Help us kick off our fundraising campaign!!!
The Ira & Asenath Sturdevant House: A Living History Project New England Yankee Pioneers
Ira H. Serving as a militiaman under Capt. In 1857, he added a barn.
Sturdevant was born in Tinmouth, Rutland County, Vermont, on April 28, 1793. His parents were Caleb Sturdevant, a veteran of the American Revolution, and Miriam Howe. Altogether, Caleb and Miriam had eleven children, of whom Ira was the fifth. Ira’s Building Skills
In February 1813, Caleb moved his family to Ellisburg, Jefferson County, New York, which had recently been opened for settlement.
Operating as usual
Help us kick off our fundraising campaign!!!
Thank you to all our sponsors for today’s Fall Fest in collaboration with the Bremer County Historical Society museum. It was unusually hot for September 21. It was 91° but we had great food and fun. Can you name all the activities we offered?
Fall Fest going on now. How much fun we are having! Join us!!!
Thank you for these great donations for our History Family Fall Event this Saturday at Ira's House-502 1st St. SW Waverly, in conjunction with the Bremer County Historical Society Museum. Click the link to see the donor and products. THANK YOU!!!
Donations: Scan the QR code or go here:
The Ira and Asenath Sturdevant House Board sincerely appreciates your financial support of ongoing efforts to preserve one of the few houses that were original to Waverly’s earliest days.
Over the past two years we have hosted an increasing number of events and tours at the house, telling its story of the past and our goals for it becoming a living history museum. Now, we have a brick wall to fix. Will you join us in giving to support this project?
Do you have free time?
Do you like: history, old houses, dressing up in character, public speaking, story telling, antiques, how life was in the past, working with adults and youth?
Do you know: Creative Writing, how to research antiques and life and times, how to teach arts and crafts, how to make old fashioned homemade food, how to organize events, fundraising how to, or grant writing?
Then WE NEED YOU! Rewards will be offered!
Contact: Kris Brunkhorst, Elizabeth Hartman, Terry Lindell, Barb Lovejoy Hess, Teri Lovejoy Heimann, Rick or Kathy Sturdevant, or message us here:
What a super fun event this will be. Make plans to join us. Who's ready for Fall? -This girl!
And the follow up: Wells Hollow arrived in style – remarkably impressive crew and equipment! Within 2-1/2 hours they had transformed and relocated an overgrown patch of lilies into a delightful corner garden complete with fresh mulch. Meanwhile, in the front yard the crew and equipment was hard at work excavating an area from the curb to the city sidewalk for a new walkway they laid with brick recovered from Waverly’s original streets. So appropriate for the historic Sturdevant House. We cannot thank Wells Hollow and today’s crew – Tyler, Sebastian, Casey and Lynn – enough for their amazing work! Thanks to our board members/friends of ISH for prep and refreshments: Terry Lindell, Elizabeth Hartman, Paul Cheville, and Kris and Bob Brunkhorst. (posted by Kris Brunkhorst) Photos courtesy E.H.
Join us for this family fun event!
Sturdevant House Happenings
Watch for goings-on at the Sturdevant next week on the September 11th United Way Day of Caring. Thank you in advance to United Way and Wells Hollow for your generous support. Here’s what we look like BEFORE. Watch for our post and what we look like AFTER the Day of Caring!
A huge shout-out to Westy's Paint and Stain LLC for sprucing up the trim on the Sturdevant House. Kaitlyn did an excellent job. Highly recommend hiring Westy's for painting! Thanks to our volunteers who helped prep before and clean up after.
Had the cutest visitors today at the Ira Sturdevant Historical House. A good time was had by all exploring the past and the present (day) gardens.
Thanks to all who came to the Sturdevant Historical House High Tea fundraiser event today at the Waverly Senior Center. Food was delish, tea was tasty, and the company was cozy. Thanks to Rick and Kathy our speakers on life in the 1850’s and family history.
Sturdevant Garage Sale of donated items from Waverly residents . And our open house. Til 3pm
Sturdevant Historical House has weekend of activities planned for Families
The Sturdevant Historical House, located at 502 1st St. SW Waverly, Iowa, is hosting an Open House on Saturday, July 20, from 11:30 am - 3:00 pm with fun for all ages!
