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Hambalyo Hambalyo Waxaan halkan hambalyo Meher wacan iyo duco aan la soo koobi Karin uga dirayaa hassan ilmi osman iyo Marwadiisa Imaan hussein mohamoud oo maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 07-julay -2022 meherkoodu ka dhacay magaalada mogadishu waxaanu leenahay noqda labadii isku waara ubad khayr qaba kala hela بارك الله لكم وبارك عليكم وجمع بينكما في الخير
Nashiido kusaabsan soonka please like and fallow
Siyaarada qaabkaan ah mabanaantahy
Reer baadiyo fadlan like fallow and comenty
Dadka laga dhiso aqoonta
Asc umadda somaliyed waxaan rabaa inaaad kaqeeyb qaadataan anfurinta walaal sooman gaar ahaan dadka aaan Awoodin fadlan walaal page like saaar si aaay ugaarto dad badan kheeyrka jecel
Qiso cajiib ah oo layaab leh
Beenta cilaaajyada qaarkood
الصلاة ركن من أركان الإسلام
تقبل الله صومنا
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Achaz academy is an Early Childhood Development Center. Our goal is to raise students who can academically compete and succeed on the global stage. We use inquiry based learning and a hybrid of the local and international curriculum.
Alexandra High School is a secondary school in Alexandra, Guateng – for learners in grades 8 to 12.Alex High is one of the largest schools in Alexandra and, under the leadership of the principal, Mrs. Zoleka Lebelo.
we are an Organisation that deals commonly with the youth's varsity applicantions,job applications bursary applicantions and many more services at zero costs. please fear not to get in touch with us in the case where you seek assistance.
Bit a Byte Academy of Information Technology is a full time and part time training services provider. We are an accredited service provider registered with ITUC
We are an E C D that caters for children as from one year up to grade R. We teach simple arithmetic(
The alex school of excellence is an organization aimed At the upliftment of the community of Alexandra by introducing projects that will not only change the life of people but the whole community
@ReadersAreLeadersAlex was formed for the youth by the youth. It aims to teach primary school pupils