Spread the word!
Gallaudet University now offers online CSD prerequisites needed for most graduate speech-language pathology and audiology programs.
This program is open to any interested students and will also create opportunities for Gallaudet undergraduate students to complete the prerequisites needed for admission to the Gallaudet graduate programs 🤟🦻
Image Description: A blue and yellow flyer reads "Gallaudet University Hearing and Speech Language Sciences Post-Baccalaureate Preparation. One-year fully online courses will prepare you for graduate programs in HSLS."
Who can apply? Students interested in audiology or speech-language pathology, but do not have the pre-requisite bachelor degree or courses for graduate admission.
Fall semester courses: Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders, Anatomy and Physiology, Speech and Hearing Sciences, ASL Course 1.
Spring Semester courses: Typical Language Development, Introduction to Audiology, Phonetic Transcription of Speech, ASL Course 2
Why Choose Us? Two ASL classes included, all remote asynchronous courses, credit for graduate program, start in the fall or the spring, competitive tuition rate, summer clinical experience (available for locals)
Apply Now! No Deadline!
Questions? Contact us: [email protected]
Gallaudet AuD Program
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The Au.D. The program offers an intensive, broadly based academic curriculum together with integrated sequential clinical experiences. area.
program is designed to produce audiologists who are able to function independently in all diagnostic and rehabilitative settings, serving individuals of all ages, including those who are Deaf or hard of hearing. The curriculum was developed in accordance with the recommendations and guidelines of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), and
Operating as usual
Interested in Gallaudet’s Audiology (AuD) Program? Visit us on campus or on zoom to meet with professors and current students to learn more!
If you’re interested in the audiology program visitation days, click this link to sign up: https://forms.gle/TwxK641hJzij27ea8
Image description: a blue, yellow, and white flyer is titled “Interested in Studying Audiology at Gallaudet University?” Audiology Visitation Dates are: Friday, June 21st and Monday, July 15th from 2-3pm EST on Zoom or you can contact [email protected] to determine a time to visit in person. The flyer has two hexagonal pictures on the bottom. The first picture shows a female student using a video otoscope to look in another female student’s ear. The computer monitor shows a video of the student’s ear canal. The second picture shows multiple students crowded around an audiometer watching a client on the other side of the booth.
Gallaudet AuD students had a wonderful opportunity to attend a presentation from the University of Cincinnati's FETCHLAB, which is a leader in animal audiology! The FETCHLAB performs ABRs and other hearing tests on an extensive list of animals including dogs, dolphins, elephants, cheetahs, lions, seals, walruses, reptiles, reindeer, otters, and more. They are also in the process of developing noise protection for military dogs.
Some fun facts from this presentation include:
1.) Many marine animals and reptiles hear via bone conduction through their mandible
2.) Elephants get the same five ABR waves as humans, but the latency is delayed. Waves start to pop up around 350ms
3.) Seals have to be tested using bone conduction, because they close their ear canals when under sedation.
Thank you everyone who attended!
Image Description: a zoom meeting with a central picture and four pictures of attendees on the right side. The central picture shows members of the FETCHLAB standing in a pool performing an ABR on a dolphin.
It was great day at Gallaudet! 🦬 👂🏼 🤟 👩‍🎓
We are very proud to announce the Gallaudet AuD class of 2024! Your hard work, perseverance, and dedication to the field is outstanding!🧑‍🎓 🎉
Applause to one of our AuD clinical educators, Dr. Lucas Kadri-Rodriguez, for completing his PhD! 👋🏽 👨‍🎓
Dr. Anne Marie Smith was presented with the Jerry Northern Outstanding Audiology Graduate Clinician award! 🙌🏼
Dr. Bonnie Ratliff was awarded the Gallaudet University Graduate Student Scholarly Achievement Award! 🙌🏼
We are so proud of you and can’t wait to see the impact you have on the field of audiology and your clients’ lives. ❤️
Each semester, students select a faculty or staff member to receive the End-EAR-ment award. Recipients are chosen based on their noticeable impact on students. This semester, Dr. Marcinkus received the End-EAR-ment award! Dr. Marcinkus is a clinical educator and externship coordinator who supports students and is always willing to answer questions. Many of the second-year students are grateful for her guidance during the externship process. Congratulations Dr. Marcinkus!
