Thank you to all who attended our Reunion last week, we have some photos available on our website.
The 2024 Summer Reunion 2024 Summer Reunion
Keeping the Mary Erskine bond alive and kicking! The Guild today has over 3000 members world wide.
The parents of today’s pupils pay the subscription to the FP Guild as part of the school fee but many older former pupils are not members unless they or their parents elected to pay a life membership when they left school. In recent years, the Summer Reunions have encouraged many of this group to join and on average, it gains 20 new members every year. The Guild strives to provide something of rel
Operating as usual
Thank you to all who attended our Reunion last week, we have some photos available on our website.
The 2024 Summer Reunion 2024 Summer Reunion
Delighted that the rain managed to stay away for another year as we celebrated the life of Mary Erskine.
Visit our website for more details on the event today.
2024 Remembrance Day On Friday 30th May 2024, we met at Greyfriars Kirkyard to celebrate the life of Mary Erskine. She died on 2 June 1707 and was buried two days later in Greyfriars Kirkyard at the end of the section known as the Covenanters' Prison. This section is behind a locked gate and we are allowed entry annuall...
The 2024 School Reunion is on Saturday 1st June 2024 – 10am to 2pm for the classes of 1934, 1944, 1954, 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 and 2014.
* All years are welcome to attend, especially if you are Edinburgh based and fancy a catchup with FPs over lunch*
The day begins at 10.30am with tea or coffee, followed by tours if you wish and an opportunity to chat. We also have a display of school archives in the Erskine Room.
Enjoy a glass of fizz ahead of a short performance from the school choir and sing-a-long the School Song - who still remembers the words?
Tickets are £30 per member plus booking fee (£0.40 per ticket.)
Please book online, click on the webpage to make your booking:
Buy tickets – 2024 MES FP Guild Annual Reunion – The Mary Erskine School We are delighted to welcome you back to Ravelston for our Reunion. This year we have a focus on the classes of 2014, 2004, 199...
To book tickets for our Guided Walk. Ticket purchasing closes today at 12noon.
Who recognises these? Were they installed when you were at School?
We are delighted to welcome you back to Ravelston for our Reunion.
This year we have a focus on the classes of 2014, 2004, 1994, 1984, 1974, 1964, 1954 and 1944.
We are also welcoming anyone who wishes to join us and meet with friends to enjoy some reminiscing at the School.
Even if this is not your year of leaving - you are more than welcome to come along!
10:30am - Arrival and welcome coffee and tea. Followed by an opportunity to participate in a tour of the School, try out our Photo Booth, view the archives and catch up with your school friends.
11:45am - Return to the main hall for a rendition of the School Song (all versions) with a pre-lunch drink.
12:00noon - Buffet Lunch in the dining room served with a glass of wine*
*Non-alcoholic varieties will be available.
For more information, click below: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/themaryerskineformerpupilsguild/934750
Don't forget to book your tickets for our Guided Tour at the Botanics:
We are delighted to announce a new event for the Guild - A Guided Walk around the Botanic Gardens. Click the link below for more details and to book your ticket.
Buy tickets – 2024 Spring Guided Walk - The Royal Botanic Gardens – The Royal Botanic Gardens Spring Guided Walk – Friday 10th May 2024 - 2pm We are planning to invite FPs to a guided walk around The Royal Botanic Garde...
Just a reminder link to the booking for for the Summer Reunion!
Buy tickets – 2024 MES FP Guild Annual Reunion – The Mary Erskine School We are delighted to welcome you back to Ravelston for our Reunion. This year we have a focus on the classes of 2014, 2004, 199...
Don't forget tickets are now available for the 2024 Summer Reunion on Saturday 1st June!
Buy tickets – 2024 MES FP Guild Annual Reunion – The Mary Erskine School We are delighted to welcome you back to Ravelston for our Reunion. This year we have a focus on the classes of 2014, 2004, 199...
It's great to hear more good news about our FPs
Lovely change of venue this year
Looking forward to seeing you this morning for coffee and cake
(Or tea, decaff coffee, gluten free, dairy free wheat free treats are available!)
Just a reminder for our coffee morning on Saturday 27th January 2024 at 10am
Parking will be available at Stewart’s Melville. This may be busy with drop offs for sports but there is extra parking by the rear playground and Rutherford building playground.
37 – comes from Penicuik, via Nicholson street, Princes St etc, please note this bus turns right down Orchard Brae
36 – via Stockbridge, comes up Learmonth Terrace
43 & 47 come over the Dean Bridge
19 – please note this bus turns right down Orchard Brae
Aberdeen Based FP's - the Development Office are planning drinks on the 25th of this month. For more details, please email Suzi!
Check out our latest post on the website, reminding you of our change of venue for the Coffee Morning.