Activities during the open house includes a calling card and skit activity, as well as your chance to play a character from Waverly’s past and interact with other 17th-century dignitaries/citizens.
Characters with biographical details will be provided. This activity will allow one to fill out the calling card and interact with Sturdevant descendants and tour guides, just one of many activities during the open house.
Another activity honoring 1850’s Summer Pastimes includes a good old-fashioned Watermelon Feed. Hot Summer Days were spent eating ice cream, watermelon, or iced lemonade, relaxing, and hoping to catch a cool breeze. They may even break out the croquet set on the front lawn!
The open house event will also include a GARAGE SALE with collectibles and household items. 11am-3pm
The Sturdevant Historical Home gift shop will be open in the house to those who love history, selling Sturdevant memorabilia and other merchandise.
All Tickets are SOLD OUT for the High Tea on Sunday at the Senior Center/Mitchell Manor! Maybe you can join us next year!
Sturdevant Historical House has weekend of activities planned for Families
The Sturdevant Historical House, located at 502 1st St. SW Waverly, Iowa, is hosting an Open House on Saturday, July 20, from 11:30 am - 3:00 pm with fun for all ages! Activities during the open house includes a calling card and skit activity, as well as your chance to play a character from Waverly’s past and interact with other 17th-century dignitaries/citizens. Characters with biographical details will be provided. This activity will allow one to fill out the calling card and interact with Sturdevant descendants and tour guides, just one of many activities during the open house.
Another activity honoring 1850’s Summer Pastimes includes a good old-fashioned Watermelon Feed. Hot Summer Days were spent eating ice cream, watermelon, or iced lemonade, relaxing, and hoping to catch a cool breeze.
The open house event will also include a garage sale with collectibles and household items. The Sturdevant Historical Home gift shop is open to those who love history, selling Sturdevant memorabilia and other merchandise.
(Deadline to buy tickets for the High Tea fundraiser at the Waverly Senior Center Sunday, from 1:00-3:00 pm, is Wednesday, July 17th. To inquire, call (319) 352-0065).
Proceeds from the events will go towards fixing the south wall of the house in our “Save the Wall” fundraiser, other repairs, and future programs and hands-on learning activities. Feel free to visit the house to see what historic Waverly was like in 1850!
In 1854, Ira and Asenath Sturdevant, joined their grown children and their families in Waverly, Iowa. William Sturdevant had already purchased 80 acres on the west bank of the Cedar River and constructed the Ida House, a hotel of sorts, where many of the family stayed until they could get settled in their own homes. Ira claimed 40 acres immediately south of William’s land as part of his bounty rights for his War of 1812 service. Fronting the river, their street became Water St. and later First St. SW. Ira, built a two-story brick house during 1855-6 on the northeast corner of his 40 acres. In 1857, he added a barn. When passing Indians or any travelers needed a place stay the night, Ira and Asenath invited them to sleep near the fireplace, which still exists. Not long after Waverly’s incorporation, Ira and his son William declared their lands additions to the city, deeding rights of way to the community for streets and alleys. These sections remain the Ira and William Sturdevant Additions. Ira and Asenath Sturdevant, and their descendants, gave much to make Waverly the community it is today! Help us to fix up this working Pioneer Family Home into an interactive hands-on museum. ISH Historical House-502 1st. St. SW Waverly.
Sturdevant Historical House High Tea Fundraiser
Sunday, July 21 from 1-3pm Waverly Senior Center
RSVP advance ticket sales only (no at the door tickets) [email protected]
Poster and pictures attached
The Ira and Asenath Sturdevant Historical House, 502 1 st St. SW, Waverly, will be holding a fundraising High Tea, Sunday, July 21 from 1-3pm. The event will take place at the Waverly Senior Center/Mitchell Manor at 506 E. Bremer Avenue. A full High Tea menu will be offered including items such as, scones with Devonshire cream and homemade strawberry jam, curry chicken salad on pumpkin bread, sun dried tomato and cucumber
canapes, raspberry cream cheese bars, thumbprint cookies filled with white chocolate ganache, and more.
