Red Harbour

Red Harbour


Event & conference organisers working across sectors hosting hybrid, online & in person events

Operating as usual

Change Maker Series: Disability and Bullying 16/05/2023

With I am delighted to be working with respectme on their Change Maker series. This is the last of 3 free to attend webinars and we are looking for the views of young people on bullying related to disability.

šŸ“¢Calling young people in Scotland!

Have your say on bullying related to disability. Fill out this short survey to inform 's anti-bullying work and help create a safe and respectful environment for all.ā¬‡ļø

Change Maker Series: Disability and Bullying Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free.


šŸ“¢Are you a passionate Change Maker who wants to be a game-changer with and for children and young people in 2023?

Register for our 1st inclusion and diversity 'Change Maker Series' free to attend Webinar, ā€˜Body Image, Appearance & Bullyingā€™, on 1 Feb 2023. Hear from our panel of expert youth and partner speakers and explore best-practice, leadership and inclusion strategies to help make positive change happen.

Unlock your Change Maker potential in 2023!

Register at āœ…

Timeline photos 06/12/2022

I am working with respectme Scotland on there free to attend series discussing issues around inclusion and bullying. The first one up is on 'Body Image, Appearance and Bullying'
Online, 1st February, 4pm - 6pm. Hope you can join us to help make Scotland a more inclusive place to live and grow up

šŸ“¢Are you a Change Maker with and for children and young people? Do you want to inspire change?

We are staging 3 national conversations to discuss themes of inclusion and bullying in the New Year, with our first 'Inclusion & Diversity - Change Maker Series' webinar on 1 Feb.

This first webinar will explore the theme of ā€˜Body Image, Appearance and Bullyingā€™, bringing a panel of youth voices and partners together to learn from each other. Not to be missed!

More here:

The Power of Positive Relationships for Young People 24/01/2022

Originally due to take place in May 2020, we are delighted this event will take place on 16th March 2022 at Technology & Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde

If the last 20 months have taught us anything it is the power of positive relationships and this event seems more important now than ever.

One of the critical, yet largely unrecognised, impacts of Covid has been the devastating impact it has had on the opportunities for children and young people to build and maintain relationships. This is particularly true for vulnerable young people, many of whom already struggled to develop new connections and have now endured nearly two years of lost opportunities to maintain existing relationships and form new bonds. To combat the effects of these reduced social interactions, it is vital we understand how they view relationships with others and what help we can provide.

To create a safe environment, the relationship bonds between adult and young person are a fundamental starting point. Every child should have the same opportunities in early life and while this isnā€™t always possible, the development of positive relationships can give them the building blocks to achieve what may not otherwise have been possible. Without investing in those who need those connections the most, children can be at risk of being marginalised, labelled or excluded with significant lasting long-term effects on them as they develop.

Delighted to have such an inspirational line up of speakers confirmed to speak:

Elly Chapple Founder of and CanDoELLA

- Bruce Adamson, Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland
Robin Macpherson FRSA, Head of College, Robert Gordon's College
Alison MacDonald, Chair, Scottish Attachment In Action Education Group
Jennifer Knussen, Head Teacher, Pitteuchar East Primary School
Maureen MacAteer, Assistant Director, Barnardo's Scotland
Charlene Tait, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Autism
Eileen Prior, Executive Director, Connect (formerly Scottish Parent Teacher Council)
Patricia Santelices, Lead Officer, Health and Wellbeing, The City of Edinburgh Council
Dr John McDermott, Counselling Psychologist, Studio III

Follow link to book:

The Power of Positive Relationships for Young People This one day event provides a platform for Educators to share knowledge and best practice around relationship building in young people

The Power of Positive Relationships for Young People 08/12/2021

I am so happy this really important event will go ahead face to face. I have organised a couple of in person events and it is so evident we have missed the opportunity to get together, network and share good practice.

Providing a safe and trusting learning environment for a child can have a significant influence on their growth and development.

Without investing in those who need those connections the most, children can be at risk of being marginalised, labelled or excluded with significant lasting long-term effects on them as they develop.