Winter Coffee Morning 2024 - Change of Venue MES FP Guild Coffee Morning 2024 – Notice of Venue Change to The Dean The Annual Winter Coffee Morning is scheduled for Saturday, 27 January 2024, at The Dean, from 10:00 am to 12 noon. This is a non-ticketed event. Entrance fee is £5 (includes a raffle ticket), payable at the door. All FP’s an...
Happy New Year!
May your 2024 be filled with love and laughter!
Merry Christmas to all our lovely FPs. Hope you have had a great day! (Throwback to the tree at our Christmas Lunch)
Time to shop for some MES gifts...
We have been hard at work updating our website for a fresher, sleeker look. Pop by for a look -
Home The Guild today has over 3,000 members worldwide who are all connected by a shared education at The Mary Erskine School in Edinburgh.
Aren't our FPs just brilliant!
We are always delighted to hear from former pupils, sharing what they have done after leaving school. We were especially excited to hear about MES leaver, Mairghread Ellis and her involvement in making the Sword of Scotland for King Charles. Find details of the full story in the comments. MES FP Guild
Another wonderful Winter Lunch held on Saturday. Lovely opportunity to catch up with former classmates
Following on from our AGM yesterday, the Guild is delighted to announce tickets for our 2024 Summer Reunion are now for sale:
Buy tickets – 2024 MES FP Guild Annual Reunion – The Mary Erskine School We are delighted to welcome you back to Ravelston for our Reunion. This year we have a focus on the classes of 2014, 2004, 199...
Do you remember these? Did anyone have one or still have them?
Reminder: AGM on Thursday 7pm at The Dean. Please visit our website for details and to reserve your place. Online attendance is possible should you wish!
Delighted and thankful to have been invited by the School to lay a wreath on behalf of the FP Guild alongside the FP Club today.
As part of our ongoing work to engage with our wide ESMS Community, we would be delighted to welcome you along to one of the following gatherings in London in October.
Our ESMS Autumn Drinks which will take place at the Alchemist, 63-65 St Martin’s Lane, London, WC2N 4JS from 6pm on Thursday 5 October.
A reminder from the Development Office that the ESMS Autumn Lunch which will take place on Friday 6 October from 12-3pm, at Browns, 82-84 St Martin’s Lane, London, WC2N 4AG.
These are informal opportunities to meet and make connections with other former pupils and staff who are based in and around London, while enjoying some refreshments together. If you would like to attend on either date, please let Suzi know on either [email protected] or 0131 311 1131
ESMS Community
The Guild is still looking for a new President to take over in November this year, if you enjoy working with people and are looking for something unique and entertaining to do, please get in touch.
The Committee organise the events throughout the year and work with the Development Office to ensure the voice of Former Pupils is heard.
Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, who have similar values and with MES as a common bond. It can also broaden your support network, exposing you to people with common interests, and fun and fulfilling activities.
If you enjoy our events, our content and you can think of ways to improve things, please get in touch.
Did anyone see this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-66580082
There is talk to 12 eco-huts being built - Reunion anyone?
'I booked a last-minute flight and bought a castle' How a London barrister became the lady of a Highland home dubbed the Castle of Spite.
One of our 1997 FP's, Tamsyn McLean is embarking on quite a challenge which she wanted to share as she raises money for the My Name5 Doddie Foundation on 30th September and would be delighted for any support.
Kenny and friends are set to take part in this unique and grueling challenge from Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh to the Stade de France, Paris. Supported by the Rugby World Cup, Kenny and supporters will be delivering the match ball to the Scotland V Ireland Rugby World Cup match, as well as raising important funds for the My Name5 Doddie Foundation in their fight against Motor Neuron Disease.
Tamsyn says "As you may know, I work in London and Paris so cycling between the offices seemed like a good idea at the time! Doddie Weir was at our sister school and I always admired him as a player and then for his courage when fighting his illness. His sister Kirsty was my PE teacher! Please donate if you get a chance, it’s never been more urgent to continue the research into MND!"
Kenny Logan's Rugby World Cup Challenge Help Tamsyn McLean raise money to support My Name'5 Doddie Foundation
The official account for alumni of Heriot-Watt University, managed by Heriot-Watt's Alumni Office.
Make Your Own Wedding Ring Workshops & Jewellery making Hen Parties. Workshops in silvermsithing, en
A page for former, current and prospective students on the MPH
EKS operates classes from nursery to secondary school and foreign classes. 에든버러 한글학교
Supporting parents and carers of Dean Park Primary School, Balerno, Scotland.
MSc Mental Health in Children and Young People: Psychological Approaches (Online Learning), Clinical and Health Psychology
Welcome to past pupils and parents and all those in our Cargilfield community! Discover some of what’s happening in school today and news from our former pupils.
Cosy Cottage Nursery School is a small and homely day nursery where children aged 6 months - school
Using philosophical dialogue in schools & workplaces, to support the development of independent learners, who think, relate and create with greater depth.