Giving Children Wings - Brakpan

A "Focused Learning" with Brainwave Stimulation Program;
Individual sessions (Afrikaans & English)
* The program entails:
Individual, "one on one", sessions.

A full evaluation is done to determine the child`s reading level as well as to identify problem areas. Exercises that improve concentration. Eye movement exercises. Poor eye movements negatively influence reading speed. Sight words are practiced weekly. Reading & comprehensive reading improving activities. If a child is unable to read with comprehension they struggle to learn effectively as well a

Operating as usual


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ~ Nelson Mandela Memories


Agenee die GRAAD 4 AFBAKENING!!! Nee, dis nie 'n vloekwoord nie maar die groot leer is hier, is jy bekommerd?
Met amper 'n maand voor die eerste groot toetsreeks/eksamen. Kom ons help jou om sy leervlerke te kry. Nie net vir die Gr 4-eksamen nie maar vir sy/haar skoolloopbaan!


(っ◔◡◔)っ Did you know there are amazing benefits for everyone who reads?

But.. ♥ Reading comprehension ♥ is key to helping children understand the whole text of what they are reading/studying. Decoding, fluency, and vocabulary skills are key to comprehensive reading. Being able to connect ideas within and between sentences allows a child to perform better at exams.

This is just one of the many focus areas we cover within our Giving Children Wings program. Enquire today and allow us to help your child get his/her reading wings.


It's !

And how blessed are we not to have a program that has been proven to work, based on its unique therapeutic intervention approach, as compiled by our very own SI-trained OT, Engela .

Enquire today and allow us to give your children, their reading, maths, and science wings.


We offer math and science tutoring as well! 🎯💚


Let's give our brains the exercise it needs! 💚


Gee jou kind die hupstoot wat hy/sy nodig het.


"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world" ~



Ons program het al talle kinders se punte by die skool verbeter! 🧑‍🎓👩‍🎓


“The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” ~ James E. Faust

Happy Mother's Day! 💚



South Africa


Wat is jou gunsteling woord in jou moedertaal? Daar is darem niks lekkerder as om in jou eie taal te kan lees nie? Vertel ons wat was jou gunsteling kinder boek!

En onthou Giving Children Wings - Benoni en Giving Children Wings - Boksburg het 'n nuwe tak eienaar! 🥳🤩


Homofone is woorde wat van mekaar verskil wat die spelling en betekenis betref, maar dieselfde 🗣 klink 🗣 as ’n ander woord. Byvoorbeeld, Lui, Lei en Ly 😁

👉Onthou Middelburg Mpumalanga ons het 'n nuwe eienaar by Giving Children Wings - Middleburg

ᴡɪʟ ᴜ ᴍᴇᴇʀ ᴡᴇᴇᴛ?
😁 Individuele sessies "een-tot-een". 😁
'n Volledige evaluering word gedoen om U kind se leesvlak te bepaal asook om probleme te identifiseer.
Ons doen oefeninge wat konsentrasie verbeter.
Oogbewegingsoefeninge. Swak oogbewegings beïnvloed leesspoed negatief.
Daar word weekliks sigwoorde geoefen.
Lees- en omvattende aktiwiteite vir leesverbetering. As 'n kind nie in staat is om met begrip te lees nie, sukkel hy om effektief te leer en vrae tydens die eksamen korrek te beantwoord. Ons doen ook aktiwiteite met U kind wat perseptuele vaardighede verbeter.
Die program bestaan ​​uit 4 verskillende vlakke wat begin by basiese lees- en letterherkenning met betrekking tot klank en tot meer ingewikkelde leesvaardighede.
Die program is daarop gerig om kinders van graad R - 12 te help.
Die program word aangebied in Engels en Afrikaans.
Aan die einde van elke kwartaal word die leesspoed van die kind weer getoets en 'n kort vorderingsverslag gegee.
Ons volg 'n geïntegreerde benadering om kinders met lees- en konsentrasieprobleme holisties te ondersteun.
Ons het Arbeidsterapie-tegnieke gekombineer met betrekking tot perseptuele ontwikkeling en beweging, leestegnieke vir remediërende terapie en basiese taalvaardighede. Ons volg 'n benaderende benadering van steierintervensie deur kinders met voorafleesvaardighede te help om oor te gaan na omvattende leeswerk.
As 'n kind se konsentrasie, leesspoed en omvattende leesvermoë verbeter, sal verskillende aspekte van hul skoolwerk positief beïnvloed word!
Kontak ons gerus op;
📧[email protected]
☎ 076 363 4991