We will hear from experts in the field of education psychology, human rights and attachment.

Delighted to announce our confirmed speakers to date:

- Bruce Adamson, Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland

- Robin Macpherson, Head of College, Robert Gordonā€™s College and Content Director, EduMod

- Eileen Prior, Executive Director, Connect (formerly SPTC)

- Charlene Tait, Deputy CEO, Scottish Autism

- John McDermott, Counselling Psychologist, Studio III

- Pattie Santelices, Lead Officer, Health and Wellbeing Team, City of Edinburgh Council

Elly Chapple, Founder of and CanDoELLA

For further information and to book, please follow: Delighted to announce our confirmed

The Power of Positive Relationships for Young People This one day event provides a platform for Educators to share knowledge and best practice around relationship building in young people

The Gender Agenda ā€“ supporting, not defining boys and girls 06/12/2021

Last opportunity to register for 'The Gender Agenda - supporting, not defining boys and girls' taking place tomorrow online from 2-4.30pm.

We are delighted to welcome Ali McClure as our guest masterclass leader for this session. Ali is a well-established education consultant, specialising in ā€œBehaviour, Learning & Self-regulationā€, with over 20 years of experience in training, coaching and mentoring education professionals. Joining Ali in an interactive panel discussion are Susie Heywood, Co-Founder, Gender Friendly Scotland and Claire Stevenson, Deputy Head Teacher, Dalmellington Primary School. The event will be chaired by Graham Goulden, Director, Cultivating Minds.

This promises to be an event full of opportunity for discussion on how we raise further awareness of gender stereotypes and what practice can be taken back to the learning environment to help boys and girls develop self-regulation and the language to be confident learners.

The Gender Agenda ā€“ supporting, not defining boys and girls CPD certified masterclass and panel discussion on understanding and supporting self-regulation, language and learning in boys and girls

The Gender Agenda ā€“ supporting, not defining boys and girls 07/09/2021

'The Gender Agenda - supporting, not defining boys and girls' takes place on 7th October, Chaired by Graham Goulden. The 20% early bird discount is available until Friday 10th September.

The first of Red Harbour's new Masterclass sessions and we are delighted to welcome Ali McClure as our guest masterclass leader for this session. Ali is a well-established education consultant, specialising in ā€œBehaviour, Learning & Self-regulationā€, with over 20 years of experience in training, coaching and mentoring education professionals.

Susie Heywood, Co-founder, Gender Friendly Scotland and James Cook, Primary School Head Teacher will be sharing their experiences of where gender stereotypes stem from, what impact they have on relationships and interactions with boys and girls, and the techniques teachers adopt to address the issue of stereotypes, in and out of the classroom.

This will be an opportunity to discuss how we raise further awareness of gender stereotypes and what practice can be taken back to the learning environment to help boys and girls develop self-regulation and the language to be confident learners.

For further information and to book, please follow link -

The Gender Agenda ā€“ supporting, not defining boys and girls CPD certified masterclass and panel discussion on understanding and supporting self-regulation, language and learning in boys and girls

The Gender Agenda ā€“ supporting, not defining boys and girls 17/08/2021

20% Early bird discount available until Monday 6th September 2021. Use code: EarlybirdAug21 at checkout.

Please note this event will be held on Zoom.

Continuing the series of Red Harbourā€™s online forums exploring the issues affecting Scotlandā€™s children and young people, this invaluable CPD certified masterclass and discussion forum will focus on the effective use of vocabulary to engage with, understand and empower the children and young people we support, regardless of their gender.

This is the first of Red Harbour's new Masterclass sessions and we are delighted to welcome Ali McClure as our guest masterclass leader for this session. Ali is a well-established education consultant, specialising in ā€œBehaviour, Learning & Self-regulationā€, with over 20 years of experience in training, coaching and mentoring education professionals.

Aliā€™s session will focus on helping our delegates to develop:
- Strategies to support the three strands of self-regulation
- The language to promote every childā€™s effective learning
- Simple and unforgettable reflective learning tools and techniques
- An understanding of how these tools might impact and empower boys and girls differently

The masterclass will be followed by our expert panel who will share their experience and examples of best practice, along with key strategies to take back to your place of work. Most importantly, they will be there to answer your questions and explore how we teach our children and young people self-regulation and the language to enhance confident learners.

