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CC Hardy Elementary is an elementary school that is a part of Willis ISD located in Willis, TX. This page is for posting purposes only.
If you have any questions, please contact your campus office. This page is for posting only. Comments that include questions will not be answered. Advertisements or promotions in the form of comments will also be hidden or deleted. If you have any questions, please call the campus office.
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You can view your student's STAAR scores on Friday, June 14th.
Attention Wildkats 📣
All children 18 years of age and under are welcome to enjoy complimentary breakfast and lunch at Brabham Middle School or the CTE Center, Monday through Thursday, June 3 to June 27. Meals are also available at Meador Elementary, Monday through Thursday, June 3 to July 1.
Adults are allowed to eat with their children but must pay for their meals.
We want to say THANK YOU to our Hardy community, parents, students, teachers, and staff! It has been a great year. We hope you have a fabulous, restful, and safe summer. We can't wait to see everyone back for the 24-25 school year. Have a Great Summer!
Early release tomorrow at 2:21 pm.
No backpacks are needed.
We have great helpers at Hardy! These students chose to clean up the playground during their recess time. You are awesome!
Friday. May 24 is the last day of school AND an EARLY RELEASE DAY! Please review the times provided.
Students in Mrs Morgan's class love Flashlight Friday Reading Time!
Mrs. Tracy and Mrs. DeFrancisco's 3rd graders enjoyed having the Read Dog Annie come visit them!
3rd graders have enjoyed watching the process of incubating, candling, hatching, and providing for baby chicks and baby peachicks. They learned all about the cycle they go through as they grow inside the egg. They learned about the process of hatching them and loved watching them as they hatched out of their shells and stretched their little bodies out for the first time. Now they are loving observing them as they peck around, sleep, perch, and chirp throughout the day. They will be closely observing them throughout the next week as they start to lose the fluff and begin to grow their feather's.
Our 5th Graders did an amazing job at the District 5th Grade Track Meet today. They had so much fun and showed true Hardy spirit! We are so proud of each one of them!
This week's Newsletter
C.C. Hardy Post This Week's Information/Información de esta semana May 13th- LLMS Feederzone 5th grade and upcoming Kindergarten students Summer Olympics...
Students had fun dressing like their teachers today to celebrate the last day of Teacher Appreciation Week.
Mrs. Easterling's class, along with all the 1st graders, had a great time on their Field Trip to the Huntsville State Park last week!
ABC spotlights Hardy's newly renovated Staff Lounge! Thank you so much to our Hardy PTO, the Valdez Group, and all the sponsors that helped put this together! We are so grateful for you!
Teachers surprised with renovated lounge, new appliances Surprise Makeover! Parents in Willis ISD upgrade "basic" teacher lounge into a welcoming retreat for teachers.
On Monday, CC Hardy PTO, Valdez Group, and Moco-png group surprised teachers and staff at Hardy with a new break room! They worked hard to pull off the surprise for the first day of Teacher Appreciation Week and the staff was so excited. Thank you so much, yall are awesome!
Mrs. Clark is amazing at building relationships with our students!
UPDATE ⛈ : Willis iSD schools and offices will remain closed tomorrow, Friday, May 3rd. This decision was made among area emergency management officials and local superintendents as a county-wide decision. Please stay safe and dry! We will see you on Monday.
Willis ISD schools and offices will be closed today, Thursday, May 2 due to heavy rain and flooding. Several roads our students and staff travel in on are closed due to high water. Please stay safe and heed all weather warnings from local weather experts and officials.
3rd grade students worked with partners to create posters that showed the similarities and differences of a set of paired texts. They wrote ideas that were similar and different in the texts and then drew illustrations that showed the similarities and differences.
4th graders in Ms. Lambert's class went outside to create compare/contrast models using paper plates. Students used paired texts and identified similarities and differences.
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6th- May 10th. Let's show our teachers how much we appreciate them.
Students in Mrs Branin and Ms Orozco's classes enjoyed have the Read Dogs come visit them!
Field Day Shirt Order Forms are due today!
Mrs Easterling's first graders were working on reviewing Elements of Poetry.
Kindergartners had fun at recess drawing and being creative with chalk on the basketball court.
Tomorrow Hardy will be a closed campus due to 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders taking the Math STAAR test.
Wildkat Parents,
Our April Wildkat University topic is Keeping Kids Safe in a Digital Age - Human Trafficking Awareness presented by Street Grace. In the constantly evolving world of social media and technology, Street Grace is staying up to date on the dangers to our children and youth through technology. They focus on how the human trafficking community is reaching our children through their personal devices.
Click HERE to view the on-demand recording.
As always, this will be a great time of learning together!
Field Day shirt order forms and money are due by April 26th. If you need another order form, reach out to your students' teacher.
Lynn Lucas Middle School PTO - this page is run by volunteers and snacks. <3
Stubblefield Academy is an alternative school that is a part of Willis ISD located in Willis, TX. This page is for posting purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact your campus office.
Meador Elementary is an elementary school that is a part of Willis ISD located in Willis, TX. This page is for posting purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact your campus office.
AR Turner Elementary is an elementary school that is a part of Willis ISD located in Willis, TX.
Parmley Elementary is an elementary school that is a part of Willis ISD located in Willis, TX. This page is for posting purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact your campus office.
Cannan Elementary is an elementary school that is a part of Willis ISD located in Willis, TX. This page is for posting purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact your campus office.
Lynn Lucas Middle School is a middle school that is a part of Willis ISD located in Willis, Texas.
We provide quality instruction for students wanting to learn life saving skills. In person or online. BLS Provider, CPR, First Aid, BBP, AED, Instructor trianing, Babysitting and more. We proudly use AHA standards.