Image description: Dr. Marcinkus is wearing navy blue scrubs and is standing in front of her office door, which has several posters on it. She is smiling and holding the End-EAR-ment award, which is in a black frame.
Our second year audiology students presented their research projects at Gallaudet’s Research Day last week! We are so proud of the work they have done.
Image descriptions: 7 pictures of audiology students standing in front of their research posters or presenting information to spectators
Gally SAA and the AuD program are happy to honor the class of 2025 with their White Coat Ceremony! 2nd year students received their white coats today and are off to their externships around the country. We know they’ll be great and spread Gally joy wherever they land! 🦻🧏 🤟
AuD students and staff took a break from class to watch the eclipse! Thank you Dr. Lau for the excellent photo!
Image Descriptions:
Image 1: A selfie with audiology students and staff wearing eclipse glasses
Image 2: AuD students, faculty, and SLP students are clustered around a table. Many of the students are wearing eclipse glasses.
Image 3: a photo of the eclipse taken by Dr. Lau. A sliver of the sun can be seen.
FYI - SAA store is closing at midnight tonight!!
The SAA clothing store will close in 4 days! Place your order today!
The Gallaudet Student Academy of Audiology clothing fundraiser is now open!
We were really fortunate to work with Shore Promotions, a small business at home in Jersey. They set us up with a full website, and shipping available! 20% of all the profit will go to SAA to help with anything that needs funding.
Clinic the link for all designs!
This week’s is Ari Cipoletta! She is from South Jersey and graduated from University of South Florida with her bachelor’s degree in communication sciences and disorders. Gallaudet was Ari’s dream program because the AuD program is uniquely designed to integrate Deaf culture into audiological practice in a way that no other school can or will. She couldn’t imagine becoming an audiologist without having a foundational knowledge of Deaf culture and improving accessibility by learning ASL. Ari is the social chair and national liaison for the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA). Outside of school, Ari enjoys traveling, baking, watching live theatre, and spending time with friends and family.
Image Descriptions:
Image 1: Ari and another AuD student are smiling at the camera on earmold impression day. Both students have earmold impressions in their right ears. One student is standing and giving a thumbs up.
Image 2: Ari is sitting on the test side of the audiology booth. She is sitting at the audiometer. On the client side of the booth, there are headphones hanging up.
Image 3: Ari is wearing a long white dress, a graduation stole, and medal. She is holding a green graduation cap.
This week’s is Kady Patterson. She is from Barnegat Light, New Jersey and graduated from Pace University with her BA in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology. When asked why she chose Gallaudet, Kady responded, “There is no better place to earn my AuD than at Gallaudet. I know that I will become a more culturally competent and respectful audiologist through my education and experiences here.” Kady is the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) fundraising chair, a member of the Graduate Student Association, and a research student in the Multicultural Research Lab. After graduation, Kady wants to work in a hospital and would love to be in a trauma hospital or facility that specializes in traumatic brain injury. She is also interested in working for the military, at a military hospital, or veteran’s affairs. Outside of school, Kady enjoys reading, sewing, visiting friends and family, and spending time with animals.
Image Descriptions:
Image 1: Kady is smiling and stands in front of a grey background. She is wearing a grey floral shirt.
Image 2: Kady is standing in the clinic and wearing grey scrubs and elephant ears for Halloween. Standing behind her is Dr. Lau wearing his white coat and monkey ears, Barb wearing a blue shirt and wolf ears, and Alaina wearing green scrubs and giraffe ears.
Image 3: Kady is standing in front of a Pace University backdrop wearing her graduation gown, NSSLHA stole, and medals.
Gallaudet first-year audiology students showcased their final projects for Diagnostics class! Hours of hard work went into creating this culmination of acquired knowledge. Congratulations first-year students on finishing your first fall semester!