Our panel:
- Chair - Graham Goulden, Director, Cultivating Minds
- Ali McClure, Education and Parenting consultant, Special Education Needs Co-ordinator and Teacher Trainer, Ali McClure Education and Parenting
- Susie Heywood, Co-Founder, Gender Friendly Scotland
- James Cook, Head Teacher, Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) setting and Primary School in Scotland and co-facilitator of Scottish Educators Connect

Interactive engagement is an integral part of all Red Harbour events. There will be the opportunity for attendees to submit a question prior to the event to be featured in the speaker Q&A. Please email [email protected] with any questions you may have and we will do our best to ask them. Alternatively you can ask during the Q&A session.

The event will be CPD certified (2 hours).

We hope you will be able to join us and be part of this discussion to produce positive experiences for children and young people. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

To book, please follow the link -

The Gender Agenda ā€“ supporting, not defining boys and girls CPD certified masterclass and panel discussion on understanding and supporting self-regulation, language and learning in boys and girls


Following last monthā€™s publication of ā€œChange Programme ONEā€ by The Promise Scotland and this weekā€™s new guidance supporting local authorities to keep siblings together in care, some early steps are being taken on delivering ā€˜The Promiseā€™ and ensuring the voices of young people are listened to.

ā€œChange Programme ONEā€ acknowledges the negative impact that the COVID pandemic has had on those in care settings being able to maintain relationships with family, friends and other key figures. It stresses that the full implications will not become clear for some time but key areas of concern which have been highlighted by experts in the sector include the overwhelming isolation generated by social distancing measures, the absence of face to face meetings with key workers and an increase in mental health issues due to the already stretched mental health services. ā€˜Maintaining contactsā€™, access to digital technology and targeted interventions, are seen as being vital for the mental health of young people generally but particularly those in care, who are sometimes already coping with their own unique traumatic experiences. During the past 16 months of the pandemic, relationships have been difficult to maintain and the acceptance from the government of the importance of keeping siblings together is a significant step in the right direction.

This event will explore some of the research findings collated over the past year and provide evidence from young people on what needs to change, not only to support post-pandemic recovery, but also to ensure that the longer-term commitments of ā€œThe Promiseā€ are kept.

We are delighted to welcome our expert panel, who will share the findings of their own research and experience, as well as answer questions from the audience.

Our panel:
ā€¢ Jo Derrick, CEO, Staf
ā€¢ Carole Wassell, Head of Area Support and Community Improvement, Children's Hearings Scotland
ā€¢ Lucy Hughes, Policy Offer, Who Cares? Scotland
ā€¢ Alex McTier, Evidence and Evaluation Specialist, CELCIS

To book, please follow this link -


Minister for Children and Young People, Clare Haughey has welcomed the legislation to protect sibling relationships for children in care. A basic right for children and now their voices have been heard. An important piece of legislation for children in care


Welcome to our new followers and thank you

Subscribe - Red Harbour 11/07/2021

Good afternoon. I send out a free weekly email with policy updates affecting the children and young people sector, along with events taking place that may be of interest to you. If you would like to receive this, please subscribe using the following link:

Subscribe - Red Harbour Red Harbour Ā© 2020 The Communications Collective Ltd T/A I to I Communications, Registered Office: c/o JRW, 5 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2DP. Registered Company Number SC653987

The Impact of Covid on Care Experienced Children and Young People 22/06/2021

Event notification - 'The Impact of Covid on care experienced children and young people'

Since 2016, Scotland has been considering ways to reshape the care system, taking time to listen to the voices of care experienced young people throughout Scotland, and on 5th February 2020, a pledge was made, with affirmation from all political parties within Scotland, to . Much has changed in the twelve months since then but it is important not to lose sight of The Promise and the commitments we have made to Scotlandā€™s care experienced children and young people.

