Intimacy, Communication & Consent Workshops with Zhanna

Intimacy, Communication & Consent Workshops with Zhanna


This page is for everyone interested in improving the quality of their intimate relationships

Operating as usual


Hi everyone!

I have one FREE ticket to the TA**RA DATE NIGHT FOR COUPLES in-person event in Watertown this Saturday! 🔥
(Regular price $220 for couple)

It's a gift :)
Available to anyone, first come first serve.

Let me know if you want it for yourself, or for someone!

PM or email [email protected]


Dear Friends!

This is a LAST CALL for tonight's in-person workshop in Watertown Center for Healing Arts, 4 pm.


Would love to see more of my Russian and English speaking friends there!
Come to join, or to assist (for free)!😘

Support me and this work!
Thank you 💚

O чём будет это занятие?

Мы поделаем упражнения на "тренировку мышц" своих возможностей и желаний.
Как НЕТ отзывается в моем теле? Как почувствовать настоящее ДА? Как правильно просить? Как отказывать?

Мы обсудим типичные ошибки, возникающие в процессе обмена энергией и прикосновениями.
Поговорим об основных концепциях Круга Согласия, созданного соматическим терапевтом Бетти Мартин.

По желанию: рассмотрим конкретные ситуации из вашей жизни.

Круг Согласия - это способ жить в гармонии со своими эмоциями, головой и телом одновременно. К сожалению, большинство социумов, да и семей основаны на принципе "заставить". Себя, другого, свое тело, свои эмоции... Однако настоящие интимные отношения, когда один человек чувствует и уважает желания и границы другого в таком формате невозможны.

В общем, это будет про Любовь – к себе, своему телу, своим близким.


Открыто для мужчин и женщин.
Партнер не нужен.



Dear friends!
Join me for my next in-person workshop for everyone!

I LOVE this one with all my heart :)

For everyone looking to improve their verbal and non-verbal communication skills, build stronger, more fulfilling relationships, and feel empowered to express their needs and desires.

Easy, fun, safe, yet profoundly impactful!

Message me privately for a special discount for friends!


Last call for a TA**RA DATE NIGHT this Sunday afternoon in Watertown!

Join us!

Photos from Intimacy, Communication & Consent Workshops with Zhanna's post 06/09/2024

Dear all.
I hope you can join us at some of these workshops!

Do not hesitate to ask any questions via the website or here.

Much love,
Zhanna Lee Flourishing Intimacy

TA**RA: THE ART OF CONSCIOUS CONNECTION date night for couples 05/09/2024

Do you have any plans for this Saturday?
Would you like to spend some relaxing time with your partner while learning how to improve your intimacy and s*x?

We have FOUR tickets left for a 3-hour Couples Date Night: an introduction to the Ta***ic approach to connection and pleasure. 🌺
Join us!

Zhanna R. Zhanna Lee Flourishing Intimacy

TA**RA: THE ART OF CONSCIOUS CONNECTION date night for couples Date Night for Couples | Introduction to Ta***ic Approach to Emotional and Physical Intimacy



Signs someone is making love to you:

The s*x is initiated after an emotionally connective experience or conversation.
There is intense eye contact throughout the s*x.
There is a lot of kissing before, during, and after s*x.
They hold you close during and after s*x.
They're gentle and affectionate with how they touch you.
There's a lot of touch beyond just genitals—they put their hand on your cheek, they intertwine their fingers with yours, they kiss your shoulders and thighs, etc.
There's no rush; instead, they take their time with each act, making sure each one is special.
They take their time making you feel good.
They're less concerned with receiving from you; they're more focused on giving pleasure or in mutual pleasure.
The s*x is more "romantic" and "emotional" than "s*xy" or "dirty."
They're saying romantic things during s*x.
They say they love you during s*x.
They cuddle with you afterward rather than withdrawing or falling asleep.

I found this description of making love vs having s*x in one of the articles on, and I really like how detailed, concrete, and straightforward it is.