Final projects from left to right:
- Concept map for OAEs and masking
- Monosyllable, Trochee, Spondee (MTS) test words printed in Braille and large print font
- “Pin the Pathology on the Ear” game
- Informational website about diagnoses targeted towards parents
- Kahoot game about masking
- Hand-drawn poster describing the auditory reflex pathway and acoustic reflex results
- Video demonstration of non-organic hearing loss assessments
- Virtual “Guess Who” game using pathologies
Image Description:
The first year cohort stands in a group in the front of a classroom. There are eleven students in total. All of the students are smiling and holding their projects, which are shown on laptops or posters.
Rianna Passino is the next . She is from Scotia, New York, and graduated from Elmira College with her Bachelor’s degree in communication sciences and disorders as well as biology. Rianna was recently elected Secretary of the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) chapter and works as a HSLS research assistant for the Bernstein/Brewer Aural Rehabilitation lab. Rianna is interested in working as a pediatric audiologist and would like to specialize in cochlear implants. When asked why she chose Gallaudet, Rianna said that Gallaudet was her dream school, so saying yes was an easy choice! She added, “I also chose Gallaudet because I heard about experiences from Deaf individuals when they have gone to the audiologist, and how the experience has not been pleasant, and I want to change that. The program at Gallaudet allows for a holistic perspective of learning audiology and allows you to be fully immersed into Deaf community and culture, which I love and think is very important!” Outside of school, Rianna enjoys any chance she can get to be outside in nice weather (at the beach, lake hiking). She loves traveling to see her friends, family, and cat Stormi.
Image Descriptions:
Image 1: Rianna, a female AuD student, is wearing a Gallaudet sweatshirt, shorts, and a backpack. She is standing outside in front of the SLCC building on campus, which is a grey brick building with a wall of windows.
Image 2: A female audiology student wearing light teal scrubs sits in a chair facing the camera. Rianna, wearing navy blue scrubs and a long sleeve grey shirt, looks into the student’s ear with an otoscope.
Image 3: Rianna is sitting sideways on the steps of a brick building and smiling at the camera. She is wearing a white dress and a yellow graduation stole that says “student athlete.”
Congratulations to Dr. Lau for receiving the Fall 2023 EndEARment Award! Students appreciate Dr. Lau's ability to create relationships with students, gentle clinical instruction, and commitment to student improvement.
Image Description:
Dr. Lau stands in his office holding his EndEARment award, which looks like a heart made of the semicircular canals and cochlea.
The next is Chloe Scheff from Vernon, Connecticut. She graduated from Elmira College with a bachelor’s degree in speech and hearing sciences. Chloe chose to attend Gallaudet because she has always wanted to live in DC and believes that being fluent in ASL is important in the field of audiology. At Gallaudet, Chloe is the president-elect of the Student Academic of Audiology (SAA) chapter and works as a clinic worker in the Gallaudet University Hearing and Speech Center. Chloe is interested in vestibular audiology, hearing aids, and working with current military service members and veterans. In her free time, Chloe likes to plant, read, spend time outside, and work out. She also works in Union Market on the weekends. When asked to give advice to prospective students, Chloe said, “What you get out of the program depends on how much you put in! I feel myself learning every day, but it comes with hard work and persistence! There are ways to have fun while still learning!”
Image Descriptions:
Image 1: Chloe, a female audiology student, sits on a small bench next to Dr. Lau, an audiologist and clinical educator for the Gallaudet AuD program. They are sitting in the hallway of an elementary school and there are small handprints and art on the surrounding walls. Chloe is wearing a green button-down shirt, dark green pants, and green shoes. Dr. Lau is wearing a navy blue shirt and khaki pants.
Image 2: Chloe is sitting at the audiometer during preschool hearing screenings. She is sitting behind a young student who is wearing headphones. In front of the child is an SLP student holding a box of blocks in preparation for conditioned play audiometry. In the background, there are Gallaudet students and young elementary students participating in hearing screenings.
Image 3: Chloe is kissing a cute black and white dog, both looking at the camera.