In recognising the importance of delivering The Promise, The Scottish Government has assigned the Deputy First Minister, John Swinney MSP as Cabinet Secretary with the delivery of The Promise to care experienced young people at the heart of his brief alongside Chairing a cross party steering group on Covid recovery, further demonstrating the correlation of both remits.
This event will look at the findings collated over the past year and provide evidence from young people on what needs to change, not only to support post-pandemic recovery, but also to ensure that the longer-term commitments of The Promise are kept.
Our panel:

- Jo Derrick, CEO, Staf (Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum)
- Carol Wassell, Head of Area Support and Community Improvement, Children's Hearings Scotland
- Lucy Hughes, Policy Offer, Who Cares? Scotland
- Alex McTier, Evidence and Evaluation Specialist, CELCIS

For further information and to book, please follow the link -

The Impact of Covid on Care Experienced Children and Young People A live online forum to discuss the findings and evidence from the past year and what care experienced young people say needs to change.


I was blown away by this event today. I host many events on issues affecting children and young people and although I am aware of what some children can endure as a result of their past, it is always so saddening especially hearing of the constant work involved at changing the mind set of others working with children and young people.

It is all our responsibility to be trauma-informed especially those who work with and for our children and young people.

Thank you so much to our panel of speakers for sharing their knowledge and insights:

- Iain Smith, Partner, Keegan Smith Defence Lawyers
- Dan Johnson, Forensic Psychologist and the Clinical Director, Kibble Education and Care Centre
- Pauline Scott, Managing Director, TIGERS
- Lena Carter, Head of Secondary Teaching and Learning, West of Scotland

Helping Boys Become Allies - EGG Edinburgh 17/05/2021

I was asked to write a piece for EGG, a community for women supporting local businesses, on the inspiration for the upcoming Red Harbour event 'Helping Boys to Be Allies' on Thursday 20th May.

Link to the article -

Helping Boys Become Allies - EGG Edinburgh As a mother of two boys, aged 10 and eight, and step-mother to a 20 year old daughter I want them to be happy, confident and comfortable in their own skins and...

Scots lawyer want help for offenders whose crimes are linked to childhood trauma 07/05/2021

So pleased to have Iain Smith, Keegan Smith Defence Lawyers speak at the upcoming event on Scotland becoming trauma informed. This recent article features Iain and the life changing work he is doing for young people caught up in the Justice system. To book for the event, please follow -

Scots lawyer want help for offenders whose crimes are linked to childhood trauma Top solicitor Iain Smith believes that branding offenders as "neds, junkies and scum" can only perpetuate crime. A huge proportion of crime emerges from broken homes, abuse and addiction issues.

Scotland ā€“ Becoming a Trauma-Informed Nation 07/05/2021

'Scotland ā€“ Becoming a Trauma-Informed Nation'
10th June, 3.30 ā€“ 5pm -

To give all young people the best chance in life we need to improve our understanding of trauma & bring those insights & knowledge into everyday practice. To support this, The Scottish Government & NHS Scotland have recently produced the ā€˜Trauma-Informed Practice: A Toolkit for Scotlandā€™ resource & we are delighted to have a member of the expert panel who contributed to its development speaking at our event.

Recent figures show that 1 in 7 adults in Scotland reported 4 or more ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experienceā€™s), with those living in deprived areas being twice as likely to be affected. For those working with children & young people, we need to be able to understand their life journey & what experiences have helped shape the person they are today. This means looking beyond the behaviours of young people & building relationships & trust to break down any barriers.

Expert Panel:
ā€¢ Iain Smith, Partner, Keegan Smith, Defence Lawyers, Criminal Defence Lawyer and Scottish Legal Awards, Lawyer of the Year 2020
ā€¢ Dan Johnson, Forensic Psychologist and the Clinical Director at Kibble Education and Care Centre
ā€¢ Lena Carter, Head of Secondary Teaching and Learning, West of Scotland

Issues to be addressed include:
ā€¢ The impact of trauma on a young personā€™s life
ā€¢ The voice of the service user to influence change
ā€¢ Trauma and the Justice system
ā€¢ How to become trauma-informed
ā€¢ Incorporating the ā€˜Trauma-Informed Practice: A Toolkit for Scotlandā€™ into existing practice
ā€¢ Seeing beyond complex behaviours


