AAVMC Diversity & Inclusion on Air

Diversity & Inclusion on Air: Conversations about Diversity, Inclusion & Veterinary Medicine.

In fall of 2015, The American Association Veterinary Medical Colleges launched Diversity & Inclusion on Air: Conversations about Diversity, Inclusion & Veterinary Medicine. Although there has been in an increase in the amount of diversity programming hosted by AAVMC, its member institutions and student organizations, there is still a dearth of available programming within the veterinary profession

Operating as usual


We are really proud of our own Dr. Amber Labelle for her participation in this podcast episode hosted by Dr. Lisa Greenhill of the AAVMC Diversity & Inclusion on Air podcast.

Discussions around addiction and recovery are often steeped in stigma and shame. As veterinary medicine grapples with the realities of being human while being a veterinary professional, these conversations are increasingly important to bring into the public square.

If you can't watch live, be sure to watch for the podcast episode released on your favorite platform in the next few weeks.



Happening tomorrow!


Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!! How are you observing?


In what ways can be more inclusive of disabled communities? Both from a practitioner's perspective and that of a client?

Photos from Anpu's post 09/01/2022
How to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive 08/29/2022

Some really great, easy to incorporate suggestions!

How to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive This comprehensive guide offers a road map to make sure your classroom interactions and course design reach all students, not just some of them.

New AVMA officer dedicated to providing opportunities for all 08/26/2022

New AVMA officer dedicated to providing opportunities for all Latonia Craig, EdD, will step into a new role for both her and the AVMA at the end of this month: chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer. Dr. Craig talked with AVMA News about the lessons she’s learned in career and what she hopes to do at the AVMA.


If you're reading with AAVMC Reads, today is Discussion Day! Be sure to log onto Zoom at 4pm ET to discuss, Black, Brown & Bruised!

NameBadge - Namecoach 08/16/2022

Here's a great little tool if folks continuously wreck the pronunciation of your name!

Add it to your bio, your sig blocks, your SM profiles!


NameBadge - Namecoach Create a NameBadge by voice-recording your name. You can also add the meaning, origin, and funny stories about your name.


We're going to discuss land acknowledgments this week!

Do you start your presentations with an acknowledgment? Did you know that AAVMC just adopted a new Land, Knowledge and Labor acknowledgment?

Tune into learn more!


Hey , the next podcast episode will be about land acknowledgments! we've got questions!

Do you do them? Why? Why not? If so, how do you make them meaningful & not performative?

107: Social Colorblindness 08/03/2022

New episode drop! In this episode, we discuss social colorblindness and how deeply problematic it can be!

107: Social Colorblindness On this episode, DEI staff Richard Barajas of UW-Madison and Melanie Ragin of Cornell stop by to discuss social colorblindness. If you or someone you know has ever said "Hey, I don't even see color" w

106: Racialized Pet Ownership Narratives 07/21/2022

New episode drop with Dr. Adilia James discussing Racialized Pet Ownership Narratives! This was a fascinating discussion that was informed by perspectives from actual DVMs and DVM students.

106: Racialized Pet Ownership Narratives On this episode of the podcast, Dr. Adilia James of Endicott College revisits the show to discuss her research on racism in veterinary medicine. Her recent paper describes the stories we tell ourselve

NONBINARY AWARENESS WEEK: 14th of July is International Non-Binary People’s Day. What can I do to step up as an ally to non-binary people?

1. Introduce yourself with your name and pronouns. Stating your pronouns reminds people that it might not always be immediately obvious what pronouns someone uses

2. Put your pronouns in your email signature or social media profile

3. Instead of addressing groups of people with binary language such as ‘ladies and gentlemen’, try more inclusive alternatives such as ‘folks’, ‘pals’ or ‘everyone’

4. Use words that define the relationship instead of the relationship and gender. For example, use ‘parents’, ‘partner’, ‘children’ or ‘siblings’

5. Not everyone is comfortable with gendered titles such as ‘Ms’ or ‘Mr’. Titles are not always necessary, but if they must be used it’s good to provide alternative ones such as ‘Mx’ (pronounced mix or mux)

6. Use the singular ‘their’ instead of ‘his/her’ in letters and other forms of writing, i.e. ‘when a colleague finishes their work’ as opposed to ‘when a colleague finishes his/her work’