Our is Katie Nelson from New Hartford, New York. She graduated from SUNY Cortland with a bachelor’s degree in Speech and Hearing Science. At Gallaudet, Katie is a member of the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) chapter. She chose to attend Gallaudet because of the unique opportunities to become educated about the Deaf community and culture. As a future hearing healthcare professional, Katie values different perspectives related to communication. Katie is interested in working with hearing aids and individuals with noise-induced hearing loss. She hopes to counsel patients regarding hearing loss prevention. Katie’s dream job involves working in music audiology! Outside of Gallaudet, Katie loves to travel, cook, bake, and practice her yoga skills.
Image Descriptions
Image 1: Katie, a female AuD student, is holding an otoscope and smiling at the camera. She is wearing purple scrubs.
Image 2: Katie is wearing a white dress and high heels. She is holding a red graduation cap and smiling at the camera.
Image 3: Katie is wearing a purple dress, white tennis shoes, a brown purse, and sunglasses. She is posing in front of a fountain on a sunny day.
Gallaudet AuD students and faculty had a great time at ASHA this past week!
Dr. Ramkissoon gave an engaging presentation titled "Optimizing Communication for Deaf and hard of Hearing Adults: Lived Experiences Can Innovate Clinical Services.
Şeyma Yalçınkaya, a third year AuD student, was presented with an International Student scholarship!
Other highlights include meeting Nyle DiMarco and chatting with Dr. Jasmine Simmons, a deafBlind audiologist. There were also many chances to network with other audiologists and SLPs!
Image Descriptions:
Image 1: Five students stand with Dr. Ramkissoon following her presentation at ASHA.
Image 2: Four AuD and one SLP student stand with Nyle DiMarco
Image 3: Three students stand in front of an ASHA backdrop that says ASHA 2023 and includes a word cloud with relevant vocabulary such as therapy, hearing, and clinic.
Image 4: Seyma, a Turkish student, is posed on a staircase wearing a dark green dress. She is wearing a small crown on her head.
Image 5: Three students stand with Dr. Jasmine Simmons
Image 6: Dr. Ramkissoon and five students sit around a table at a restaurant after a long day at ASHA.
Image 7: Four students are sitting on a stage in front of large letters that are lit up and read "Igniting Innovation ASHA."
Emily Woods is this week’s Spotlight! Emily is from Oxford, Mississippi and graduated from the University of Mississippi. When asked why Gallaudet, she said, “I wanted to merge the field of audiology with the Deaf community. Gally is the only place to do that and it is exactly what I dreamed of doing for my career. I get to work with all kinds of patients and practice my clinical ASL skills. I have grown so much as an ASL user with my receptive and expressive skills.” Emily is a member of SAA and hopes to work with pediatric patients in her future career. When she’s not in class, Emily enjoys catching up on her current Netflix show and completing puzzles.
Image Description
Image 1: Emily, a white female audiology student, is holding a penlight and placing an earmold dam in a second-year student’s ear.
Image 2: Emily is standing with another AuD student. They are both holding earmold impressions in their hands. Both students are smiling at the camera.
Image 3: Emily is smiling and looking into the distance. She is wearing a light blue ruffled dress. She has long curled brown hair. The background has blurred out trees and a building.
Our highlights the first-year graduate assistant, Tiana Dixon! Tiana is originally from Wisconsin and graduated from Minnesota State University-Mankato with her BS in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD). Like many CSD students, she struggled to decide whether to pursue a career as an SLP or audiologist, consistently pursuing audiology experiences such as providing hearing screenings in Belize! Ultimately, Tiana decided to become an SLP and obtained her master's degree from Utah State University with a concentration in providing services to DHH children. She worked at Iowa School for the Deaf for three years before deciding to pursue her AuD. Applying to Gallaudet was an easy decision, as she knew she wanted to continue working within the Deaf community. As an audiologist, Tiana hopes to address language deprivation and empower families as they navigate services. Her dream job involves dedicating time to providing family-centered aural (re)habilitation sessions using ASL and/or spoken languages. Outside of school, Tiana enjoys hiking, traveling, reading, and hanging out with her dog, Cedar.
