Delighted to have Dr Kevin DeYoung as guest speaker at a special breakfast event, hosted by Edinburgh Theological Seminary at the PCA GA in Richmond, VA, last week.
Providing timeless Biblical training for Christian service and mission. Visit us online at ets.ac.uk
Delighted to have Dr Kevin DeYoung as guest speaker at a special breakfast event, hosted by Edinburgh Theological Seminary at the PCA GA in Richmond, VA, last week.
Zachary Purvis, with Rev Mihai Corcea, preaching and speaking recently at Biserica Evanghelică Reformată (Evangelical Reformed Church) of Bucharest, a confessional Reformed church plant in the capital city of Romania.
Mihai Corcea
Biserica Evanghelică Reformată București
Booking for the ETS Annual Conference is now open!
Find out more and register - https://ets.ac.uk/annual-conference/
The ETS exhibitor booth at the PCA General Assembly in Richmond, VA.
Alumni Update! Ed Mezzetti completed his BTh degree in 2022 and now serves as an assistant minister at Christ Church South Cambs.
"My studies at ETS gave me an excellent grounding for the role I now do. I really appreciated the chance to think deeply about the truths of God’s word and how we can best communicate them."
The Personal Study Plan at ETS is an ideal opportunity to tailor a personalised course of study to meet your needs! Choose from among our full range of courses. Study full-time or part-time, choose one course or more.
Learn a biblical language. Train for pastoral counselling. Study the creeds. Engage the wisdom of the past. Listen in on theological conversation.
Learn more - ets.ac.uk/personal-study-plan
Here are some moments captured from the ETS Awards Ceremony on Friday 10th May.
Our heartfelt congratulations go out to all our students for all their hard work over the past year and in particular we acknowledge our final-year graduates who are about to embark on their next chapter. As a seminary, we are deeply grateful to God for all His provisions over the past year.
Enjoy Psalm 24 to the tune St George’s Edinburgh, fittingly precented by George Coghill at the Edinburgh Theological Seminary Awards Ceremony last week.
More photos from the Awards Ceremony to follow soon!
This is a fascinating article by Dr Zachary Purvis, from Edinburgh Theological Seminary, on a little known episode in Scottish church history.
Floating Church, Free Church: Naval Policies in the Long Reformation | Modern Reformation I’m telling you: Everything on Ardnamurchan Peninsula is dramatic and remote. The most westerly point of mainland Britain, perched on Scotland’s coast, has seemingly eluded time. Vast moorlands, deserted beaches, fjord-like lochs compete only with otters, whales, and white-tailed sea eagles for ...
The ETS Awards and Thanksgiving Ceremony will take place on Friday 10 May at 7.30pm in St Columba’s Free Church of Scotland, Edinburgh. All welcome!
This joyous occasion is an opportunity for seminary friends to join with staff, students, and families to celebrate our students’ hard work, encourage the work of the Seminary and unite in thanksgiving.
As well as awards and prizes to current students and speeches by present and outgoing students, Principal Iver Martin will address those who are leaving to serve Christ in pastoral ministry and other forms of Christian service.
'Church as Witness, Church as Neighbour'
Watch Cory Brock’s full lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqhQVEpbz9M
ETS Annual Conference 2023: The Church Among the Ruins
Israel Guerrero reflects on the challenges and joys of rigorous, in-depth theological study at ETS.
ETS: Preparing for Faithful Ministry | Israel Guerrero (Part 2) Israel Guerrero shares how his time studying theology at Edinburgh Theological Seminary helped to prepare him for pastoral ministry amongst the Spanish-speak...
It was an immense joy to attend the induction service yesterday of Ashley Gardner, a graduate of ETS, as associate pastor at City Gates Church, Norwich.
Rev Paul Gibson, minister at Knox Church Perth, completed his Masters degree in 2022.
The MTh Research degree at ETS provides an ideal opportunity for church ministers and prospective students to delve into their academic interests at a postgraduate level, enriching and developing skills in reading, analytical thought, and writing.
Find out more here - https://ets.ac.uk/master-of-theology-research/
ETS is characterised by a close-knit student community who support and learn from each other as they prepare for a variety of roles in Christian service.
If you would like to join us this September, we are still accepting applications for our undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Find out more at ets.ac.uk
'Jesus Christ, Builder of the Church'
Watch Sinclair Ferguson's full lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH7322QcMf0
ETS Annual Conference 2023: The Church Among the Ruins
Dress like the Principal Day, or Dress like a Student Day?
Final-year student Steven Randall and Principal Martin, uncoordinated - so they say! (We take the gospel seriously at ETS, not ourselves.) 😊
The next ETS Postgraduate Seminar will take place on Tuesday 9th April 2024, between 2.15pm and 3.45pm (BST—those connecting internationally should note the recent change in UK time zone). This will be available both in person in the ETS Centre for Mission room (on the 7th floor of the ETS building) and online via Microsoft Teams. The speaker (who will join us by video call) will be Professor Karen Jobes. Professor Jobes is Professor of New Testament Greek and Greek Exegesis Emerita at Wheaton College. She is the author of numerous publications, including commentaries on 1 Peter (BECNT) and 1, 2 and 3 John (ZECNT).