And - how much it describes the Ta***ic approach to connecting s*xually.

My teacher Charles Muir calls Ta**ra The Art of Conscious Loving (also the name of his book which has been republished many times in 30 years)

Ta**ra is a set of tools and skills for creating experiences of deep connection and pleasure.

Very often to get there we have to heal first… Heal our bodies and souls from the experiences of unconscious connections: pushing through when we don’t feel like it, forcing ourselves to feel pleasure vs inviting it in, hiding our true emotions in fear of hurting our partner….

Only by moving all these negative experiences, we can access the depth of pleasure and joy we all are capable of…

If you want to learn more - come to my workshop The Art of Ta**ra for Modern Lovers!

Take the first steps toward a more fulfilling and mutually healing love life.!

This workshop is for you if:
You crave a deeper connection with your partner but feel stuck in repetitive patterns.
You long to experience pleasure beyond the physical and explore the realms of emotional and spiritual intimacy.
You're ready to heal past hurts and open yourself to more fulfilling and conscious relationships.
You're curious about Ta**ra and its potential to transform your love life.

There are two spaces left for the workshop on February 11th.
Join us there, or ask me about the 1:2 FIND YOUR BLISS program to learn Ta**ra and other holistic intimacy skills at any time!

Much love,
Zhanna Lee Flourishing Intimacy

Let's flourish! 07/30/2023

Let's Flourish!

Let's flourish! Dear friends. How is your summer? This last month has been especially busy and HOT for me! What's new? My next Introduction to Ta**ra for couples workshop is sold out - more than two weeks in advance! If you are interested in joining the next one - make sure to purchase your tickets early. My next g...

Happy Independence Day! 07/05/2023

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day! May this day bring you sense of freedom and joy - in all areas of your life!


A little celebration
I just hit 200 followers on Eventbrite
I know it's not much, but it took me 5,5 years of showing up for the public consistently - starting February 2018 and continuing during the pandemic.
26 successful in person events.
3 online events
Many on the side - for private groups or friends.

Thank you for those who's been supporting me all this time!! ❤

Join us for tomorrow's Ta**ra event - there are two tickets left!

Enjoy the Spring 05/13/2023

Dear all!

I will be out of country and available only few days a week via email until second week of June.

My June schedule is filling up with Private Sessions, and July and August is a high time for Immersions!

I encourage you to reach out early if you are interested in any of those.

Schedule your Discovery or Follow Up Call, or email me with any questions.

I'll see some of you at our next Ta**ra event for couples on June 10th!

(it is more than half full already)

Thank you!

Have a sunny, flavorful and joyful Spring time!



Enjoy the Spring See you back in June!


A testimonial from this Friday's

"I found the session very helpful and since then I have had several conversations with my ex-partner about what I learned about the Wheel of Consent, and how the techniques of communication (especially the core questions exploring consent and setting boundaries on "how would you like to be touched?" and "how would you like to touch me?") could have helped forestall or even reverse our breakdown in intimacy and communication.
I wish I'd learned about your workshops while my ex and I were still together, so that she and I could have explored these techniques together!


TOUCH, LOVE, S*X.. 05/02/2023

Touch, Love, S*x... Last call for this weekend!

TOUCH, LOVE, S*X.. Last call to this weekend's in-person workshops!


They felt awkward coming to their Educational Date Night... They didnt know what to expect, but they knew they needed to talk to someone.

When I saw them again two weeks later, she was wearing an engagement ring! 💍 He finally proposed!! 😊⚘️🌷

They started their Three Months Program to get more clarity about what they want and more skills to make it happen. They grew a lot!🙏💕

It was such a joy to work with this curious and loving young couple.

What is your main takeaway? - I asked them at our last session.

"I had NO IDEA about so many things about women!..." he said passionately.
"Well, I told you...but you couldn't hear me..." she replied with a twinkle in her eyes... :)

Happy and greatful 🙏💚


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