ICYMI - HCE 2024 knocked it out of the park!! The best faculty and staff from our barbershop world contributed their time and talents to a weekend of learning, singing, and CONNECTION for all of our eager students. Evidence below.
Too many people to thank, so if you were a person who drove the “Bubers,” set up and took down risers, shopped, talked the deans off the ledge when necessary, or helped in ANY capacity over the last few months (and especially the last four days!), know that you are appreciated and loved. This is not an event that can happen without support.
See? There are some excited students heading our way this weekend at McDaniel College for Harmony College East 2024. Can't wait to get the learning "party" started!
Six of our members are heading out to Mid-Atlantic District Barbershop’s Harmony College East this weekend! Be sure to say hi if you see them around!
You only have a few days left to register for the best barbershop school ever! Harmony College East 2024 at McDaniel College, June 13-16. Don’t miss out!!!
It's "LIVE!" Registration for Harmony College East 2024 is open! Click below to learn more and register to attend!
**** UPDATE!! 4/4 at 6:38pm EDT, all "tech problems" have been FIXED and tested. HCE REGISTRATION IS OPEN AGAIN!! Register now...we look forward to seeing you there! Thank you for your patience! ****
*** Registration for Harmony College-East 2024 is "LIVE!" ***
Hello, friends! It’s time to register for Harmony College East 2024! Get your calendars out and reserve June 13-16, 2024, for the best District barbershop school ANYWHERE! Briefly, here are the particulars:
WHAT: Harmony College East 2024
WHERE: The beautiful campus of McDaniel College, Westminster, MD
WHEN: Thursday, June 13 through Sunday, June 16, 2024
COURSES: We are excited to report that in addition to our standard amazing course offerings, we have added many NEW courses and instructors this year, such as:
* Learning Music at Home: Maximizing Your Rehearsal Experience (Jay Butterfield)
* Grant Writing (TBD)
* Marketing (Steve Skolnick, Cavan Potee)
* Diving Into the Chart: Barbershop Music Analysis (Evan Boegehold)
* Why Folks Sing Flat (Adam Scott)
* Growing Your Chapter (Kate Macdonald)
* Everything But the Singing (Kate Macdonald)
* Successfully Implementing SIngers’ Recordings (Jay Butterfield)
* Creating Effective Musical Tension (Evan Boegehold)
* The GOTHAM Experience (Larry Bomback, Keith Harris, Anna Chelak, Braden Lynk, and Meredith Rich)
* Contest to Curtain Call: Elevate Your Contest Experience (Maria Christian)
* Say This, Not That (For Directors) (Adam Scott)
* Arranging (Intermediate) (Adam Scott)
* Music Apps: Tips and Tricks (Kate Macdonald)
…..and MORE!! All new courses are highlighted on the registration website.
QUARTET AND CHORUS COACHING: By coming to Harmony College East as a quartet or chorus, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of intensive coaching by some of the finest coaches in the barbershop world, whose success with TTBB, SSAA, and mixed-voice ensembles is legendary! Your quartet or chorus will leave your HCE experience with the tools and skills to continue to grow and improve!
PRIVATE VOCAL INSTRUCTION (PVI): In addition to our courses and coaching, you will have the opportunity to sign up for a 30-minute time period for one-on-one vocal instruction with one of our faculty members, who will help you to target your areas of vocal concern and give you strategies on how to improve!
COST: Inflation has affected everyone, including HCE 2024. So costs for the weekend are slightly higher than last year, but we’ve not raised prices for over 4 years. We’ve been careful to make your experience as affordable as possible! In addition, McDaniel College is requiring that we pay the same fee to them for each residential attendee, regardless of the number of nights or the number of meals. Therefore, we have had to limit the options for all attendees to register for either a “resident” rate OR a “commuter” rate, with fewer options for number of nights or meals. You will see the updated options on the dropdown menu on the registration page. This is another way to be fiscally responsible to the District.
REGISTRATION LINK: Please go to http://www.midatlanticdistrict.com/?Code=HCE and follow the links to the registration page. You will receive an email confirmation upon completion of your registration.
HELP SPREAD THE WORD! If you know of another barbershopper, regardless of gender or organization, who might benefit from this great educational opportunity, please forward this email to them! HCE is open to ALL!
We, your Deans, hope that you, your quartet, and your chorus will consider coming to Harmony College East this year to take advantage of the best faculty and coaches the Society has to offer!
Bill Colosimo and Sheryl Berlin, Deans
Harmony College East ([email protected])
Do you know a young person who loves to sing? Here's an exciting opportunity for singers in grades 8-11 in the DC-MD-VA area! Proud to be involved in this endeavor! Fellow choral educators, please share widely with your students. QR code for registration is on the flyer below. Come sing with us!!
Here's a wonderful post from our friend Maria Christian, who delivered a terrific Keynote Address at our event last weekend. She tells everyone how GREAT HCE is...and encourages EVERYONE to join us for HCE 2024 next June at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD. She also makes a great suggestion: How 'bout a 9-hole HCE Golf Tournament to kick off the weekend next year? I know Sheryl Berlin would LOVE this idea! Thanks, Maria, for all you do for the Barbershop Harmony Society and all those whose lives you touch with your terrific voice and encouraging words! -- Bill Colosimo
The best barbershop education ever starts TWO👏WEEKS👏FROM👏TODAY👏
Go to http://www.midatlanticdistrict.com/?Code=HCE
It's Memorial Day Weekend! You DO know what that means, right? Of course, it means that there are only 19 more days until Harmony College East 2023!!