Dis vakansie-ie-ie tyd! 🥳 Rus lekker Mamma ons het baie stories vir die kleinspan.

Is jy bekommerd oor wat jou kind op TV, Netflix of selfs Youtube vir kinders kyk? Wel, ons het meer as 100 stories op ons Youtube-kanaal wat opvoedkundig, vermaaklik en kindervriendelik is. En dis verniet!!!

Gaan loer gerus na die week se Bella-a-a Bolletjies storie en geniet ure se stories saam met ons.

Ons neem geen krediet vir die boeke wat gelees word nie, maar ons leesdames het sekerlik 'n "twist" daaraan gesit om te verseker dat die kinders elke oomblik geniet.



Giving Children Wings is 'n gevestigde Suid Afrikaanse besigheid, wat takke benodig in Benoni, Pretoria, Carletonville, Middleburg, Durban en Port Elizabeth.

Bonus!!! Benoni, Middleburg en Carletonville is daar 'n huidige kliente bases.

Ons offer buigsame franchise-terugbetaling opsies en jy werk jou eie ure. Hoekom nie jou inkomste verdien terwyl u kinders help om uit te blink, deur 'n program wat bewyse het dat dit werk!

Moenie uitstel nie skakel Engela op 083 664 3859, VANDAG!.


WEN! 💚 👇 WEN! "🌊👜" WEN!! "🕶🧦" 📗

Noem die regte afrikaanse woorde vir;
1. "Calculator"?
2. "Filing Cabinet"?
3. "Folder"?

Beantwoord die drie vrae, deel asb die advertensie en WEN!

♥ Wat jy sal wen! ♥
1 x Gratis Evaluering vir jou kind
1 x Giving Children Wings Strandsak
1 x "Go Away, I am reading" sokkies (dalk 'n kersfees geskenkie?! ) en ... ons sluit ook 'n USB vir jou oudioboeke in, sowel as 'n "lanyard".

Takke wat deel neem (let wel, jy moet asb in een van hierdie areas woon voor om te kan wen):
Giving Children Wings - Groblersdal
Giving Children Wings- Kempton Park
Giving Children Wings - Nigel
Giving Children Wings - Alberton (Randhart)

Giving Children Wings - Randfontein

Giving Children Wings - Boksburg (Parkdene)
Giving Children Wings - Brakpan


Happy Birthday, Engela!!! 💐

Engela is the Occupational Therapist and Owner of the amazing program we lovingly call Giving Children Wings. The program has already given 1000s of children their reading

Leave her a GIF and let's make her day special! 🍭🎂🎉🎈

What is ?
😁 Individual, "one on one", sessions. 😁
A full evaluation is done to determine the child`s reading level as well as to identify problem areas.
Exercises that improve concentration.
Eye movement exercises. Poor eye movements negatively influence reading speed.
Sight words are practiced weekly.
Reading & comprehensive reading improving activities. If a child is unable to read with comprehension they struggle to learn effectively as well as answer questions correctly during exams.
Activities that improve Perceptual skills.
The program consists of 4 different levels starting at basic reading and letter recognition with regards to phonics and moving to more complex in-depth reading skills.
The program is aimed at helping children from Grade R - 9.
The program is in English and Afrikaans.
At the end of each term, the child`s reading speed is tested again and a short progress report is given.
We follow an integrated approach to support children with reading and concentration difficulties holistically.
We have combined Occupational Therapy techniques with regards to perceptual development and movement, Remedial Therapy reading techniques, and basic language skills. We follow a bottom-up scaffolding intervention approach by assisting children with pre-reading skills moving on to comprehensive reading.
If a child`s concentration, reading speed and comprehensive reading abilities improve, various aspects of their schoolwork will be influenced positively!