Image Descriptions:
Image 1: Tiana, a white female student, sits in front of an audiometer in a library. She is testing a young boy’s hearing. The boy is wearing supra-aural headphones and his school uniform, which is a yellow polo and khaki shorts. He sits with his back to Tiana and is raising his hand- both have a smile on their faces.
Image 2: Tiana is leaning against the railing in front of the Grand Canyon. She is wearing a navy blue shirt with a mountain on the front, black leggings, and hiking boots.
Image 3: Tiana is wearing a grey shirt, black pants, and has sunglasses on the top of her head. She is holding a small brown schnauzer whose ears are perked and his tongue is out. Tiana is standing on a rock on a mountain and there are green trees behind her.
It’s that time of year again…earmold impression day! Our first year cohort joined a long legacy of Gally AuDs who love and respect the earmold. Here’s to a career of reducing feedback, comfortable physical fits, and not being scared to go past the second bend!❤️🦻 🤟🏼
Gallaudet AuD students have spent the past two Fridays collaborating with SLP students in order to provide speech, language, and hearing screenings to local preschool students. Opportunities like this not only highlight the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, but also give the students a chance to practice skills outside of school!
Image Descriptions:
Image 1: one female SLP student sits at the audiometer. A child wearing headphones is seated with their back to the audiometer and is being tested. The other female AuD student is holding a block to her ear and facing the child to model conditioned play audiometry.
Image 2: Two Gallaudet students sitting at a table are smiling at the camera. A male AuD student sits behind an audiometer. A female SLP student sits on the other side of the table near the blocks used for conditioned play audiometry.
Image 3: A female SLP student sits with a box of blocks in front of a child participating in conditioned play audiometry. A female AuD student sits behind the child with the audiometer ready to begin testing. In the background, there is an AuD/SLP student pair sitting at a table. Two other AuD/SLP pairs are sitting at a third table testing preschool students.
Image 4: One female AuD student and a female SLP student are sitting at the table and smiling at the camera. On the table is the Fluharty test booklet in preparation for speech and language screenings.
Our today highlights Alaina Milam! Alaina is a first-year student from Berea, Kentucky. She graduated from Eastern Kentucky University with a BS in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Alaina is a member of Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) and works as a Clinic Worker for the Gallaudet University Hearing and Speech Center as well as a research assistant for the Bernstein/Brewer Aural Rehabilitation Lab! Alaina is primarily interested in working with pediatrics and individuals with disabilities. She is passionate about learning how to make audiology adaptive and accessible to everyone! When asked why she chose to come to Gallaudet, Alaina said, “I had no doubt that Gallaudet was the only program I wanted. The focus on Deaf culture and ASL competency provided here is unparalleled. For me, being knowledgeable about Deaf culture was something essential to my future career. I knew that was something I would not be able to get anywhere other than here. Being in DC also provides an amazing opportunity to work with diverse populations and learn how to truly become an all-around culturally competent clinician!” When not in school, Alaina loves spending time with her dog and reading. She has also enjoyed exploring DC!
Image Descriptions:
Image 1: Alaina, a white female AuD student, is wearing navy blue scrubs and her clinic name tag. She is standing in front of a blue and yellow flag that reads, “Welcome- Gallaudet University Hearing and Speech Center - Department of Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences.”
Image 2: Alaina is smiling and sitting in a chair in the Audiology walk-in clinic. A second-year student is pulling an earmold impression out of her ear.
Image 3: Alaina is leaning on the railing of a wooden walkway. She is wearing a green dress with white polka dots, sunglasses, and sandals. The background shows beautiful marshland that has bright green vegetation and trees.
Interested in Gallaudet’s Audiology (AuD) Program? Visit us on campus or on zoom to meet with professors and current students to learn more!