Guest speakers for the event are descendants and trained historians Rick and Kathy Sturdevant who will talk about the Life and Times of the 1850’s.
Only 40 spots are available and tickets are available to purchase in advance only. No at the door ticket sales.
Proceeds will go toward the non-profit Sturdevant House restoration, the brick wall repair, and programs for the
community to learn about life over 165 years ago.
To purchase tickets, RSVP or email your name, and the names of those in your party attending with you, and
your mailing address for us to send tickets to: [email protected] or (319) 352-0065. Fundraising High Tea
Ticket prices are $40 each or a Table of 4 $150.
Come and enjoy the sights and sounds of the beautifully restored Mitchell Manor, hear about this important
founding family, enjoy culinary delights, have fun with a dress up selfie station, and help raise funds for the Sturdevant Historical House, a hands-on interactive museum.
Around 1851, two of Ira and Asenath Sturdevant’s sons, William and John Lafayette, went to Iowa. There they worked with oxen to plow land near Quasqueton. When a group of Indians came by, the brothers inquired if there was any fertile land northward, and the Indians directed them up the Red Cedar River. William and Lafayette eventually came upon a beautiful vista as they
stood on a bluff overlooking what is today Cedar Lane/Lover’s Lane north of Waverly.
They encouraged their relatives in Illinois to move to this place as soon as possible. Indeed, the 1852 Iowa census records William as already a resident. In 1854, Ira and Asenath Sturdevant, joined by their grown children and their families in Waverly. William already had purchased 80 acres on the west bank of the Cedar River and constructed the Ida House, a hotel of sorts, where many of the family stayed until they could get settled in their own
homes. Ira claimed 40 acres immediately south of William’s land as part of his bounty rights for his War of 1812 service. Fronting the river, their street became Water (later First).
Some of Ira and Asenath’s children settled east or north of the new village of Waverly. Ira, perhaps assisted by one of his sons-in-law who was a brick-mason, erected a two-story brick house
during 1855-6 on the northeast corner of his 40 acres. In 1857, he added a barn. When passing Indians or any travelers needed a place stay the night, Ira and Asenath invited them to sleep near the fireplace, which still exists. Not long after Waverly’s incorporation, Ira and his son William declared their lands additions to the city, deeding rights of way to the community for streets and alleys. These sections remain the Ira and William Sturdevant Additions. Ira and Asenath Sturdevant, and their descendants, gave much to make Waverly
the community it is today! Help us to fix up this working Pioneer Family Homestead into an interactive hands-on museum. ISH Historical House- 502 1st. St. SW Waverly, IA
You are invited:
The Ira and Asenath Sturdevant Historical House, 502 1st St. SW, Waverly, will be holding a fundraising High Tea, Sunday, July 21 from 1-3pm. The event will take place at the Waverly Senior Center/Mitchell Manor at 506 E. Bremer Avenue. A full High Tea menu will be offered including items such as, scones with Devonshire cream and homemade strawberry jam, curry chicken salad on pumpkin bread, sun dried tomato and cucumber canapes, raspberry cream cheese bars, thumbprint cookies filled with white chocolate ganache, and more. Guest speakers for the event are descendants and trained historians Rick and Kathy Sturdevant who will talk about the Life and Times of the 1850’s.
Only 40 spots are available and tickets are available to purchase in advance only. No at the door ticket sales. Proceeds will go toward the non-profit Sturdevant House restoration, the brick wall repair, and programs for the community to learn about life over 165 years ago.
To purchase tickets, RSVP or email your name, and the names of those in your party attending with you, and your mailing address for us to send tickets to: [email protected] or (319) 352-0065. Fundraising High Tea Ticket prices are $40 each or a Table of 4 $150.
Come and enjoy the sights and sounds of the beautifully restored Mitchell Manor, hear about this important founding family, enjoy culinary delights, have fun with a dress up selfie station, and help raise funds for the Sturdevant Historical House, a hands-on interactive museum.
Around 1851, two of Ira and Asenath Sturdevant’s sons, William and John Lafayette, went to Iowa. There they worked with oxen to plow land near Quasqueton. When a group of Indians came by, the brothers inquired if there was any fertile land northward, and the Indians directed them up the Red Cedar River. William and Lafayette eventually came upon a beautiful vista as they
stood on a bluff overlooking what is today Cedar Lane/Lover’s Lane north of Waverly.
