We would like to remind all of our families that the Gracemount High School Celebration Evening will take place on Tuesday 25th June. The doors will open to the event at 6.15pm and the ceremony will start at 7pm. To attend the event you will require a ticket and tickets have been sent out to families last week.
Gracemount High School
Welcome to Gracemount High School’s page. This page is designed to give you information about GHS and aspects of our work across the school.
Operating as usual

Info for Students who have just left (class of 2024).
LEAPS Summer Support
The LEAPS Team is here all summer to support LEAPS-eligible students! Offers, results, back-up plans, alternative options, S6 subject choices (if moving from S5 into S6), or if you are just unsure and want to chat – we are here and ready to help. Email us at [email protected] or call us on 07774336265.
LEAPS Results Day Helpline – Tuesday 6th August 2024
We’ll be running a LEAPS Results Day Helpline for LEAPS-eligible students on Tuesday 6th August 2024, to help with advice around clearing, college options or S6 course choices (if moving up from S5).
On Results Day we will have an online form on the LEAPS website on Results Day which students can complete to request a call-back from a LEAPS advisor.

This term some of our S3 pupils have taken part in programme called “Impact Challenge” . The programme has involved The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier, Queen Margret University and Heriot-Watt University coming in to deliver sessions. Today we attended the showcase at the Craiglockhart Napier Campus. All the pupils have done amazing and we are very proud of them 😊.
To our parents and carers.
A letter will be sent to you tomorrow (Friday) to gather your views on our dress code policy and procedures. The survey will be open for 1 week. Please have your say and complete the survey if you can.
Thank you
Morag from parent and carer support will be available at the S1 Parents evening, today 4:30- 6:30pm. Morgan can chat to you about services on offer to help you and your family.

Building our meta-skills Leading, Collaborating, Communicating and problem solving as a team with the Army. Thanks to for organising and for leading the session.

S1s loved having Heart of Midlothian Innovation Centre in helping us build Lego robots using micro:bits! Thanks to and Mr Whyte for organising!

A massive well done to all our JET pupils who completed a group interview as part of the level 4/5/6 Employability award. All pupils received excellent feedback and were a credit to the school.
A huge thank you to Edinburgh Lesuire who facilitated the interviews.
Community Eid Celebration 2024 was a huge success. We worked alongside our families, pupils and staff at Gracemount Primary and Frogston Primary to bring our community together to promote peace, and unity. A special thank you to Central Mosque for sharing reflections, Unity for providing enough food for 200 people, Heather Kamal and family for providing carnival games, ice-cream and sweet treats, Muslim Women's association Edinburgh for speaking to our families about their work. A big thank you to Alannah Renwick, Amber Farwell, Logan Palmer, Billie Hamilton and all of the Henna girls who put in a long shift to support our event. Thanks, Miss Grisdale and Miss Kowalczyk.

Class of 2024. Our last ever school trip. Fox Lake 2024. What a way to finish. Great fun….. we will miss you all ❤️

The end of another chapter as we say farewell to the class of 2024. We wish every single one of you the very best of luck. It’s been our privilege ❤️
A massive well done to all our dancers who performed tonight. So much talent!
A huge thank you everyone who came to support!

A reminder that our community Eid celebration takes place at the High School this year. Any families that would like to request support with gifts, please use this link. A reminder that you must include your name and details. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j28y1sfbo1l82i4a4oj9p/Eid-Letter-2024.doc?rlkey=fxnirycg3548fdhn409je1rtg&dl=0
As part of the celebration, we will have a collection for the local food bank and so if you would like to donate items such as tins, rice and pasta, please bring these along. We will have various collections for charities such as, ‘Doctors without borders’. Families are encouraged to bring a dish, Unity will be providing food, we will have an art exhibition with a theme of peace, a selfie area and plenty of games and entertainment for children. This is a family event and so children should be accompanied by an adult.

Easter Revision Booking Form:
Easter Study Timetable - April 2024 - Gracemount High School Please click the link to access the timetable for the Easter Study classes taking place in April 2024. Week 1 Easter Study Week 1 Week 2 Easter Study Week 2

We worked alongside Gracemount Primary and Frogston Primary to raise money for our school community. A huge thank you to all of parents, carers, staff and pupils that made the Parent Night Out happen. Well done to the Gracemount Dance Academy who put on some great performances. Thank you to the following local businesses that supported our event, The Waverley Pub, Ram from Gilmerton Grocers, Fryers delight, Premium Rolls Company, Stuart’s Bakers and Pizza Hut.
What a week for Gracemount.
We had pupils perform at the Usher Hall on Monday evening at the Instrumental spring concert. 👏
We had practical performances for Drama and Dance at Higher and National 5 👏
Our gymnasts smashed it at at the Edinburgh heats coming first and second in level 1 and 2 and will go on to represent the school at the Scottish championships (great individual performances too - more to follow). 👏👏👏
Our seniors continue to attend our Saturday school programme across Maths and Science. Were the only school is Scotland with this programme in place 👏👏
Our Queen Margret University tutoring programme started with 14 students getting one to one support for Highers 👏👏 the only school in Edinburgh to offer this..
Our Modern Studies class visited the parliament and attended first minister questions. 👏👏
We continued to support all our pupils through Ramadan. Mr Hunter was fasting and attended iftar on Wednesday at the central mosque. 👏
We had 177 responses to our parent/carer survey. Thank you. We will share this with you and use the feedback to improve what we do 👍
Oh yeah…. and we all came together as a learning community with parents/carers on Friday night to raise funds for all our schools; supported by our amazing Dance academy….
Thank you to everyone that came along 👏👏
There was a lot more but you get the idea…
We are Gracemount…..and we are committed to care and excellence 🤩