💈 If you have registered, THANK YOU, and we can't wait to see you!
💈 If you are still on the fence about registering, we can only say that this opportunity for learning and singing so close to home only comes ONCE. A. YEAR. We still have lots of room in all our classes, and our Friday night and Saturday night shows will be SPECTACULAR!
💈 If you are already planning to register, and just haven't done it yet, what are you waiting for?? 😆
Registration closes VERY SOON! Don't miss out on this terrific school! Register NOW at http://www.midatlanticdistrict.com/?Code=HCE
REGISTER NOW! SPACE IS FILLING FAST! Harmony College East 2023 is June 15-18, 2023 at gorgeous McDaniel College in Westminster, MD. Don't miss your chance to attend the single best barbershop education event anywhere!! Go to this link to register: http://www.midatlanticdistrict.com/?Code=HCE
Questions? Email [email protected] for answers!
Register for Harmony College East TODAY! – Mid-Atlantic District News
Posted inIncluded in Newsletter Marketing Register for Harmony College East TODAY! Posted by By Cavan Potee May 19, 2023No Comments This year, Harmony College East will see the return of the youth camp along with EVEN MORE new and exciting opportunities for classes and coaching with some of the best...
Harmony College East is so proud of all of the ensembles that represented MAD in Charlotte this week! Check out the post to see how awesome the Mid-Atlantic District BHS really is!!!
ICYMI - HCE 2022 attendees, please check your email for an important link to a feedback form! We want to know!!
It's what you've been waiting for.......the Saturday Night Show video from HCE 2022!! We hope you enjoy this hour of incredible entertainment!
HCE 2022 Saturday Night Show
Enjoy the Saturday Night Show from Harmony College East 2022, featuring all of the quartets and choruses that were coached, and including special guests The ...
Thank you, Parkside Harmony and Parkside Melody for your valued contributions to our very successful event!!
Members from both Parkside Harmony and Parkside Melody attended Harmony College East this weekend! Look at those talented smiles!
Let us know if you attended and what you thought about the music and all that you learned!
How I spent my weekend…….
Harmony College East’s inaugural Music Educators School!! We had six amazing current and future music educators being immersed in barbershop harmony and learning ways they can enhance their already fantastic choral programs. Thanks and gratitude to our amazing MES faculty Vince Sandroni, Kevin Boehm, Maddie Larrimore, Melody Hine, and John Wernega for providing substantive content for these educators!!
ICYMI -- Our Harmony College East keynote address by Erin Odell Cook Thursday evening was inspiring! If you missed it, or would like to see it again, click the link below.
2022 HCE Keynote Address Erin Cook
Hello, HCE Participants!
THERE ARE TWO SCHEDULED EVENING ACTIVITIES, tonight (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday) at 7:30 pm!!
On FRIDAY, please come to Alumni Hall (Auditorium) for a wonderful “TAG FEST” hosted by Joe Cerutti. This is for ALL HCE participants, students and faculty!
BRING YOUR TAG SHEETS! Additional tag sheets are available in the HCE office.
On SATURDAY, please come to Alumni Hall (Auditorium) for the big “HCE SHOW,” featuring all the ensembles who have worked hard to prepare their performances for you!
Both activities will start promptly at 7:30. Come early to get a good seat!
Please spread the word among your friends so everyone will join us. Saturday show order of appearance is posted outside the HCE office AND on the wall by the “Opportunities” table at the entrance to the dining hall.
See you there!
HCE 2022 is in TEN DAYS!! 😲 There is still time to register! Go to www.midatlanticdistrict.com, scroll down to the "REGISTER NOW" button, and don't miss your chance to be part of the best barbershop school ANYWHERE!
Here's the recording of our valuable "HCE 2022 Info Session" held over Zoom on June 4, 2022! Great visits with many of our outstanding faculty, Q&A, and overall info to help you enjoy HCE even more! ONLINE REGISTRATION for this year's LIVE event ends June 9...don't miss out! Register TODAY at midatlanticdistrict.com.
HCE 2022 Info Session 060422
Recording of Harmony College East Zoom Info Session--June 4, 2022
It's time for Harmony College East Jeopardy!!
Answer: The number of days before the opening of HCE 2022.
Question: What is 29?
Answer: The number of days before the price of HCE 2022 goes up.
Question: What is TWELVE?
Answer: You go here to register for HCE 2022.
Question: What is http://www.midatlanticdistrict.com/?Code=HCE ?
Don't miss the return of Harmony College East, June 16-19, 2022. It's the best weekend of barbershop in the District!!
Countdown to the opening of Harmony College East 2022 on June 16 is...............36 days!!!
Don't miss this amazing event, June 16-19, 2022 at McDaniel College! Register NOW at www.midatlanticdistrict.com. Price is the same as it was in 2019, BUT it will increase after May 30. So Don't. Wait. Do. It. NOW! 🎵 🎶 🎵
It's the post you've all been waiting for.....HARMONY COLLEGE EAST 2022 REGISTRATION IS OPEN!!! We are IN PERSON this year at McDaniel College in beautiful Westminster, MD from Thursday, June 16 to Sunday, June 19, 2022! The school is open to ALL persons interested in barbershop! We have LOTS of new classes and instructors this year, as well as many of our "usuals." And we have added a Music Educators' School this year, so if you know of a music educator who you think would enjoy being immersed in barbershop this summer, please pass this information along.
Registration is now LIVE, so go to www.midatlanticdistrict.com, scroll down for the "REGISTER NOW" button, and register to guarantee your spot for the Greatest Weekend of Barbershopping on the East Coast!