Site internet éducatif à Bamenda

Trouvez les Site internet éducatif à Bamenda. Les listes comprennent Afrique Electrical, Baptist Evangelical School of Theology - Best Fundong., Skylon School, Tebi Honourine Azoh, KET Foundation et Histba University Bafoussam. Cliquez sur chacun dans la liste sous la carte pour plus d'informations.

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Afrique Electrical A Afrique Electrical

maintain and improve technical competence through Education. Design Electrical Systems, components,

Baptist Evangelical School of Theology - Best Fundong. B Baptist Evangelical School of Theology - Best Fundong.

Seminary of Cameroon National Baptist Convention(CNBC) located at Fujua-road at Fundong of the Boyo

Skylon School C Skylon School
Commercial Avenue
Bamenda is the biggest online education platform in Cameroon for Anglophone Secondary Schools

Tebi Honourine Azoh D Tebi Honourine Azoh

Social Entrepreneur/Project Manager Advocate/Lobbyist/Trainer/Facilitator/Coach

KET Foundation E KET Foundation
Chapel Obili
Bamenda, 8687

KET Academy is an e-learning platform meant to assist students through mentorship and orientation.

Histba University Bafoussam F Histba University Bafoussam

Enhancing professionalism by raising leaders and entrepreneurs for the betterment of our society

OBIN - Cameroon Bible Institute G OBIN - Cameroon Bible Institute
Bamenda, 00237

At Cameroon Bible Institute, we are dedicated to fostering a profound and transformative journey through the Scriptures, providing an enriching online biblical education experience.

Science Modernizers H Science Modernizers

Aiming for the Betterment of the educational system by Impartation. We are S.M.

NNW  Graphix I NNW Graphix
Bamenda, 237

Every Imagination is 1% Achievement

Oasis Online Academy J Oasis Online Academy
Hospital Round-about

OASIS ONLINE ACADEMY (O2A) is a group of educators who have joined together to create online videos

SUPER KIDS International K SUPER KIDS International
FONAP Street-Mile 3 Nkwen


FilmCoins L FilmCoins

Learn creative film making - every Mondays

Северо-Западная гражданская Академия NorthWest Civic Academy M Северо-Западная гражданская Академия NorthWest Civic Academy
Bamenda, <>

Объединенная просветительская инициатива для Северо-?

Wemakit-Enough FOOD For Everyone N Wemakit-Enough FOOD For Everyone
Bamenda, 237

it is a social community venture that supports and empower school dropouts and startups own by youths within the ages of 15-25.our model provides educational opportunities for youth to learn new farming techniques, entrepreneurial skills, work, make money

Pac's nature O Pac's nature
Gonum Street

This is to educate about the important of nature and how to protect it

Mih Academy of Computer Education & Domestic Science P Mih Academy of Computer Education & Domestic Science
Bamenda, NA

Information and Communication Technology Academy of excellent

The pain of a single mother and the unfortunate children Q The pain of a single mother and the unfortunate children

A single mum and an orphan

Akuo Literacy center R Akuo Literacy center
Akuo Literacy Center
Bamenda, 0000

A foundation for your educational dreams. learn to read and write faster.

Bamenda Industrial Training Institute S Bamenda Industrial Training Institute
Bamenda, 0000

Providing hands-on training with a strong component of entrepreneurship skills for self-employment.