Gratis evaluasies 9-13 Okt
Reading GrR-12, ADHD, Attention Training, Testing of Attention and Study Method Course
Operating as usual
Gratis evaluasies 9-13 Okt
Kom doen 'n gratis evaluasie in September 🤗
Lees u kind met begrip? Skakel ons vandag
South Africa is losing its fundamental unit of education 80% of Grade 5 learners, between the ages of 9 and 10 year’s old, have not mastered basic reading skills, and South African primary schools are failing to equip learners with basic literacy skills.
As the Administrator of this group, I just want to share a Protection of Personal Information (POPI) disclaimer as all Facebook groups must comply with the law from 1 July 2021.
As we all know, the expiry date for the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 (“POPIA”), on 30 June 2021, is steadfastly approaching. This deadline brings some changes. Therefore I would like to bring the operations of this group in line with the new legislation.
One of these changes is that administrators are required to obtain your consent to participate in this Facebook group. As such, you are hereby notified that you are entitled to refuse such permission and you may exercise such a right by leaving this group.
If you choose to remain in this group, you will accept that you have agreed to be part of this group and that your personal information (eg. namely your profile, photos and other visible information as it is on your profile and accessible to another person's contact list) is open to any person in this group.
None of your information will be used outside of this group by the administrators but may be used by other members.
In this regard, we call on all members of this group not to use such personal information for any reason without obtaining the consent of the person concerned.
Should any member feel their personal information have been used by another member of the group, please feel free to report such a person to one of the administrators as soon as possible.
No need to reply.
There is a BIG difference between traditional HEG Neurofeedback (where the student will only watch a video or movie) and the Customised Neurocogntive Training that Biolink Attention Training offer.
Things to consider in the image below:
🎯The program is customised because of the Artificial Intelligence software SHEER GENIUS. (so not ONE SIZE fits all program)
🎯NOT video watching but COGNITIVE TRAINING that is needed to learn, write and remember. Consider this: How will watching a movie that stops when you are not paying attention, teach your child to process faster or lessen impulse behaviour? You need to practice the correct cognitive skill together with the transfer to achieve this.
🎯We have a program where we TRANSFER the skills taught in real-life work - generalisation
🎯The program AUTO ADJUST according to the levels of the student as they progress through the program, all because of the Artificial Intelligence software that "knows" each student individually.
What advice do you have?
Tips for Studying🎯
🍔Share your favorite Hamburger with us!
Soms sien ouers en onderwysers net die feit dat 'n kind:
🙉Nie luister nie
🤔Stadig om take te voltooi
🌴In 'n droomwêreld
👻Sukkel om veelvuldige stappe te doen
Dan vermoed dit kan net tekens van ADHD wees. Ek wil vandag vir u sê dat daar 'n GROOT verskil is.
Maar hoe sal u weet of dit wat u sien net stadige verwerking is en nie net aandag nie?
Ons het 'n wetenskaplike objektiewe meting wat u kan wys.
📞 Bespreek 'n fokusassessering om die antwoorde te kry!
Kontak ons vandag om uit te vind hoe ons u kind kan help😁
📱📲 Kontak ons by:
Dr YOLANDIE : 083 298 5825
vaardigheidsassessering ontwikkeling
Op soek na wetenskaplike antwoorde waarom u kind nie die resultate van moeite doen nie?
Daar is niks so hartseer vir 'n ouer as jy sien hoe jou kind regtig hard probeer om sekere doelwitte te bereik nie, en dan stel die punte julle albei teleur.
Ons kan u help om die antwoorde te kry😁
📞 Bespreek 'n fokusassessering om die antwoorde te kry!
Kontak ons vandag om uit te vind hoe ons u kind kan help😁
📱📲 Kontak ons by:
Dr YOLANDIE : 083 298 5825
JUFFROU LIEZE-MARIE : 071 383 6457
vaardigheidsassessering ontwikkeling
Ons is trots op die feit dat elke student wat deur ons deure kom, 'n GESPASSIFISEERDE en geïndividualiseerde plan net vir haar / hom sal hê.
Alhoewel ons dieselfde kognitiewe vaardighede beoefen, sal elke student se vaardighede op daardie stadium anders wees. Ons kunsmatige intelligensie doen dit alles vir ons.
Die uitkoms hiervan is dat elke student op die vlak waarop hy tans is, sal bereik en in die vlakke sal optrek soos dit vorder.
⭐Die program is opgestel vir SUKSES.⭐
Besoek www.biolinkattentiontraining.com vir meer inligting
Biolink Attention Training One of the integral parts of our program is our Technology. This world-leading technology is only available at Biolink Centers across Africa. What makes this so unique? This is the only program that integrates NASA inspired feedback technology with cognitive skill training and behaviour shaping.
Geniet die naweek! 🌠
Die FOCUS-assessering is 'n objektiewe, wetenskaplike meting van die vermoë van iemand om gefokus te bly in saai of alledaagse situasies soos byvoorbeeld 'n klaskamer of 'n vergadering.
📞 Bespreek 'n fokusassessering om die antwoorde te kry!
Kontak ons vandag om uit te vind hoe ons u kind kan help😁
📱📲 Kontak ons by:
Dr YOLANDIE : 083 298 5825
JUFFROU LIEZE-MARIE : 071 383 6457
😲Struggling to understand your child's BEHAVIOUR???
❤You want to be there for your child when they go through a difficult time, but not sure how to help...
➡️Register for our FREE webinar, to get the ANSWERS and ADVICE you're looking for.
Click here to register:
Wat meet FOKUS?
