Edinburgh Home Education

Edinburgh Home Education


Edinburgh Home Education page has a related EDINBURGH HOME EDUCATION group www.facebook.com/groups/EdinburghHomeEducation

Operating as usual



🌟These sometimes subtle early signs of dysregulation can be easily missed. Often they can be misinterpreted as a child “acting out” (especially by people other than you), when in fact it’s their nervous system heading into a fight/flight/freeze state of dysregulation.

❓Has your child ever had a meltdown or become dysregulated and you think "Wow that came out of no where!" (I have!) Guess what, chances are it didn't!

💫There is always some kind of preceding trigger, stressor, or a build up of over stimulation that led them to that point. It may have been something that happened minutes, hours or even a build up of a few days that led them to that point.

➡️Then later after everyone is regulated you think "Wait a minute I should have seen that coming.” I find this usually happens when I am distracted, dysregulated myself, or tired and I am not fully attuning to my child’s needs.

⭐️Attunement is the ability to be responsive, present and aware of someone's emotions. It is vital in the coregulation process. By attuning to your children and to yourselves we can begin to recognize the subtle changes in their level of arousal that are leading to dysregulation.

🎯Dysregulation can take
on many different looks and it presents differently in everyone. When you begin to attune to your child that's when you notice the little shifts in their level of arousal.

➡️When you start to notice those signs and see them drifting out of the "Just Right" or optimal level of arousal that's when you can step in and coregulate before it gets to a full fight, flight, freeze response often leading to a meltdown. That's when sensory strategies can be best used!

😊Don't beat yourself up if you miss some of the signs, we all do. Take note of it, so next time you will know how to respond, it’s a constant learning process!

🙋🏻‍♀️Are your child’s signs of dysregulation sometimes misinterpreted by others? Let me know in the comments!

Give this a share if this resonates with you and as a reminder for others!

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Shoutout to our friends at the Accessible Book and Story Festival - the first event of its kind in the UK.

Join in on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September for a packed programme of skills-building workshops and discussions at the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh. The Festival will showcase some of the amazing ways that books and stories can be made accessible for children with additional needs.

This is a unique opportunity for parents, teachers, authors, illustrators, publishers, storytellers and many others to share knowledge and learn exciting new skills.

Find full programme and ticket information at mykindofbook.org.uk/festival 🔗


We're thrilled to announce that The Scottish Government has confirmed the release of the remaining £1.8 million in Grant-in-Aid budget for the Youth Music Initiative in 2024/25 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

This enables us to deliver one round of the Access to Music Making and Strengthening Youth Music funds in this financial year.

🗓️ Key dates
Thursday 19 September: Guidance and application questions will be available on our website
Thursday 10 October: Applications open for both funds
Tuesday 19 November 2024: Applications close for both funds

ℹ️ For more information about YMI funding visit: https://pulse.ly/ehnyppnurc

💌 And sign up for the YMI monthly newsletter to get all our news straight to your inbox: https://pulse.ly/hnd3856yre

Angus Robertson for Edinburgh Central



🚨Don't miss out, register your interest!

📣The Rights of the Child UK Coalition (ROCK) Conference 2024

Join our conference on advancing children’s rights across the UK & Jersey!

🗓️Tuesday 17 September 2024
⏰09:30 - 16:00
📍City Art Centre, 2 Market Street Edinburgh EH1 1DE

📣key stakeholders from across UK & Jersey, international experts in children’s rights & keynote speakers from both government & non-government to engage in learning & discussion on how children’s rights are protected, respected & fulfilled

📣The ROCK coalition furthers the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Concluding Observations & of strengthening children’s human rights in law and policy, at both devolved and UK-wide levels

📣This event will offer a great opportunity to build networks & partnerships between ROCK members across the UK and Jersey to support proactive advocacy for children’s human rights in law 👏




🎈 Today marks 60 Years of the Forth Road Bridge!
Pictured are two construction workers making their way to the top of the platform on the south tower of the Forth Road Bridge with a view back down to the river and the south side span and approach viaduct with roadworks in the distance. Under the bridge can be seen the outskirts of South Queensferry. This item is held by Queensferry Museum and is part of Capital Collections - the image library for the collections of Edinburgh Libraries and Museums and Galleries



Glycerol is often used to create the slush effect. But in high quantities, especially to children under five, glycerol can cause shock, hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) and loss of consciousness.

That’s why slushies with glycerol are not recommended for children under five.



Great news, our good friends from Pregnant then screwed are coming to our Gorgie playgroup on Sunday 8th September. They want to speak to as many Dads about paternity pay/leave. We'd love to see you there.


9 Reasons To Use Visuals

▪️ Visuals are permanent (spoken words disappear)
▪️ Visuals allow time for language processing
▪️ Visuals prepare
▪️ Visuals help kids see what you mean
▪️ Visuals help ALL students
▪️ Visuals help build independence
▪️ Visuals are transferable between environments and people
▪️ Visuals have no attitude (no tone, no frustration, no disapproval)
▪️ Visuals help reduce anxiety

Credit: Kristin Wiens () of North Star Paths.


🎉 It was an amazing first day back at our academy today!

We’re so excited to welcome this year’s new cohort 🎓👏

Looking forward to an incredible journey ahead!

ECCAN Autumn Assembly 02/09/2024

ECCAN Autumn Assembly Network, learn, & celebrate! Inspiring speakers, workshops, & GreenLight winners announced. Join us!

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Edinburgh?

Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Thanks @followers  Elated that EDINBURGH HOME EDUCATION group celebrates 8 years Today!!  Delighted that many families h...
EDINBURGH HOME EDUCATION is where you will find local communities groups like this  for meet ups to suit the needs of yo...




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