They encouraged their relatives in Illinois to move to this place as soon as possible. Indeed, the 1852 Iowa census records William as already a resident. In 1854, Ira and Asenath Sturdevant, joined by their grown children and their families in Waverly. William already had purchased 80 acres on the west bank of the Cedar River and constructed the Ida House, a hotel of sorts, where many of the family stayed until they could get settled in their own
homes. Ira claimed 40 acres immediately south of William’s land as part of his bounty rights for his War of 1812 service. Fronting the river, their street became Water (later First).
Some of Ira and Asenath’s children settled east or north of the new village of Waverly. Ira, perhaps assisted by one of his sons-in-law who was a brick-mason, erected a two-story brick house
during 1855-6 on the northeast corner of his 40 acres. In 1857, he added a barn. When passing Indians or any travelers needed a place stay the night, Ira and Asenath invited them
to sleep near the fireplace, which still exists. Not long after Waverly’s incorporation, Ira and his son William declared their lands additions to the city, deeding rights of way to the
community for streets and alleys. These sections remain the Ira and William Sturdevant Additions. Ira and Asenath Sturdevant, and their descendants, gave much to make Waverly
the community it is today! Help us to fix up this working Pioneer Family Homestead into an interactive hands-on museum. ISH Historical House- 502 1st. St. SW Waverly, IA.
Sturdevant Historical House Garage Sale TODAY 8-1PM or sold out: We are nice and cozy in the garage! Come and join us.
Collectibles, antiques, baked good, homemade peach jam, kolaches, cinnamon rolls, pie by the slice, cookies, apple mincemeat. Something for everyone! Help us save the wall and to help fund programs to learn about history and history through the ages from 1855+.
Help us Raise Money for the Sturdevant Historical House!
HOW: A YARD SALE FUNDRAISER to help fix the 1855 brick wall and for historical activities at the house.
Collectibles, Antiques, Bake Sale, Tours,
Saturday, June 8, 2024
Selfie Station, Logo Swag
Sturdevant Historical House 502 1st. St. SW Waverly, IA
8am-1pm or sold out
What a fun day we had at the Sturdevant Historical House! About 40 attendees came to have a roasted potato lunch with homemade churned butter (our guests helped to make it), homemade Rhubarb Bundt Cake, Make and Take crafts making room spray/body spray and hand sanitizer/disinfectant, giving tours, bidding on silent auction items, red carnations for all moms, listening to a one room schoolhouse presentation, and learning about 1850's time period objects. Thanks to the public and the ISH Board for a great day! And a mini graduation celebration for our UNI Intern, Mia.
Join us!!!! Crafts, lunch, Carnations for moms, and an afternoon of historical fun!
Press Release: Sturdevant Historical House luncheon and Make and Take Craft Event
Join us for crafts and history!
May is Historic Preservation Month and The Ira Sturdevant Historical House, located at 502 1st St. SW (north of Harlington Cemetery) in Waverly, is hosting a lunch and Make and Take on May 11th following the Waverly Historic Preservation Commission’s preservation awards and historic signs reveal at the cemetery that morning. Tombstone tours and information about prominent founders, including the Sturdevant Family, will take place. Afterwards, head over to the Sturdevant Historical House around 11:30 am, for a baked potato lunch with toppings and homemade hand churned butter, along with old fashioned rhubarb bundt cake. Hear about life and times in the 1850’s including one room school house history, demonstrations, and explanations of objects used in that time period, including those used by the Sturdevants.
This will be followed by crafting activities starting at 12:30pm. A Make and Take will include time period accurate deodorizers (room sprays or perfume) as well as scented disinfectant. Participants will learn the importance of home gardens in the 1850’s and how garden plants and flowers were used by the homemaker. Come learn history with us, break bread, and make a gift Mom will love right in time for Mother’s Day! A free-will offering donation is requested for the lunch and craft. Free red carnations to honor this Mother’s Day Tradition, will be given to the first 30 attendees.