Scotland ā€“ Becoming a Trauma-Informed Nation A forum to raise awareness amongst practitioners & teachers who work with children & young people of the importance of being trauma informed

Helping Boys To Be Allies 22/04/2021

As we continue to seek to better understand the issue of menā€™s violence and what our responsibilities are as a society to address it, one key fact is becoming clear ā€“ early intervention is critical. We need to start discussions on acceptable behaviour at a younger age and continue the dialogue as they develop.

The Scottish Violence Reduction Unit recently launched a report looking at interventions that help to prevent youth violence, with the focus being on the impact of prevention programmes, from pre-school education through to conversations on dating and sexual relationships. We are delighted to have the author of the report, Dr Kirsten Russell as one of our expert panel at the upcoming Red Harbour forum ā€“ Helping Boys to Become Allies.

As part of the event, our Chair, Graham Goulden has compiled a training presentation that will be sent out prior to the event. This will ensure extensive opportunity to engage with this subject and create a deeper discussion on the day of the event, so we can start to shape meaningful, long term change. Graham and Kirsten will be joined at the event by Martin Robb from The Open University and Susie Heywood from Gender Friendly Scotland.

To be part of this discussion to produce positive experiences for children & young people please follow this link -

Helping Boys To Be Allies A live online forum to change the culture where men's violence isnā€™t tolerated

Helping Boys To Be Allies 25/03/2021

Delighted to announce the latest Red Harbour event on the issue of men's violence against women. This is the start of an ongoing series of events around this issue with the first event focussing on early intervention and education.

If this is of interest to you as a Practitioner or a Parent, please follow the link for further information:

The panel to date includes:

- Graham Goulden, a former Chief Inspector and key member of the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit who now works independently as a leader and violence prevention leader. He was also on the Scotland Tonight programme last week on the subject of men's violence against women

- Dr Martin Robb, Academic Lead for MA Childhood and Youth at The Open University. He is also author of 'Men, Masculinities and the Care of Children: Images, Ideas and Identities', published by Routledge in 2020

- Susie Heywood, Co-Founder, Gender Friendly Scotland

Helping Boys To Be Allies A live online forum to change the culture where men's violence isnā€™t tolerated


What a day for children and young people in Scotland. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is now officially written in Scots Law.

This new law in Scotland will protect the rights of all children. Public authorities will need to ensure that all they do, complies with the child's rights. It will also mean children and young people will be involved in decisions made about them.

If a child's right is not respected, children and their representatives will be able to enforce their rights through the courts.

This is a good day for Scotland as a whole.

BBC Radio Scotland - Mornings, with Stephen Jardine 12/03/2021

This week we started with the celebration of and the theme, . We draw to the end of the week worrying about the safety of girls.

Further to my post yesterday on the impact of girls safety, I was on the BBC Scotland phone in this morning talking with Stephen Jardine on their topic - 'What do men need to do to help women?' (from 34 mins 05 secs - about the importance of early intervention and respect. Delighted to hear a caller discuss Mentors in Violence Scotland programme that is run throughout schools across Scotland.

Educate our boys.

BBC Radio Scotland - Mornings, with Stephen Jardine What do men need to do to help women feel safer?


The week started off as a week for celebrating women with and the campaign and we draw to the end of the week worrying about the safety of girls on the streets.

As a mother of sons, the most important lesson I can teach them is to respect.

This week sadly, the question of respect, or lack of, is again centred around women. With all the education available to boys, why can a woman not feel safe to walk home on her own? The focus of the debate is again on women's behaviour and to protect themselves. It is men's behaviour we need to address.

Member of the Green Party, Jenny Jones has called for a 6pm curfew for men As expected there is a lot of debate over this.

Early intervention is key. Educate our boys.

ASL Action Plan - Enhancing experiences for children and young people 10/03/2021

Last chance to book for ASL Action Plan - Enhancing experiences for Children and Young People taking place tomorrow, 11th March from 12pm - 1.30pm.

