Attention Thursday Night Dance Community we are looking to get your input! We are so grateful to our Volunteer DJs who put in hours of volunteer work creating endless playlists for our dancing enjoyment! However, as previously discussed, we would like to have more regular input from our regulars and our local dance community in general. What gets your feet tapping and twirling out on that floor?!
Please take the time to let us know by adding your favorites here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/34RcNhk7mrMboZVdlWj8cB?si=zE4NrUj6SMK0LnrgpTOIEQ&pt=05cc01b4a94e0889a89eb2f746ab7fcb&pi=u-Zbfd2XrwRn2L
This will help our DJs to continue to adjust and curate our own set lists and also give YOU the opportunity to participate as our Community DJs.
When adding to the playlist please respect the following:
1. Song Length (no longer than 4 mins) (3-3.5 mins is generally considered preferable)
2. Lyrics (please review lyrics to ensure they are respectful and appropriate)
3. Genres/Style (Socially Danceable- that means you can dance to this song with a partner or in a line dance. EX: Lindy Hop, Salsa, Electric Slide, etc. While solo dancing is a beautiful art form and one we also enjoy participating in, for the purposes of this Community DJ play list, we are focused on Social Dancing only)
4. Avoid repeating songs (Please check the song has not already been added to our play list)
5. NUMBER 1 RULE- Please grab a partner and DANCE to the song(s) you added when attending our Thursday Night Dance.