Schools & colleges in Jhenida - Page 1

Find schools & colleges in Jhenida. Listings include Assunnah Trust, Aks Make Over & Cosmetology School, Dola Foundation, Biddut's Religious Zone, Alokito Islam and Narikel Baria-Jhenida. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.

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Assunnah Trust A Assunnah Trust
Assunnah Trust, Central Bus-Tarminal, Jhendiah
Jhenida, 7300

Sunnah Trust was founded to establish the sunnah of our prophet Muhammad (SM), to preach his sunnah

Aks Make Over & Cosmetology School B Aks Make Over & Cosmetology School
Siddikiya Road, Baparipara, Jhenaidah
Jhenida, 7300

we provide very necessary health and beauty tips and tricks. Everyone should learn this tips and tricks.

Dola Foundation C Dola Foundation
Jhenida, 7300

Dola Foundation is supporting underprivileged kids and orphans in the rural area of Bangladesh.

Biddut's Religious Zone D Biddut's Religious Zone
Barobazar To Taherpur
Jhenida, 7351

We are promoting sanatan religious all over the world by pages. keep support us. thank you.

Alokito Islam E Alokito Islam

Assalamulaikum! Welcome to 'Alokito Islam' page. I share thing about - Islamic video

Narikel Baria-Jhenida F Narikel Baria-Jhenida
Narikel Baria-Jhenida Highway
Jhenida, 7300

It's a historical village in Jhenaidah sadar, Jhenaidah.

ইহদিনাছ্ ছিরাত্বল্ মুছ্তাক্বীম "আমিন" G ইহদিনাছ্ ছিরাত্বল্ মুছ্তাক্বীম "আমিন"
Jhenidah, Kaligong
Jhenida, 7320

নিয়মিত ইসলামী গজল, ওয়াজ ও নিউজের সমস্ত আপডেট পেতে, আমাদের পেজে একটা লাইক দিয়ে সাথে থাকুন ৷

Korean Language Academy Jhenaidah - KLAJ H Korean Language Academy Jhenaidah - KLAJ
আ. ই. সি. টি. টাওয়ার (৩য় তলা), অগ্নিবীণা সড়ক (সিঙ্গার শোরুমের বিপরীতে), কে. সি. কলেজ রোড, ঝিনাইদহ
Jhenida, 7300

কোরিয়ান ভাষা শিখার নির্ভর যোগ্য প্রতিষ্ঠান Korean Language Academy Jhenaidah (KLAJ) অফলাইন এবং অনলাইনে ভর্তি চলছে। what's up 01959388073

Its'Rejaul I Its'Rejaul
কবিপুর শৈলকুপা
Jhenida, ৭৩২০

Hi Bro

Expat lifestyle J Expat lifestyle

I am a typical expat worker

Sreerampur Student Association SSA K Sreerampur Student Association SSA
Sreerampur, Kotchandpur, Jhenaidah
Jhenida, 7330

Sreerampur Student Association is Volunteer Organization.Work for the village and village people.

Thoughts of ABR L Thoughts of ABR
Jhenida, 7300

Assalamu Alaikum. How are you all? Hope you are well by the grace of God. Youtube:

Safwan Sanbi M Safwan Sanbi

আসসালামু আলাইকুম ওয়া রাহমাতুল্লাহ

Taltolar kitchen N Taltolar kitchen

আমাদের এই চ্যানেলে আমরা নিত্য নতুন গ্রাম্য পরিবেশের ভালো ভালো রান্না আপনাদের কাছে শেয়ার করে থাকি।

ইসলামিক সেরা বিবৃতি - I.B.S O ইসলামিক সেরা বিবৃতি - I.B.S

“ইসলামের শ্রেষ্ঠ বিবৃতিতে সাজানো ইসলাম প্রিয় মানুষের জন্য বিশেষ নিবেদন I.B.S”

Sagor's English care P Sagor's English care

This page is used for educational purpose. So that viewers can learn basic English from this page

Ghoragachha L. M. High School Alumni Association Q Ghoragachha L. M. High School Alumni Association
Jhenida, 7200

Organizing a reunion by bringing together all the old students of this school.The current aim is to provide scholarships to meritorious poor students and organize another program in 2025 on the occasion of its 60th anniversary

Drawing School R Drawing School

Assalamualikum, Welcome to Drawing School how to draw different types of pictures very Easy Drawing School 🏫 is a page that all kinds of the drawing page is the best page you are looking for Drawing School . Hope everyone inspired Drawing School .

𝐑𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐝 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫 S 𝐑𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐝 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫

𝐑𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐝 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫 ⚔️একটা ফলো ⚔️

Shuvo Techaloy T Shuvo Techaloy

এখানে সকল প্রকার টেক রিলেটেড ভিডিও পাবেন

বাইতুল উলুম কওমি বালক/বালিকা মাদরাসা U বাইতুল উলুম কওমি বালক/বালিকা মাদরাসা

আলামপুর, চন্ডিপুর, ঝিনাইদহ

Harun Or Rashid - HOR V Harun Or Rashid - HOR
Modern Para, Jhenaidah Sadr
Jhenida, 7300

Instructor (Tech) - Computer Technology Jhenaidah Polytechnic Institute, Jhenaidah

MM it academy W MM it academy
Jhenida, 7351

We are an organization that specializes in product marketing.Our aim is to provide different types of training on computer at the cost of name only. Besides, educational materials for students such as notebooks, pens, pencils etc.

Razu's Commerce Care X Razu's Commerce Care

ₐₛₛₐₗₐₘᵤₗᵢₖᵤₘᵢ ₛₐy ᵣₐⱼᵤ ₛᵢᵣ wₑₗcₒₘₑ ₘy ₚₐgₑ

Study Hack Y Study Hack
Jhenida, 7310

BCS, Bank and Other Job Preparation with Wasim

Seraji ISD Z Seraji ISD
Maheshpur Poshu Hospital Road
Jhenida, 7340

Institute of Skills Development|Marketing Agency|

Tutelage Academy 2 Tutelage Academy
Jhenida, 7350

Providing Special Care to Students

Govt.Medical Assistant Training School- MATS,Jhenaidah 4 Govt.Medical Assistant Training School- MATS,Jhenaidah
Govt. MATS Jhenaidah
Jhenida, 7300


Arsh Elevate 5 Arsh Elevate
Kanchannagar, Jhenaidah
Jhenida, 7300

Hi! “Arsh Elevate” has educational and fun videos for kids in kindergarten . We have videos for learning, nursery rhymes, and baby's first words. You'll likewise track down recordings for perusing, math, and science. Teachers and parents trust our page.

Teex & Drawing 6 Teex & Drawing
Jhenaidah, Khulna

Welcome to my page || it’s drawing page. Support my page.

সুমাইয়া আক্তার 7 সুমাইয়া আক্তার
City College Road, Arappur
Jhenida, 7300

I am Student

Jhenaidah Polytechnic Institute 8 Jhenaidah Polytechnic Institute
Basic Industrially Area, Dhaka Road, Jhenaidah
Jhenida, 7300

Jhenaidah Polytechnic Institute, Phone: 88-0451-61385, Fax: 88-0451-61385

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