Last chance to buy tickets to our parents night out which is happening this Friday at Gilmerton Miners. Tickets are on sale at the school office for £5. All money raised goes back to the school. It is a fun night which includes performances by Gracemount dance academy.
Another very busy week at Gracemount and among the many successes has been our work to become part of the Queen Margret University tutoring programme. Following on from our Saturday School offer another 14 Higher students are benefiting from one to one or group tutoring starting next week. Normally £50 per session our students are getting free access thanks to a very generous donation. Committed to Care and Excellence in action 😊

Some of our S3’s visited The University of Edinburgh yesterday. They had been invited to the Kings Building campus as part of the LEAPS programme. All pupils enjoyed seeing how university students learn, study and socialise.

A big thank you to all of the parents, families and staff that attended this year’s Eid planning meeting at Gracemount High School. Our parents have some fantastic ideas for our community event. We are looking forward to working alongside Gracemount primary and Frogston primary once again.

This year’s community Eid celebration will be held at Gracemount High School. For more information please see the Eid Letter. Anyone applying for support, please remember to leave your name and details.

It was the Career Ready graduation this morning. Three of our students graduated this year with a whole load of success stories: Shauyb Leyeri, Alex Aitken and Emily Finlayson.
Did you know each year Gracemount High school surveys pupils and parents about their views of the school to help identify what we are good at and how we can improve. We’ve had 63 responses to our parent / carer survey so far. There is still time. If you can, please complete.
Pupils will be asked to complete two surveys, one school based and one from the local authority. Please look out for details that will be sent to you tomorrow. Thank you ☺️
Did you know Gracemount regularly reviews its curriculum and looks at labour market intelligence to support what courses we offer students. There’s been a concerted effort to offer different pathways and next session we introduce our Health Sector N5 Skills for Work course. No final exam!!
The Health Sector is one of the largest employers in the country and provides employment opportunities through a varied range of disciplines. This course will cover roles in primary and secondary care, as well as other areas such as complementary therapies, the retail pharmaceutical industry and the community and voluntary sectors.
Pupils will learn about the services provided by the Health Sector in their local area, the life sciences industry and their role in the diagnosis and treatment of illness, the importance of promoting a healthy lifestyle and the structure and function of the cardiovascular system.
Pupils will also look at the health and safety risks to workers in the Health Sector and learn about the range and diversity of careers in non-clinical roles in the Health Sector. Activities will include trips to local healthcare providers, visits from professional speakers, role play to practice skills and a mock interview.
This Skills for Work course has a strong focus throughout on enhancing skills and attitudes for employability.
Want to know more! Contact Mrs McGurk, Head of Science.

Our S4 Pathways class have been investigating football culture. Today they went on a tour and learned about the history of Easter Road. Massive thank you to and our fantastic tour guide Cliff.

Do you know Gracemount High School is the only school in Scotland to have a bespoke partnership with Saturday School to offer after school study support sessions to N5 and Higher students. Tonight was the beginning of our second year starting with these amazing and dedicated N5 Chemists. Physics, Maths and Biology sessions to follow this week. Committed to Care and Excellence in action 👌
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Tuesday | 8am - 4:30pm |
Wednesday | 8am - 4pm |
Thursday | 8am - 4pm |
Friday | 8am - 12:30pm |
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Centre For Population Health Sciences, University Of Edinburgh
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EKS operates classes from nursery to secondary school and foreign classes. 에든버러 한글학교
Supporting parents and carers of Dean Park Primary School, Balerno, Scotland.
School Of Health In Social Science, Doorway 6, Old Medical School
Edinburgh, EH89AG
MSc Mental Health in Children and Young People: Psychological Approaches (Online Learning), Clinical and Health Psychology
45 Gamekeeper's Road
Edinburgh, EH46HU
Welcome to past pupils and parents and all those in our Cargilfield community! Discover some of what’s happening in school today and news from our former pupils.
59 Northfield Broadway
Edinburgh, EH87RX
Cosy Cottage Nursery School is a small and homely day nursery where children aged 6 months - school
Using philosophical dialogue in schools & workplaces, to support the development of independent learners, who think, relate and create with greater depth.