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We're Students of Savar Government University College. Department of BSS Political science 2015-2016. if you want to Join us
Buds School & College, Polashbari Bottola, Ashulia,Savar,Dhaka!
There is an ever-growing need to have strong English & other Language skills in the business environ
Youth Knowledge campus is one of the reputed English teaching institute. English is taught over here
Nowadays, more and more people are dedicating time to studying English as a second language.English can help progress in life both personally and professionally. One can compete globally. This page is to help those who are lifelong English learners.
Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) is going to organize the 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development (ICPAD) on 5-8 February 2020
It's an educational organisation established by the students of different public University frm Savar
E-Textiles are fabrics that enable digital components such as a battery,light and electronics to be
Assalamu Alaikum ! We are the best institute to build up your child's future .By the grace of Allah and the cooperation of all of you, Our university is the 2nd largest Islamic University of Savar, Dhaka . Alhamdulillah !
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We're trying to help everyone, learn how to do anything. Join us.
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Sukur Ali Kindergarten & High School
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I have the ability to fight each and every problem through my beautiful creations. �Inshallah�
Savar Digital Post E Center (SDPEC) 3-month basic computer course.
কোরআন হাদীসের আলোয় সুন্দর জীবন সাজাতে অনুপ্রেরণা মূলক উপায় ও শিক্ষণীয় বাণী প্রচার
আল্লাহর ভয়ে তুমি যা কিছু ছেড়ে দিবে, আল্লাহ্ তোমাকে তার চেয়ে উত্তম কিছু অবশ্যই দান করবেন। রাসূল সাঃ
Education is the backbone of the nation.
All kinds of information based on MSGED will be published here (Optional). Require updates , notices and all kinds of query will be available in this page .