Media Dhaka Area I Tuition Media Dhaka Area

টিউশন দেওয়া ও নেওয়াই হলো এই পেইজের মূল উদ্দেশ্য!!

Tejgaon Government High School J Tejgaon Government High School
Dhaka, DHAKA-1215

Tejgaon Government High School (formerly Tejgaon Polytechnic High School) is a school in Tejgaon are

Ever Green International School K Ever Green International School
Middle Badda
Dhaka, 1212

Ever Green International School (EGIS) was established in 2000. Mr. M M Kabir is the Founder Princip

Stamford School L Stamford School
Stamfordcollege1995@yahoo. Com

Teacher Job Solutions M Teacher Job Solutions
Dhaka, 1230

চাকুরির বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন-উত্তর

Brighter International School N Brighter International School
279/6, Katabon Dhal
Dhaka, 1205

Brighter International School is an international Standard School based on Cambridge Curriculum

Ideal School And College, Mugdha, Dhaka O Ideal School And College, Mugdha, Dhaka
Dhaka, ZIPCODE1214

Ideal School And College, Mugdha, Dhaka - 1214. This is School Orgenial Page.

Guru Learning English School P Guru Learning English School
Dhaka, 1205

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. john keats.

Charupath Hateykhari School Q Charupath Hateykhari School
House-32, Road-12, Rupnagar R/A, Mirpur/2
Dhaka, 1216

Charupath is teaching students from Pre-Play to class 9 and progressively up to SSC

Newcastle International School R Newcastle International School
, Sritidhara
Dhaka, 1236

Newcastle International School

The Manchester School S The Manchester School
1/2, Larmini Street, Wari
Dhaka, 1203

We create Leaders for future with the weapon called Modern Education that we provide with care.

সহীহ আকিদার মানদন্ডে তাবলীগ জামাতDawat Tabligh under Authenticity T সহীহ আকিদার মানদন্ডে তাবলীগ জামাতDawat Tabligh under Authenticity

# বেদাতী # আপনি নিজেকে হানাফি দাবী করছেন, এরপর নক্সবন্দিয়া বা দেওবন্দী পরিচয় দিচ্ছেন, যুগপথ আপনি

NOOH International Tahfiz Madrasha U NOOH International Tahfiz Madrasha

একটি আন্তর্জাতিক শিক্ষা মিশন

Primrose Kindergarten & School V Primrose Kindergarten & School
12/1-A, Road-2 , Shyamoli
Dhaka, 1207

PRIMROSE KINDERGARTEN & SCHOOL; a renowned school of DHAKA city. here we constantly try to give our best to the students, to give them the best education, best teaching support and also we try to nourish their skills with love and care..

Academia Uttara Campus W Academia Uttara Campus
House – 71, Road – 12, Sector – 14, Uttara, Dhaka –
Dhaka, 1230

ACADEMIA was established in Dhaka in 2002. ACADEMIA is an English Medium School.

Centrepoint School সেন্টারপয়েন্ট স্কুল X Centrepoint School সেন্টারপয়েন্ট স্কুল
34 Nazim Uddin Road
Dhaka, 1100

সরকার অনুমোদিত । প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়। প্লে,নার্সারি,কেজি ও প্রথম শ্রেণি হতে ৮ম শ্রেণি পর্যন্ত।

Rafiqraju Cadet Academy  "Dhamrai Branch" Y Rafiqraju Cadet Academy "Dhamrai Branch"
Uttar Pata, Thana Road, Dhamrai
Dhaka, 1350

Learn Today Lead Tomorrow

Motijheel Government Primary School Z Motijheel Government Primary School

our primary school is one of the best primary school in Motijheel thana

চারুপাঠ হাতেখড়ি স্কুল 1 চারুপাঠ হাতেখড়ি স্কুল
Rupnagar, Mirpur
Dhaka, 1216

আপনার সন্তানকে আলোকিত মানুষ গড়াই আমা?

SchooL of GhasfuL 2 SchooL of GhasfuL
University Of Dhaka
Dhaka, 1000

School of Ghasful is the only organization of Dhaka University which is approved and budgeted as non formal school working for the street children and it is directed by the students of Dhaka university since 2012.

House 20(4th Floor), Road 11(Old 32), Dhanmondi R/A
Dhaka, 1209

Followed by child-friendly learning environment, Anandalok School is a concept of Community School

Iqra Int.l Hifzul Quran Madrasa 5 Iqra Int.l Hifzul Quran Madrasa
833 Nurpur Bridge, Nurpur, Zia Sharani, Polashpur, Kadamtoli
Dhaka, 1232

সন্তানের সু-শিক্ষা ও সফল ক্যারিয়ার গড়ে তুলতে নিশ্চিন্তে ভর্তি করুন ইকরা ইন্টা. হিফজুল কুরআন মাদরাসায়

Bonogram Gov't Primary School 6 Bonogram Gov't Primary School
Bonogram, South Keranigonj
Dhaka, 1311

It is at Keraniganj in the district of Dhaka. It situated on 1927. EMIS Code: 310130705

Skylark Model School 7 Skylark Model School
Matikata Road Mirpur
Dhaka, 1206

Skylark is the name of a Kindergarten School. This school begins in 2009.

Dhour Government Primary School 8 Dhour Government Primary School
Dhour, Turag
Dhaka, 1711

It's a govt.primary school. established from 1942. It has pre-primary to class 8(eight), 11 teachers & 700+ students.

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