We have a new page for the Global Center for Environmental Legal Studies.
Please "like" our new page: "Global Center for Environmental Legal Studies" and we will keep you posted on all of our exciting upcoming events and news!
Global Center for Environmental Legal Studies
The global arm of an internationally renowned, top-ranked environmental law program nestled between
We have a handful of competitive fellowship position openings at Pace University School of Law, including one position with the Global Center for Environmental Legal Studies. Graduating 3Ls and law school graduates are encouraged to apply by following the instructions below. Applications are due April 1st. Please help us spread the word!
To apply, please visit: http://law.pace.edu/enviro-grad-research-fellows
Environmental Graduate Research Fellows | Pace Law School
Pace Law School Environmental Law Program 2015-16
Pace Law School Environmental Law Program 2015-16
Mark your calendars with our upcoming environmental events this year! http://bit.ly/1iemjzK
2015-16 Pace Environmental Law Program Events
The Woman Who Could Stop Climate Change
Christiana Figueres must persuade a hundred and ninety-five world leaders to reduce carbon emissions.
Check out these articles by Pace LLM alum Maria Antonia Tigre as part of her fellowship at the World Resources Institute: http://thecityfix.com/blog/author/mariatigre/
Maria Antonia Tigre | TheCityFix
H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, gave remarks yesterday at the conferral of the Elizabeth Haub Award for Environmental Diplomacy, which Pace Law hands out each year. You can read the Secretary-General's thoughts on the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals here:
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Statements
I thank the Pace University School of Law and the Haub family for inviting me to honour the recipients of the Elizabeth Haub Prize for Environmental Diplomacy.
What is the point of saving endangered species?
It will cost billions of dollars to save all the world's threatened species. What's in it for us?
A new article in the Progressive Planning Magazine from 3L Justin Woods:
The Damage from Mega-Sporting Events in Brazil by J Justin Woods :: SSRN
Over the past several years, Brazil’s federal government and the city and state governments of Rio de Janeiro have invested tens of billions of dollars to devel
Climate change causing bumblebee habitat loss, say scientists
Scientists shocked at bees’ failure to relocate north to cooler areas as southern climes in Europe and North America become too hot for the species to survive
"Maybe the idea of assigning refugees to the nations that caused the climate to change can spur a less-pessimistic future. If we don’t want millions of people seeking haven here — or dying while they try — then the United States and other industrialized countries need to become far more aggressive in cutting their greenhouse gas emissions."
America is the worst polluter in the history of the world. We should let climate change refugees...
Rising sea levels threaten to displace millions of people. It’s only fair to move them to the countries that caused the problem.
“The workers live about 60 days,” she explained with a glint in her eye...During their lives, they don’t produce more than a spoon of honey,” she added, before turning to her accountancy skills to do the maths. “If we did their job, paid at the minimum wage, a pot of honey would cost $182,000.”
Oslo creates world's first 'highway' to protect endangered bees
Norway’s capital is creating a route filled with flowers and ‘green roofs’ to protect endangered pollinators essential to food production
"The scientific case is so strong, and the dangers so high that the court has ruled that the state is failing to adequately protect its citizens from the effects of climate change.”
Dutch government ordered to cut carbon emissions in landmark ruling
Dutch court orders state to reduce emissions by 25% within five years to protect its citizens from climate change in world’s first climate liability suit
"The high seas, which lie beyond the jurisdiction of any nation, cover nearly 50% of the planet. They host the largest habitat for life on Earth, yet suffer from chronic neglect."
A major step towards a legally-binding deal for the high seas
UN Member States adopt a resolution to develop legal measures to conserve biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction
"Although the report paints a depressing picture, Ceballos and his colleagues hold out a slender ray of hope."
Scientists Build Case for 'Sixth Extinction' ... and Say It Could Kill Us
Even conservative calculations show the world is in the midst of a sixth mass extinction that's likely to lead to our demise if it's unchecked, scientists say.
New IRENA App Turns Mobile Devices Into Renewable Energy Prospectors
Have you ever wondered what the renewable energy potential was for a region or specific location? Today, IRENA is launching a new mobile app, which can transform your mobile device into a prospecto...
Thoughts on the Pope's recent encyclical from Pace University Senior Fellow for Environmental Understanding and NYT blogger Andrew Revkin:
Themes of the Pope's Encyclical on Climate, Equity and the Environment Emerge in Italian Leak
Pope Francis endorses science pointing to human-driven global warming, presses for reduced consumption and chides those delaying a response.
The U.N. surprises everyone with a breakthrough deal to slow deforestation
It’s not often that happy, unexpected news emerges from climate negotiations, but that’s exactly what happened at a meeting in Germany this week.
Climate sceptic researcher investigated over funding from fossil fuel firms
Willie Soon from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics probed over failure to disclose more than $1.2m from energy industry when submitting articles
“The G-20 nations alone account for 75 percent of global emissions, and China is one-third of that,” she told reporters during UN climate talks. “So having China as a partner in the international agreement on moving forward is really important. We continue to discuss very intensely with China.”
EU, China Said to Ready Climate Pact in June Before Global Deal
Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world.
YouTube film-maker Finn Harries: my generation must save the planet
The internet generation is first to grow up with global warming and the last that will be able to do anything about it, says Finn Harries
Alumni: RSVP today for the June 23 enviro reception in Washington, DC!
Join us on June 23 for Pace's annual DC Alumni Reception
“Soaring demand for this woody fuel has led to the construction of more than two dozen pellet factories in the Southeast in the past decade, along with special port facilities in Virginia and Georgia where mountains of pellets are loaded onto Europe-bound freighters. European officials promote the trade as part of the fight against climate change. Burning 'biomass' from trees instead of coal, they say, means fewer greenhouse gases in the atmosphere."
Wood pellet exports wreaking havoc on climate and forests | Southern Environmental Law Center
‘It Is Climate Change': India’s Heat Wave Now The 5th Deadliest In World History
If the death toll reaches more than 2,541, it will become the 4th deadliest heat wave in the world, and the deadliest in India's history.
Can't wait to see our alumni and students at Cafe Centro on Thursday evening! (Remember to RSVP!)
Pace NYC Environmental Alumni Reception
BREAKING: After huge international pressure, Norway’s $900 billion sovereign wealth fund, the largest in the world, will be divesting from coal!
"There’s much work to be done taking on coal, oil, and gas but the momentum is definitely on our side."
Full story: http://gofossilfree.org/norway-will-make-coal-history/
Remember that our annual Pace NYC environmental alumni gathering and Robinson Award celebration is next week! RSVP if you can!
Join us on June 4 in NYC!