Silent Auction items will be available in addition to a raffle for house souvenirs made by a graphic design class at the University of Northern Iowa. Money from the event will go towards fixing the south wall of the house, other repairs, and programming. Space and supplies are limited, but feel free to come and visit the house to see what changes have been made!
Kris Brunkhorst, vice chair of the Sturdevant Historical House Board, says, “May is Historic Preservation Month, where we honor those who came before us and those who value and fight for preservation of history, today, and are celebrated!”
Preserving history is an important task for those working with the Sturdevant House. The Sturdevant Family was one of the founding families who made Waverly what it is today.
Board Member Elizabeth Hartman says, “My fascination with history began when I was very young and spent time at our family cabin in Minnesota where my grandmother prepared meals on a wood burning cook stove and we got water from a pump outside. Those experiences sparked a lifelong interest in how generations before us lived, and keeping those stories alive.”
Mia Chatwell, Sturdevant House UNI student intern says, “Preserving history is so important. Histories and stories that aren’t preserved correctly could be told in any sort of inaccurate way, hiding or ignoring important figures and accomplishments.” Mia has been a great help to the board, to plan this event and to help research items, decorating the 1855-56 house, and what life was like then.
Join us for this fundraising event to kick off preservation of the house for future generations.
Food in the 1850’s
Food for Thought
By Kris Brunkhorst and Dr. Terry Lindell- Ira and Asenath Sturdevant Historical House Board of Directors
In a study of foods from the 1850’s, cooking was many times an all-day affair from growing, raising, harvesting, and preparing food items; it was a labor of love. What kind of food did people eat in 1850?
Fruits and vegetables were grown on the farmstead and even urban farms, and families raised and processed their own meats such as poultry, beef, and pork. Seasonal dishes were often made, based on what was accessible in the garden at that time of year. Working-class folks might have eaten meat a couple of times a week, while the middle class ate three hearty and generous sized meals a day. Some common foods eaten were eggs, bacon, bread, mutton, pork, fowl, potatoes, and rice. Milk, coffee, baked goods and jam were also consumed as seen in this ad from the 1850 Davenport Gazette and the New Receipts for Cooking (1854) cookbook.
In homage to the 1855-56 Ira and Asenath Sturdevant Historical House in Waverly, the board will have a luncheon and Make and Take craft, on Saturday, May 11th starting at 11:30am or after the Waverly Historic Perseveration Commission’s award celebration at Harlington Cemetery. A free-will offering lunch at the Sturdevant House located at 502 1st St. SW, will include a baked potato bar with toppings, hand churned butter, and rhubarb (from the garden) bundt cake. A Make and Take homemade room spray from resources in the garden will be offered just in time for Mother’s Day. Free red carnations to honor this Mother’s Day Tradition, will be given to the first 30 attendees. Supplies are limited for the lunch and craft, but please feel free to tour the house and see the changes taking place, already. Proceeds will go to help fix up the house as a hands-on working exhibit museum.
Attached: ads-1850 Davenport Gazette
New Receipts for Cooking (1854) cookbook-potatoes
From Kris Brunkhorst: As the Chair of the Waverly Historic Preservation Commission, I invite you to our commemoration and celebration of Harlington Cemetery, its architecture, history, and importance to Waverly's past, present, and future. Saturday, May 11th.
Afterwards, stop by the Sturdevant Historical House, 502 1st. St. SW (up the street from the cemetery) for a luncheon fundraiser and a Make and Take homemade room spray and "deodorizing spray" made with materials from the 1850's garden, and red carnations for the first 30 people in honor of a Mother's Day historical tradition. Learn about this founding family and why we are renovating this property into a living history museum. Other historical entities may be offering tours, also, this day.
Visit our Website:
Visit our Website:
If you have ideas and suggestions please let us know.
Join us all day today to help us raise funds for our fun and fundamental projects for ISH.
Tuesday help support the Ira Sturdevant House. All you need to do is come to Applebee's and order one of the special menu items.
Exciting things are happening for Ira's House! A great team of UNI students, professors, an intern with wonderful ideas, some great displays, programming in the works, and hopefully a plan and fundraising appeal to fix the crack in the wall! Stay Tuned!
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