(っ◔◡◔)っ Did you know there are amazing benefits for everyone who reads? But.. ♥ Reading comprehension ♥ is key to help kids understand the whole text of what they are reading/studying. Decoding, fluency, and vocabulary skills are key to comprehensive reading. Being able to connect ideas within and between sentences allows a child to perform better at exams. This is just one of the many focus areas we cover within our Giving Children Wings program.

Want to know more?
😁 Individual, "one on one", sessions. 😁
A full evaluation is done to determine the child`s reading level as well as to identify problem areas.
Exercises that improve concentration.
Eye movement exercises. Poor eye movements negatively influence reading speed.
Sight words are practiced weekly.
Reading & comprehensive reading improving activities. If a child is unable to read with comprehension they struggle to learn effectively as well as answer questions correctly during exams.
Activities that improve Perceptual skills.
The program consists of 4 different levels starting at basic reading and letter recognition with regards to phonics and moving to more complex in-depth reading skills.
The program is aimed at helping children from Grade R - 9.
The program is in English and Afrikaans.
At the end of each term, the child`s reading speed is tested again and a short progress report is given.
We follow an integrated approach to support children with reading and concentration difficulties holistically.
We have combined Occupational Therapy techniques with regards to perceptual development and movement, Remedial Therapy reading techniques, and basic language skills. We follow a bottom-up scaffolding intervention approach by assisting children with pre-reading skills moving on to comprehensive reading.
If a child`s concentration, reading speed and comprehensive reading abilities improve, various aspects of their schoolwork will be influenced positively!


Ons het 'n nuwe tak in Brakpan, Gauteng 😁👇

Sy mag dalk 'n juffrou wees maar sy is definitief nie vervelig nie... Ontmoet Angelique van Coller, 'n onderwyseres met 12 jaar ervaring in Gr. 10- 12 Fisiese Wetenskappe onderrig. haar grootste passie is om 'n passie vir my vak in my leerders te kweek deur hulle die gereedskap te gee om dit te ontsluit.

"My eie gesin is deur 'n moeilike tyd, my 5 jare seuntjie is deur 'n Leukemia diagnose en 'n beenmurg oorplanting. Hy is nou, twee jaar later ten volle genees, maar met herkenbare agterstand in sekere belangrike mylpale as 'n gevolg van sy behandeling. My 8 jarige seuntjie is ook 'n jaar terug gediagnoseer met leerprobleme, onder andere ADHD en SPD. Ek het self gesien hoe getroue terapie die wêreld vir hom oopmaak en van sy probleme selfs laat verdwyn.

Ek glo in 'n sterk verband tussen my vak en neuroplastisiteit, die tipe terapie wat Giving Children Wings individueel aan kinders soos myne kan bied. Leer - en/ of leesprobleme is vir my 'n geleentheid om aan kinders soos myne te wys dat hulle leerprobleme eintlik hulle Super Power is! 🦸‍♂️

Wanneer ek vryheid het om te kies wat ek met 'n af dag wil maak, gaan hike ek graag in God se mooiste skepping om te ontlaai en myself weer te herinner daar is so baie meer daarbuite as wat tans in my lewe mag druk."

Kom ondersteun gerus vir Giving Children Wings Brakpan!

Kontak ons gerus op;
📧[email protected]
☎ 076 363 4991


Ons help nie net kinders om hul lees- en wiskunde vlerkies te kry nie maar ook om hulle 𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮 𝐯𝐢𝐫 𝐞𝐤𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧! Dis amper eksamen tyd weer, so bespreek vandag! 👇

Hoe werk Breingolf Stimulasie?