Our panel of experts are:

Sally Cavers, Head of Inclusion, Children in Scotland who will be talking about 'inclusion, partnership and action'

Jacqui Nimmo Education Scotland looking at the impact of 'Covid: an opportunity to press the reset button'

Linda O'Neill, Education Lead CELCIS presenting on 'Getting additional support right for care experienced young people'

Janette Kerr, Chair, ASLO (Additional Support for Learning Officers) will be talking about the importance of voices of young people, transitions from primary to secondary school and involving families

For further info and to book

ASL Action Plan - Enhancing experiences for children and young people A live online forum to discuss the review of the implementation of the Scottish Government Additional Support for Learning Action Plan


Happy to each and every one of you. This years theme is and I proudly put my hand up to equality and celebrating all women around the world.

To challenge is not an easy undertaking but by doing so we are giving others the chance to consider, leading to change.

We are all equal.

ASL Action Plan - Enhancing experiences for children and young people 04/03/2021

Delighted to have Jacqueline Nimmo, Senior Education Officer (Inclusion, Wellbeing and Equalities) Education Scotlandjoin our panel at the 'ASL Action Plan - Enhancing experiences for children and young people' event on 11th March, 12-1.30pm.

Jacqueline will be discussing how we reshape the universal offer, what meaningful collaboration with partners looks like and how the Getting It Right For All Learners During Covid Toolkit, that Jacqueline led on, can help.

Jacqueline will join:
Sally Cavers Head of Inclusion, Children in Scotland
Linda O'Neill, Education Lead, CELCIS
Janette Kerr, Chair, ASLO (Additional Support for Learning Officers)

To book your place, please follow the link -

ASL Action Plan - Enhancing experiences for children and young people A live online forum to discuss the review of the implementation of the Scottish Government Additional Support for Learning Action Plan


I attended a wonderful session last night with Sue Palmer Upstart Scotland and Katy Shelley from Tales Toolkit on 'Hitting the Target: Missing the Point'. The importance of a kindergarten setting for children aged 3-7 outweighs the need for academic learning especially when the goal is to hit targets. We do not need to rush. The importance of play to grow confidence, resilience, relationships is what children at this age need to learn. It is these skills they will carry throughout their lives.

There has been talk of summer schools to enable children to 'catch up'. I really hope Scottish Government does not follow this. Our P1 - P3 should be playing, preferably outdoors and connecting with others.

Subscribe - Red Harbour 05/02/2021

If you would like to receive complimentary weekly Government news and updates affecting the Children and Young People Sector in Scotland, please register here:

Subscribe - Red Harbour Red Harbour Ā© 2020 The Communications Collective Ltd T/A I to I Communications, Registered Office: c/o JRW, 5 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2DP. Registered Company Number SC653987


Childrenā€™s Mental Health Week by Place2Be now in its 6th year, is taking place this week.

The theme this year is ā€˜Express Yourselfā€™

Do what you want to express any emotion.

Some ideas - dancing, singing, telling jokes, write a letter to a family member or friend. Anything to ensure you are expressing your feelings to keep a healthy mind especially at this time when life is feeling so different.

Link to Childrenā€™s mental health week virtual assembly -

Home 22/01/2021

Children in Scotland have launched 'My Rights My Say', a free e-Learning module to provide practitioners and staff in schools the tools to help support the rights of children when decisions are being made regarding additional support for learning. Follow link for the blog post -

Sally Cavers, from Children in Scotland who is behind this resource is speaking at the ASL Action Plan - Enhancing the experiences of young people event on Thursday 11th March, 12pm - 1.30pm.

We are also delighted to have:
Linda O'Neill, Education Lead, CELCIS (Centre for excellence for Children's Care and Protection)
Janette Kerr, Chair, ASLO (Additional Support for Learning Officers)

For more information and to book, please follow the link:

Home By bringing together a network of people working with and for children, alongside children and young people themselves, we offer a broad, balanced and independent voice. We create solutions, provide support and develop positive change across all areas affecting children in Scotland.

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Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 6:30pm
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