Laerskool Tuinrand
Laerskool Tuinrand skep sprankelleerders,
deur kreatiewe onderrig en toekomsgerigte opvoedkundige beginsels.
Ons kenmerk by Laerskool Tuinrand is: Liefde, Vrede en Vreugde.
Operating as usual
A big thank you to our generous sponsor for providing caps for the U/10 girls' softball team. ⚾️🥎⚾️
Ons is ongelooflik trots op Miané Oberholzer, een van ons Graad R-leerders, wat gister 'n merkwaardige toespraak oor finansies 💰 💴 gelewer het. Sy het by die Tshwane-Wes Distriksvlak deelgeneem en 'n sertifikaat vir deelname in die Finansiële Toespraak-kategorie ontvang. Welgedaan, Miané! Jou harde werk en selfvertroue is 'n inspirasie vir ons almal!
We are incredibly proud of Miané Oberholzer, one of our Grade R learners, who delivered a remarkable speech about finance yesterday. She participated at the Tshwane West District level and received a certificate of participation in the Financial Speech category. Well done, Miané! Your hard work and confidence are an inspiration to us all!
Ons is ongelooflik trots op ons Jukskei-span hier by Tuinrand! Op Saterdag, 17 Augustus, het hulle aan hul eerste ligawedstryd deelgeneem en beide vaardigheid en sportmangees getoon. Dit was 'n wonderlike ervaring vir die span, en hulle het met groot entoesiasme en deursettingsvermoë gespeel. Baie geluk aan al die spelers vir hul harde werk en toewyding. Ons sien uit daarna om hulle te sien groei en nog meer te bereik in die toekoms!
We are incredibly proud of our Jukskei team here at Tuinrand! On Saturday, August 17th, they competed in their first league match, demonstrating both skill and sportsmanship. It was a fantastic experience for the team, and they played with great enthusiasm and determination. Congratulations to all the players for their hard work and dedication. We look forward to seeing them grow and achieve even more in the future!
A massive congratulations to our cross country learners who competed in the AGN Cross Country Championships at Lavender Kontrei Mark on Saturday, 17 August! 🌟
Each of you gave it your all, and the Tuinrand team is incredibly proud of your hard work and dedication. Your commitment and spirit have truly shone through. Well done to each one of you for representing our school with pride! 🏃🏾♂️🏃🏼♀️🏅
Baie geluk aan ons landloop leerders wat Saterdag, 17 Augustus, aan die AGN Landloop Kampioenskappe by Lavender Kontrei Mark deelgeneem het! 🌟
Julle het almal julle beste gegee, en die Tuinrand-span is verskriklik trots op julle harde werk en toewyding. Julle het ons skool met trots verteenwoordig, en ons is ongelooflik trots op elkeen van julle! Welgedaan! 🏃🏾♂️🏃🏻🏅
Sterkte aan ons talentvolle R***E leerders, vir die semi-finaal vanaand 🎭💙
Good luck to our talented performers in the semi-finals tonight, shine bright! 🌟⭐️
Our cross country learners are geared up and ready for the AGN Cross Country Championships at Lavender Kontrei Mark! Each one has completed their registration and received their numbers. Best of luck, the Tuinrand team is incredibly proud of you!
Ons landloop leerders is gerat en gereed vir die AGN Landloop Kampioenskappe by Lavender Kontrei Mark! Hulle het elkeen hul registrasie gedoen en hul nommers ontvang. Baie sterkte, die Tuinrand-span is verskriklik trots op julle!
Here are the stunning artworks of our Grade R-3 learners for the Eisteddfod!
Hier is die pragtige kunswerke van ons Graad R-3 leerders vir die Eisteddfod!
🏆⚽️ 🥅
At Tuinrand, we aim to enhance each child’s development by combining play and learning. Our new playground with sensory activities helps bring this vision to life.
By Tuinrand wil ons die ontwikkeling van elke kind verbeter deur speel en leer te kombineer. Ons nuwe speelgrond met sensoriese aktiwiteite help om hierdie visie te verwesenlik.
Today’s Pyjama Day was a hit! A big thank you to Denver Spur Steak Ranch for sponsoring vouchers for our "Best Dressed Learners." Your support made the day even more special. Here are some more photos of our fun-filled day and our well-deserving winners!
Vandag se Pajama Dag was 'n groot sukses!
'n Groot dankie aan SPUR vir die borg van geskenkbewyse vir ons leerders. Hier is nog foto's van ons lekker dag en ons verdienstelike wenners!
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