Kinders wat gediagnoseer is met ADD en ADHD, spandeer die grootste deel van hul daaglikse tyd in die Alpha- en Theta-breingolf. Hierdie kinders is intelligent en het wysheid verby hul ouderdomsgroep, maar sukkel om die Beta-toestand te bereik, wat hulle in staat sal stel om te konsentreer en hulself behoorlik uit te druk. Hierdie gebrek aan konsentrasie bemoeilik dit in die skoolomgewing.

Daarom gebruik ons by Giving Children Wings nie net ligaams oefeninge maar fasiliteer ook "Focussed Learning", deur U kind se brein te help om in die optimale breingolf te kom sodat optimale kognitiewe leerprosesse kan plaasvind. U kind leer dan om sy/haar konsentrasie te verbeter en omvattende lees en leer werk beter op te neem en te onthou.

Kontak ons gerus op;
📧[email protected]
☎ 076 363 4991


Happy Spring Day! ... Let the outdoor reading adventures begin!

At Giving Children Wings, we don't just use physical exercises, (which is always a spring and summer activity, hey Mom! 😁) but we also facilitate "Focussed Learning", by helping your child's brain to get into the optimal brainwave so that optimal cognitive learning processes can take place.

📧[email protected]
☎ 076 363 4991


(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Reading comprehension ♥ is key to help kids understand the whole text of what they are reading/studying. Decoding, fluency, and vocabulary skills are key to comprehensive reading. Being able to connect ideas within and between sentences allows a child to perform better at exams. This is just one of the many focus areas we cover within our Giving Children Wings program.

Want to know more?

😁 Individual, "one on one", sessions. 😁
A full evaluation is done to determine the child`s reading level as well as to identify problem areas.
Exercises that improve concentration.
Eye movement exercises. Poor eye movements negatively influence reading speed.
Sight words are practiced weekly.
Reading & comprehensive reading improving activities. If a child is unable to read with comprehension they struggle to learn effectively as well as answer questions correctly during exams.
Activities that improve Perceptual skills.
The program consists of 4 different levels starting at basic reading and letter recognition with regards to phonics and moving to more complex in-depth reading skills.
The program is aimed at helping children from Grade R - 9.
The program is in English and Afrikaans.
At the end of each term, the child`s reading speed is tested again and a short progress report is given.
We follow an integrated approach to support children with reading and concentration difficulties holistically.
We have combined Occupational Therapy techniques with regards to perceptual development and movement, Remedial Therapy reading techniques, and basic language skills. We follow a bottom-up scaffolding intervention approach by assisting children with pre-reading skills moving on to comprehensive reading.
If a child`s concentration, reading speed and comprehensive reading abilities improve, various aspects of their schoolwork will be influenced positively!

Contact us:
📧[email protected]
☎ +27 66 183 8467


Hoe werk Breingolf Stimulasie?

Kinders wat gediagnoseer is met ADD en ADHD, spandeer die grootste deel van hul daaglikse tyd in die Alpha- en Theta-breingolf. Hierdie kinders is intelligent en het wysheid verby hul ouderdomsgroep, maar sukkel om die Beta-toestand te bereik, wat hulle in staat sal stel om te konsentreer en hulself behoorlik uit te druk. Hierdie gebrek aan konsentrasie bemoeilik dit in die skoolomgewing.

Daarom gebruik ons by Giving Children Wings nie net ligaams oefeninge maar fasiliteer ook "Focussed Learning", deur U kind se brein te help om in die optimale breingolf te kom sodat optimale kognitiewe leerprosesse kan plaasvind. U kind leer dan om sy/haar konsentrasie te verbeter en omvattende leeswerk beter op te neem.

Kontak ons gerus op;
📧[email protected]
☎ 076 363 4991

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38 Shepstone Street, Brenthurst

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
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