Thank you so much 🥰 So sorry for the delay in posting your review on here (you did write this 8 months ago haha - talk about delay!).
Since then, you, B and R attended 7 sessions already ❤️ One each month 🥰
We discussed about inner , , and their colours, the benefits and importance of , witches and .
I wanted to take the time to thank you, from the bottom of my , for supporting me since the start. If it wasn't for you, I would probably have paused the sessions in English until I found a way to spread the word.
In saying that, it always brings me so much joy, fulfillment, serenity and love to see their little eyes sparkle. It is totally worth it 😍
B has been growing so much in the last 8 months. The cutest memory I have of him so far is him rushing to lay down between the blankets, as he knows how good it feels to rest and take care of himself ❤️❤️❤️
This is such a powerful message. Thank you mamma for this beautiful gift to your children. You are doing an amazing job 😊
See you at the February 2nd session on Love 😍
It felt very special having Shinri & her mum & aunt for our session on anger.
Even though they were visiting Sydney only for a short period of time, coming from South Korea, they gave us a go. I'm so honoured that you decided to join us while on holidays ❤️
Thank you for the 5 ⭐review too!
==> Relaxing, comfortable, and thoughtful
Juliette Siozac, I reckon you'll be thrilled too, knowing Mon Moment Magique will be known by a South Korean family 🥰
Thank you Insite Mind for this reminder
* Kids Clothes/Toys/Books Swap - Next Saturday, 23rd Nov *
You are kindly invited to join this wonderful event. A few friends and I are organising. Come say hi :)
Exchange or donate your used kids' clothes, toys and books (in good condition) for new-to-you items (children 0-12 yrs old).
Pregnant ladies: this is a great opportunity for you to get lots of good quality items for free! No swap needed for baby clothes, toys and books.
The event is free, but it would help us if you could confirm your attendance.
Register on Bookable: https://www.krg.nsw.gov.au/Things-to-do/Whats-on/Kids-clothing-book-and-toy-swap
Facebook event: https://facebook.com/events/s/kids-clothingtoybook-swap/1653787811862251/
- Do I need to stay for the whole event? No, you don’t have to. You can just come at any time; we will collect your items, roughly estimate how many clothes/books/toys you brought and it will be sorted by our volunteers then displayed on the tables for everyone to see and choose from.
- What if I don’t find anything I like? Then you can pick your own items back if it hasn’t been taken by anyone else in the meantime; you can donate your items or hang around for a bit at the market and come back later when we have got new stock for you to choose from.
Send a message to learn more
New experience at our FANS French Market! 🎉
FREE Mon Moment Magique discovery sessions for children aged 3-11 and their parents with Koala Bliss!
Session times: 11:00 AM, 12:30 PM, 2:00 PM
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English (If all participants speak French, we can conduct the session in French.)
Don’t miss out on this opportunity – book your spot now: https://koalabliss.classbento.com.au/family-classes
Bliss will offer FREE 30 min discovery sessions at the famous FANS French Market this Sunday 17th of November.
Secure your spot online via Koala Bliss' website: https://koalabliss.classbento.com.au/family-classes
Sessions in English and in French. 9-4pm at Killarney Heights Public School. Come say hi 🙂
More info: https://www.fanssydney.org/french-market
FANS French Market - Killarney Heights NSW
"The kind witch"
Mindful & Creative workshop with Koala Bliss
This afternoon! Friday 8th Nov, 3.30-5PM at St Ives Village Green.
Children 3-6 years old & parents
A cute, not scary, workshop on fear & how to deal with that emotion. Story time, songs & dance, guided meditation, games, breathing exercises, art & craft & more!
Direct bookings: https://classbento.com.au/cart?iid=hfnf4a7p2
15 days to go before the FANS French Market 2024!🥳🤩
Get ready for unforgettable moments! French Market is not only delicious french food and amazing shopping time for parents… it’s also plenty of fun for kids and the whole family!
Don’t miss out:
- rides for all ages 🎢
- fun games 🎯
- treats for kids
- live music 🎤
- Christmas gifts🎁
- delicious French specialities to enjoy🥐.
Join us for a day full of laughter and joy at the FANS French Market on November 17 at Killarney Heights Public School!
Come and say hi to Koala Bliss & Choc' & moi at the French Market on Sunday 17th of November!
At KHPS Killarney Heights Public School
FANS French Market - Killarney Heights NSW
See program below:
English & French speakers - all welcome 🥰 This is a bilingual event
Si vous êtes dispo samedi nous parlerons de gentilles sorcières, de potions magiques, de ce qui nous fait un peu peur et de ce qu'on peut faire de ces peurs. Nous allons danser, deviner, imaginer, rigoler, coopérer, se détendre et laisser exprimer notre créativité.
Rejoignez-nous pour un atelier bien-être « Mon Moment Magique» parent-enfant (3-6 ans) en français!
• Samedi 26 Octobre 15.00-16.30. Thème: La gentille sorcière
• Samedi 2 Novembre 15.00-16.30. Thème: Je suis gentil-le {Il reste 3 places}
Lieu: St Ives Village Green ou Beauchamp Park, Chatswood
Activités: Intelligence émotionnelle, Relaxation, Créativité, Pratique corporelle, Jeux de coopération, Imagination
Contactez-moi en privé ou ci-dessous si vous voulez que je vous réserve une place 😊 c’est $38 pour les sessions d'1h30 par duo 1 enfant/1 parent. Siblings 3 ans.
D'autres endroits dans Sydney North Shore & Sydney Northern Beaches sur demande.
[email protected]
If you have children (3-6 yrs old) and looking for activities during the school holidays, Koala Bliss organises mindful & creative kids sessions on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week and next week in St Ives.
There is also a new after-school sessions starting October 25th at Nourished Yoga - Terrey Hills (Terrey Hills Swim School). Every Friday afternoon 4-5PM. Come for a casual session or for the 8 sessions.
Activities: cooperative games, body movements, storytelling, imaginative play, nature play, arts & crafts, emotional intelligence, breathing techniques, kids guided meditations.
More info on my website: http://koalabliss.classbento.com.au
Make Koala Bliss one of your first stops on arrival so you can book in for a FREE session and enjoy some fun activities for little people. Learn more about Koala Bliss at: https://koalabliss.classbento.com.au
Come and see us tomorrow 🥰
All happening tomorrow. All free. Come along!
Do you agree the best things in life are free? What price do you put on spending quality family time with your kids? How important is it that your kids grow up with confidence and knowing their community? When was the last time you played a family game just for the fun of it? Do you know who the real heroes are in our community?
Of course there are lots of delicious and delightful things to spend your money on when you come to St Ives Food and Wine Festival, however, we are also providing some free entertainment and activities that are fabulous! You will find the magic as you answer these questions while at the St Ives Food and Wine Festival Sunday 22 September on the beautiful St Ives Village Green. Yes there's a request for gold coin donation - but all that money goes back into our local community. Of course there are lots of delicious and delightful things you can spend your money on once there! However spending quality time with family and friends is priceless!
Do you know what Koala Bliss is offering to the community at St Ives Food and Wine Festival on Sunday 22 September?
Take a look at the wonderful free gift of focus and mindfulness for children and their parents! Be sure to make your way to Koala Bliss when you arrive and book in for a session. Not to be missed! You can learn more about these sessions by visiting: https://www.facebook.com/koala.Koala Bliss