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We are a magnet school in the Peninsula School District. Our instructional model focuses on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, & mathematics) project-based learning in multiage classrooms. Explore our website to learn more.
Harbor Montessori offers the area's premier education and is the only State-approved Montessori school serving infants - 8th grade in the South Sound!
For the latest and greatest information on what's going on at Discovery Elementary!
This page is to help relay important information and dates happening at Minter Creek Elementary school in Gig Harbor, Washington
Official site of Artondale Elementary School in Gig Harbor, WA.
Hosanna Christian School - Educating youth in a Christ-centered atmosphere
Minter Creek's mission is to provide a safe, positive, and supportive community focused on lifelong learning.
Official Site of Harbor Heights Elementary School in Gig Harbor, WA We are a passionate community d