LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu

LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu


LIS is an inclusive school teaching the Australian Curriculum. Luganville International School Inc. It has opened its doors on 18 July 2016.

is a charitable organization founded on 31st May 2016 and located in Luganville, Santo, Vanuatu. Philosophy
Our Early Childhood Care and Education Centre caters for children from 3yrs to 5yrs old, and offers a play based learning curriculum. Research has shown that play is the best exercise for the brain, because it provides the most appropriate stimulus for brain development. Children in all cult

Operating as usual

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 02/08/2024

Our Year 3-4 students are also talented writers. Look at this poetry!

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 31/07/2024

Today we celebrated our winning writers from the Vanuatu Micro-fiction Competition - Mai’ara was a finalist, Shanine won the Sista! Stanap Strong Prize for Young Poets and Mislin won the competition. All our secondary students submitted excellent writing and we’re proud of all of them. Congratulations!


We are all incredibly proud of Mislin. Congratulations!

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 26/07/2024

Today we celebrated Kindy Day and had a lovely time. Thank you Santo East School or organising such a special celebration!

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 23/07/2024

Happy Children’s Day from everyone at LIS! We hope you have a delicious day!

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 23/07/2024

Today we celebrated Children’s Day with a party for all our children. Thank you to the teachers for organising activities and Mrs Rinneth for making the cakes. We love playing with, teaching and learning from our children and are excited to watch them grow. We know one day they will change the world!

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 18/07/2024

The Haus Storian collective announced the longlist for their first national micro-fiction competition and 3 LIS students are on the list! Congratulations Mislin, Thomas and Mai'ara!

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 18/07/2024

Secondary-aged students competed in the AFL Vanuatu inter-school tournament today. Although they’ve only had 5 weeks of coaching, they tried their best and didn’t give up. We’re very proud of them.


After just one week in Prep, our new graduates from Pre-school are using their phonics knowledge to decode words. We’re very proud of them!


We hope all our students have safe and happy school holidays with their friends and families! See you next term!


AFL Vanuatu, with Mrs Marie, have been coaching LIS1 students each week in Australian Rules Football. This week they gave us our own balls, so we can practise whenever we want. Thanks, AFL Vanuatu!


Life has its ups and downs! We didn’t celebrate Kindy Day today as we want to celebrate together with other Santo schools when they return to classrooms. But today we still want to acknowledge all the teachers, parents, carers and children who teach and learn at kindy. Your work is very important. Happy Kindy Day!


Today we’re in the newspaper!


Last week, Amirah attended an online Micro-fiction workshop with writer and Flash Frontier editor Mikaela Nyman. Today she delivered the workshop to her fellow students and teacher. Thanks, Amirah!


Taylor reminds everyone to vote today.


Thomas explains the 2 articles people are being asked to vote on.


Alonzo reminds voters to take their National ID Card to vote.

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 24/05/2024

Today, students from Years 5-9 had a meeting with Relvie, the Head of the Communications Team, and Mike, the National Coordinator, of Referendum 2024. They asked us what we knew about the Referendum, gave us lots of information and answered our questions. Mike told us that we were the first school in Vanuatu who his team has spoken to and that we were the most important people he's spoken to because we showed him that Vanuatu cares and has hope. He told us that we are leaders for this country tomorrow and reminded us to think, "What do I have to do for myself?" and "What do I have to do for my country?"

We learnt that all the MPs voted in December 2023 to hold this referendum and that the referendum is to stop MPs moving back and forth between parties. This affects development in Vanuatu, including education. The proposed laws will mean MPs have to stay within the political party they represented when they were elected and independent members have to join a party within 3 months of being elected. If MPs leave a party, or don't join a party, their seat will be vacated.

We learnt that all Vanuatu citizens over 18 can vote, but they need to take their National ID card to the polling station. We even saw the red and green voting cards voters will be given to choose and put in an envelope and ballot box to vote.

We are very grateful that the Referendum2024 team took time from their very busy jobs to not only educate us, but to inspire us too. Thank you!

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 22/05/2024

Today all our Primary students joined with more than 2 million students around Australia and the world for the National Simultaneous Storytime. We listened to Aura Parker read her story Bowerbird Blues. After the story we joined in lots of different Bowerbird themed activities. It was a lovely blue afternoon!

Video in the comments.

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 16/05/2024

Vanuatu Cricket Association coaches have been training our LIS2 students every Thursday afternoon this term. We have some excellent cricketers, especially our young women. We hope to see them play for Vanuatu one day! Thanks for supporting us, VCA!

Videos in the comments.

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 16/05/2024

When our weekly value was teamwork, students in Years 2-4 worked as teams to draw the teamwork rules - discuss the team goal, listen, participate, encourage others, share and problem solve.

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 10/05/2024

Thank you, Alice, for taking such beautiful pictures at our Mother's Day breakfast!

Photos from LIS Luganville International School - Vanuatu's post 10/05/2024

Our Mother’s Day Photo Booth was lots of fun. Thanks for donating the dress-ups, Miss Kate!


Today at our Mother’s Day breakfast, we showed our mums how much we love them and how grateful we are for everything they do. Happy Mother’s Day! ♥️

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Melinda Coles

Luganville International School wishes to thanks Melinda Coles and her students, for her violin workshop...

Videos (show all)

Life has its ups and downs! We didn’t celebrate Kindy Day today as we want to celebrate together with other Santo school...
Today at our Mother’s Day breakfast, we showed our mums how much we love them and how grateful we are for everything the...
Our students were very happy to return to school this week. One was so excited he wanted to do all the morning greetings...





Higginson Boulevard

Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 14:00
07:30 - 13:30
Tuesday 07:30 - 14:00
07:30 - 13:30
Wednesday 07:30 - 14:00
07:30 - 13:30
Thursday 07:30 - 14:00
07:30 - 13:30
Friday 07:30 - 14:00
07:30 - 13:30
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