Professor Jobes will speak on 'Old Testament Quotations in Hebrews as Divine Speech'. All are welcome to join this seminar. If you require connection details, please send an email to offices[at]ets.ac.uk.
Alumni Update!
Innes MacSween graduated from ETS in 2017 and now serves as the minister of Tornagrain Community Church near Inverness.
Tornagrain Community Church
The next ETS Postgraduate Seminar will take place on Tuesday 26th March 2024, between 2.15pm and 3.45pm (GMT). This will be available both in person in the ETS Centre for Mission room (on the 7th floor of the ETS building) and online via Microsoft Teams. The speaker (who will join us in person in Edinburgh) will be Dr Anna Daub. Dr. Daub is the Director of Special Projects and Partnerships for Global Theological Initiatives at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. She holds a PhD in Applied Theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina and an MDIV in Missiology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. She has also served overseas in South Asia and worked with international students in the United States.
Dr Daub will speak on 'Multiperspectivalism and Global Theology: A Symphony of Contextual Theologies Seeking Harmony'.
All are welcome to join this seminar. If you require connection details, please send an email to offices[at]ets.ac.uk.
Current student Chris de Waal speaks about the unique learning experience at ETS, where academic rigour meets personalised mentoring.
"I don't know that this type of environment, this level of rigour, with this kind of lineage, exists anywhere else."
ETS: A Unique Learning Environment | Chris de Waal's Story (Part 2) Discover why Chris de Waal chose to study at Edinburgh Theological Seminary, a seminary older than his home country of Canada.Watch Part 1 - https://www.yout...
ETS offers a range of postgraduate MTh degree programmes, all of which can be taken from anywhere in the world via distance learning technology.
• The MTh (Taught) in Scottish Church History and Theology is a supervised programme in which the student can explore a range of distinctly historical and theological topics from the Scottish Reformation to the 20th century.
• The MTh (Taught) in Missiology explores Mission from a theological, historical and practical perspective.
• The MTh Research is an opportunity to pursue academic research interests at postgraduate level in any relevant given area: Systematic Theology, Church History, Practical Theology or Biblical Studies (Old or New Testament).
For more information on our postgraduate programmes visit https://ets.ac.uk
William Frizelle, one of our 2019 graduates, manages the Mound Christian Bookshop here in Edinburgh. He also serves as a regular lay preacher at several Reformed Baptist Churches across Scotland.
The next ETS Postgraduate Seminar will take place on Tuesday 12th March 2024, between 2.15pm and 3.45pm (GMT). This will be available both in person in the ETS Centre for Mission room (on the 7th floor of the ETS building) and online via Microsoft Teams. The speaker (who will join us in person) will be Ragaai M. Atia. Ragaai is an Egyptian Ph.D. student at the University of Edinburgh. He serves as a faculty member at The Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo, Egypt. Ragaai holds an undergraduate degree in Education (B.A) from the University of Assiut, Egypt, and postgraduate degrees in theology (M.Div. and M.Th.) from The Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC). His doctoral thesis focuses on Calvinism and Religion to explore different accounts of faith from a Reformed standpoint.
Ragaai will speak on “Religion Reconsidered: A Middle Eastern, Egyptian Reading of Kuyper's Reformed Concept of Religion”.
All are welcome to join this seminar. If you require connection details, please send an email to offices[at]ets.ac.uk.
Watch Zachary Purvis’ full lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCGMPVUbvvQ
Lecture: 'Church as Pilgrims, Church at Worship'
ETS Annual Conference 2023: The Church Among the Ruins
Israel Guerrero shares how his theological studies at ETS helped to prepare him for pastoral ministry amongst the Spanish-speaking community in Edinburgh.
ETS: Preparation for Pastoral Ministry | Israel Guerrero (Part 1) Israel Guerrero shares how his theological studies at Edinburgh Theological Seminary helped to prepare him for pastoral ministry amongst the Spanish-speaking...
ETS Alumni Update!
Ashley Gardner graduated in 2022 with a Bachelor of Theology degree. Having just completed two years as the Assistant Pastor at Charlotte Chapel he has now been called as the Associate Pastor at City Gates Church in Norwich.
Ashley Gardner
Charlotte Chapel
CityGates Church
Watch Ben Castaneda's full lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Acsr3TNkGbk
Lecture: 'Church Militant, Church Triumphant'
ETS Annual Conference 2023: The Church Among the Ruins
In this video, Caroline Dickson shares her experience of ETS, highlighting the vibrant sense of community she has enjoyed while studying here. Initially enrolled in our Individual Study Programme, Caroline chose to extend her studies to complete the full BTh degree.
ETS: A Supportive Learning Community | Caroline Dickson In this video, BTh student Caroline Dickson shares her experience of ETS, highlighting the vibrant sense of community she has enjoyed whilst studying here. I...
ETS is welcoming applications for the September intake of our Bachelor of Theology (BTh) programme. The course, validated by the University of Glasgow, is tailored to equip students for pastoral ministry and various Christian services.
If you have any queries, don't hesitate to reach out to us - contact details can be found at ets.ac.uk.
The official account for alumni of Heriot-Watt University, managed by Heriot-Watt's Alumni Office.
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