FOCUS meet verskeie aspekte (genoem konstrukte) wat aandagbeheer beïnvloed. Hierdie konstrukte is konsekwentheid, uitvoering, impulsiwiteit en afleiding (klank en beeldend).
No Dirty Dishes Day is the perfect excuse to break away from your regular daily routine! Why not.... 🍽 Use paper plates 🍽 Fast (😳) 🍽 Order take out 🍽 Only eat food that come in their own containers like bananas 🍌
FOCUS is 'n gerekenariseerde meting van Attentional Control. Aandaglike beheer is die vermoë om gefokus te bly op doelgerigte stimuli en inligting in die teenwoordigheid van afleidings wat moontlik inmeng.⭐
Kontak ons vandag om jou FOKUS-ASSESSERING te bespreek!!! 👆👆
What is Biolink? 🤔
Click on this link to learn more about it, 👆⭐
Nothing as heartwarming as positive feedback from parents on our 21 Day Homework Challenge.❤️
You can still join here:
You only watch ONE 5 min video per day with an activity. So much fun.🙃🥳
Family Time❤️
Enjoy the weekend
Familie is kosbaar!
Baie kinders sukkel nie noodwendig met konsentrasie nie maar hulle uitvoerende funksionering ( executive functioning) vaardighede wat nodig is om skoolwerk te kan doen is dalkvnie ten volle ontwikkel nie.
❗Hierdie is 'n baie belangrike faktor om in gedagte te hou.❗
⚠️Boek jou FOKUS-ASSESSERING Vandag!!!
📱📲 Kontak ons by:
Dr YOLANDIE : 083 298 5825
Sukkel u kind om basiese konsepte in Gr.R - Gr. 1 ??
Sluit aan by ons 21 Daaguitdaging !!! Baie GRATIS, PRYSE en ONDERWYSINHOUD en AKTIWITEITE wat u met u kind kan doen !!!!
Moenie dit misloop nie !!!!
➡️Volg die skakel om deel te wees van hierdie wonderlike groep !!! Dit is GRATIS !!!
Om aandag te skenk is een van die belangrikste vaardighede om te kan vaar op skool. ❗❗
As u wonder of u kind probleme ondervind, is dit die beste manier om dit uit te vind deur 'n fokusbeoordeling te doen.
Die toets duur ongeveer 20 minute en meet die volgende: Aandagspan, brein verwerkingsnelheid, impulsiwiteit en die impak van ouditiewe en visuele afleiding.
✨Die resultate is objektief en word vergelyk met kinders in dieselfde ouderdomsgroep.
📞 Bespreek 'n fokusassessering om die antwoorde te kry!
Kontak ons vandag om uit te vind hoe ons u kind kan help😁
📱📲 Kontak ons by:
Dr YOLANDIE : 083 298 5825
JUFFROU LIEZE-MARIE : 071 383 6457
Vra jy soms watter tipe persoonlikheid jou kind het? Wat is sy / haar emosionele behoeftes? U kind se voorkeurstudiemetode en meer!
➡️Wanneer u 'n fokusassessering by ons bespreek, doen ons ook 'n persoonlikheidsanalise.
Ons glo dat enige intervensiemetode 'n HOLISTIESE metode moet wees ... ❤
📢Kyk net na hierdie oulike onderwerpe vir ons 1st week van die 21 Day Challenge vir Gr.1 ouers!!!😍
✏Waardevolle advies, lekker aktiwiteite en Tips vir ouers en hul kiddies! En...dis GRATIS!!!!! Kom leer saam hoe om jou kind by te staan in Gr.1!!!!
Volg die link om deel te wees!
Graad 1-ouers - u kan steeds deelneem aan ons 21 Daag-uitdaging. Ons het soveel pret en goeie terugvoer van ouers.
Jy sal: Leer hoe u kind leer Maak huiswerk lekkerder.
Ontmoet ander ouers EEN WENK - EEN GEREEDSKAP elke dag Wen wonderlike pryse.
Beantwoord AL die vrae om toegang tot die groep te kry.
U kan hier aansluit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/158284172878718
Ons het gedek: 💚 LEES 💚 TEL
💚VANDAG praat ons oor SKRYF Daar is elke dag 'n kort video en 'n instrument om u te help. Kom sluit aan by ons!
😲Struggling to understand your child's BEHAVIOR???
❤You want to be there for your child when they go through a difficult time, but not sure how to help...
➡️Register for our FREE webinar that will take place on the 20th, to get the ANSWERS and ADVICE you're looking for.
Click here to register:
FOCUS is 'n gerekenariseerde meting van Aandag beheer. Aandaglike beheer is die vermoë om gefokus te bly op doelrelevante stimuli en inligting in die teenwoordigheid van moontlike afleidings.
📞 Bespreek 'n fokusassessering om die antwoorde te kry!
Kontak ons vandag om uit te vind hoe ons u kind kan help😁
📱📲 Kontak ons by:
Dr YOLANDIE : 083 298 5825
JUFFROU LIEZE-MARIE : 071 383 6457
Monday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Tuesday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Wednesday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Thursday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Friday | 09:00 - 14:00 |
It is a learning institution that believes and promote non-conventional ways of teaching
Thandimfundo Academy is an Independent school. We follow the CAPS curriculum.
Kleuterskool en Naskool Sentrum in Dalview, Brakpan.
Language of learning and teaching: English Home Language, Afrikaans First Additional Language. We of
We are a learning centre in Brakpan dedicated in providing quality education and early childhood development. Ages: 3months to grade9