If you’re interested in the audiology program visitation days, click this link to sign up: https://forms.gle/TwxK641hJzij27ea8
The Graduate Student Open Houses offer general information about financial aid, housing options, and all other aspects involved with being a student at Gallaudet! The audiology program will have a breakout room with a professor and current student to discuss the program in further detail. If you’re interested in attending, please visit the graduate school website https://apply.gallaudet.edu/portal/open_houses
Image description: a blue, yellow, and white flyer is titled “Interested in Studying Audiology at Gallaudet University?” Audiology Visitation Dates are: October 13 (in person), November 10 (in person), and December 8 12pm EST (Zoom). The Graduate School will also offer Open House Zoom sessions for interested students on October 5 5-7pm EST and November 8 5-7pm EST. The flyer has two hexagonal pictures on the bottom. The first picture shows a female student using a video otoscope to look in another female student’s ear. The computer monitor shows a video of the student’s ear canal. The second picture shows multiple students crowded around an audiometer watching a client on the other side of the booth.
Congratulations to Dr. Ishara Ramkissoon, Ph.D., CCC-A, Associate Professor, Bonnie Ratliff, B.S., third-year audiology student and extern, and collaborator Dr. Mershen Pillay, M.Ed. for a successful research presentation at the 32nd World Congress of the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP) in Auckland, New Zealand! They reported on cultural responsiveness training of audiology and speech-language pathology students in a study abroad experience to South Africa. We're excited to see Gallaudet audiology representation at the international level!
Image Descriptions:
[photo 1] Image of presentation title slide. Light blue background with large blue text in the middle that says, "Outcomes of cultural responsiveness training for AuD and SLP students in a U.S. to South Africa study abroad program". Below that, smaller text lists the presenter names and their associated university representations (Gallaudet University, Massey University, and University of KwaZulu-Natal). and "IALP 2023 Congress: Auckland, New Zealand". Surrounding the text are images of a variety of diverse clip-art-style characters dancing.
[photo 2] All three presenters sit together in their conference presentation room, smiling at the camera. From left to right sit Dr. Mershen Pillay, a South African-Indian man wearing dark-framed glasses and a brown suit with a patterned bow tie, Dr. Ishara Ramkissoon, a South African-Indian woman with short hair, wearing a black long-sleeve shirt and white pants, and Bonnie Ratliff, a white woman with long brown hair and metal-framed glasses, wearing a black long-sleeve shirt and brown pants.
[photo 3] Dr. Mershen Pillay, Bonnie Ratliff, and Dr. Ishara Ramkissoon are standing in front of a 32nd World Congress of the IALP sign smiling toward the camera.
Please welcome the newest cohort of Gallaudet AuD students! We are so excited to have the Class of 2026 starting on Kendall Green today!
Congratulations to AuD c/o 2023 alum, Maggie Gehm, for this recognition from the Colorado Hearing Foundation!
Congratulations to the Gallaudet AuD class of 2023! 🎓👏🏽
You endured graduate school through a global pandemic. Your hard work, determination, and compassion for the field of audiology is palpable. There is no doubt that you will make true change in our field as you approach every day through the lens of client-centered care. We are proud to have you join the ranks of proud Gallaudet alumni!
Congratulations to the Gallaudet c/o 2024! What a beautiful White Coat Ceremony. We know you will be great out on externship!
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Our Story
The Clinical Doctoral Degree (AuD) education program in Audiology at Gallaudet University is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard #310, Rockville, Maryland 20850, 800-498-2071.
The program is designed to produce audiologists who are able to function independently in all diagnostic and rehabilitative settings, serving individuals of all ages, including those who are Deaf or hard of hearing. The program offers an intensive, broadly based academic curriculum together with integrated sequential clinical experiences. The curriculum was developed in accordance with the recommendations and guidelines of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), and the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology (ARA).
In addition to providing traditionally strong academic and clinical experience, the Gallaudet University AuD program has the unique charge of training audiologists who are proficient in American Sign Language (ASL), who possess extensive understanding on deafness, and who have particular expertise in serving members of the deaf community.
The AuD program is currently served by 8 full-time faculty members and clinical audiologists, along with support staff and additional contributions from members of the Speech-Language Pathology faculty, PhD program faculty, faculty of other University departments and outstanding adjunct faculty from throughout the Washington, D.C. area.
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