Congratulation to Mrs Grant on the publication of her fifth novel, 'A Love in Ruins', available now on Amazon
A Love in Ruins
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J4 Science
As part of their 'Human Body' topic, the J4 students had a fantastic opportunity to dissect a lamb's heart. They did a wonderful job using scissors and scalpels (under adult supervision) to successfully reveal the 4 chambers of the heart. Students explained to Mr Dieke about different types of blood vessels (arteries and veins) and mentioned that blood can be oxygenated and deoxygenated.
We're lucky to have a Science Lab and Science specialists who help us strengthen our learning in such a fun and hands-on way!
J5-J7 Trip to Theatre
The upper junior classes visited The Festival Theatre yesterday to see Mary Poppins. The songs were incredibly performed and the pupils really enjoyed themselves. You could say it was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
YPI Final
As part of the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI), S5 students chose a local charity based on the social issue they support – these ranged from PTSD to drugs misuse and disabilities.
Our groups researched and met with their chosen charities, presenting their findings to an audience of S4-5 students and a judging panel. All teams did an amazing job of communicating their links with local charities and the impact that this had on them.
The winning team secured £3000 to be awarded to their charity, The Meeting Place. This charity supports the over-65s in their local community, providing a social space where people can come together. Well done to all those involved!
Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Shepherd & Miss Beaton (Sixth Form)
Free Company Visit
On Friday, S5/S6 Sustainability Diploma students paid a visit to the Free Company in Balerno to learn about their regenerative farming practices and to help to plant a hedgerow, re-establishing a nature corridor that had previously been removed. This helps students to fulfil the Sustainability in Action part of the course. Pupils commented on how rewarding and enjoyable they found the experience. Hopefully it will still be there benefitting wildlife in years to come.
Compass Swimming Gala
Congratulations to our junior pupils who competed in the U10 and U12 Compass Swimming Gala on Wednesday.
The U10 team faced tough competition but swam well and placed in third.
The U12 team put in a strong performance and pulled back points in the second half of the gala. They won the key races in the latter stages to secure a tied first place with Fettes.
Well done to all who competed!
February Wicked Wild Week
Come along to Miss Robertson and Mrs Goldie's Wicked Wild Week this February holiday. Bookings can be made at https://cliftonhallschool.littleboxoffice.com/
Bookings close on Monday 10th February.
J2 Trip to The Museum of Rural Life
J2 visited the Museum of Rural Life today. They learned how to make butter, which they then spread on a cracker and enjoyed! Afterwards, they visited the farm and saw all the animals!
The Wellbeing Hub
Clifton Hall is delighted to continue its partnership with The Wellbeing Hub, which supports the mental health and wellbeing of senior students through an innovative online platform.
Regular posts such as this one can be found on Clifton Hall School's Instagram and pages each week. If you would like to register to access these resources, please follow the link below or scan the QR code.
Apple Juice Bottles
Please remember to hand your washed apple juice bottles into Miss Robertson at J2 by Friday.
Family Ceilidh
The Parents Forum organised a fantastic ceilidh on Friday evening. There was tartan galore and so much laughing and dancing!
We were also treated to entertainment in the form of bagpipes, highland dancing and violin performances while the band took their break.
GGC Big Bird Watch
Last week, the Global Goals Committee created some bird feeders to encourage different species of birds to land in our grounds and stay nourished through the cold months.
Today, the GGC and some other enthusiastic members of the school community took part in the RSPB's Big Bird Watch. They counted numerous types of birds in our beautiful grounds as a means to assess the population of birds in Scotland which, on the whole, has been decreasing over the years.
S3-S6 Music Outing
S3, S4, S5 and S6 students who are SQA Music exam candidates had the privilege of attending a rehearsal of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra at Queens Hall, Edinburgh. The students were impressed listening to the music of Widman and were mesmerised by the incredibly challenging trumpet solo. We were all grateful for this opportunity offered by the SCO.
RSPB Bird Watch
In preparation for the RSPB Big Bird Watch on Friday, the GGC has been making bird feeders.
The Wellbeing Hub
Clifton Hall is delighted to continue its partnership with The Wellbeing Hub, which supports the mental health and wellbeing of senior students through an innovative online platform.
Regular posts such as this one can be found on Clifton Hall School's Instagram and pages each week. If you would like to register to access these resources, please follow the link below or scan the QR code.
RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 24th to 26th Jan 2025
Worldwide, birds are in decline. According to a study by the RSPB and BirdLife International, there has been a decline of 600 million breeding birds across Europe over the last 40 years.
To better understand how birds are faring, the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch is back and there is still time for families to sign up if you would like to take part at home. Just go to rspb.org.uk
As a school we have signed up to the Big School Birdwatch, so there will be opportunity for pupils to take part on Friday 24th Jan. Junior School pupils can come to the Eco Garden at 10.30am, while Senior School Pupils can join a count over lunch, meeting outside the English Dept at 1.25pm.
This week during Citizenship our S2s started making pinecone bird feeders to help encourage birds to come and be counted!