7. Not everyone necessarily uses ‘he’ or ‘she’ pronouns and it’s important to be respectful of people who use different pronouns. The most common gender-neutral pronoun is the singular ‘they’ (they/them/theirs). Using people’s correct pronouns shows that you respect them and who they are

8. Using the pronoun ‘they’ is very useful when someone’s gender or identity is unknown. You will often already be using it without realising, i.e. ‘somebody left their hat, I wonder if they will come back to get it’

9. Make sure that your workplace, school and college policies and documents use inclusive language, i.e. using ‘they’ instead of ‘he/she’ and avoiding sentences that imply two genders. Where specifically talking about gender identity, make sure it is inclusive of non-binary gender identities and not just trans men and trans women

10. When highlighting LGBTQ+ people in your events or as role models, make sure you include some non-binary role models too

#NonBinaryDay #NonBinaryWeek
 #WeWouldNotBeErased #NonbinaryIsValid #TransValid #transvisibility #nonbinary #YouAreValid #transgender #GenderNeutral 07/14/2022

NONBINARY AWARENESS WEEK: 14th of July is International Non-Binary People’s Day. What can I do to step up as an ally to non-binary people? 1. Introduce yourself with your name and pronouns. Stating your pronouns reminds people that it might not always be immediately obvious what pronouns someone uses 2. Put your pronouns in your email signature or social media profile 3. Instead of addressing groups of people with binary language such as ‘ladies and gentlemen’, try more inclusive alternatives such as ‘folks’, ‘pals’ or ‘everyone’ 4. Use words that define the relationship instead of the relationship and gender. For example, use ‘parents’, ‘partner’, ‘children’ or ‘siblings’ 5. Not everyone is comfortable with gendered titles such as ‘Ms’ or ‘Mr’. Titles are not always necessary, but if they must be used it’s good to provide alternative ones such as ‘Mx’ (pronounced mix or mux) 6. Use the singular ‘their’ instead of ‘his/her’ in letters and other forms of writing, i.e. ‘when a colleague finishes their work’ as opposed to ‘when a colleague finishes his/her work’ 7. Not everyone necessarily uses ‘he’ or ‘she’ pronouns and it’s important to be respectful of people who use different pronouns. The most common gender-neutral pronoun is the singular ‘they’ (they/them/theirs). Using people’s correct pronouns shows that you respect them and who they are 8. Using the pronoun ‘they’ is very useful when someone’s gender or identity is unknown. You will often already be using it without realising, i.e. ‘somebody left their hat, I wonder if they will come back to get it’ 9. Make sure that your workplace, school and college policies and documents use inclusive language, i.e. using ‘they’ instead of ‘he/she’ and avoiding sentences that imply two genders. Where specifically talking about gender identity, make sure it is inclusive of non-binary gender identities and not just trans men and trans women 10. When highlighting LGBTQ+ people in your events or as role models, make sure you include some non-binary role models too #NonBinaryDay #NonBinaryWeek #WeWouldNotBeErased #NonbinaryIsValid #TransValid #transvisibility #nonbinary #YouAreValid #transgender #GenderNeutral

Finding Safety: The Path 2 LGBTQ Students Took to College 07/14/2022

Great article on how q***r students do the calculus of figuring out where to go to school. I imagine in the current climate, many q***r students are also doing this calculus.

Is the math mathing at your CVM? 👀👀👀

Finding Safety: The Path 2 LGBTQ Students Took to College Such applicants have many of the typical concerns in choosing a college, like affordability, location, and size. But they also pay close attention to questions such as how inclusive is it, really?

Academic Minute | It’s About Time: Inequality in Time Spent Waiting 07/14/2022

How long do you spend waiting? Yes, inequality shows up here too.

Academic Minute | It’s About Time: Inequality in Time Spent Waiting Waiting in line is no one’s idea of a good use of time. In today’s Academic Minute, part of Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy Week, Stephen B. Holt examines why some groups wait more than others for routine appointments.


If you've ever heard someone say, "But I don't even see color" with respect to race, you'll want to tune into tomorrow's show!

Shows on Disability 07/12/2022

It's Disability Awareness Month!

Disability is often left out of discussions on diversity. Globally, roughly 15% of the world's population has some form of disability. In the US, 1 in 4 adults live with some type of disability. This is a pretty large part of the population to "leave out" of the discussion! Learn more by checking out our podcast episodes on disability!

Shows on Disability In fall of 2015, The American Association Veterinary Medical Colleges launched Diversity & Inclusion on Air: Conversations about Diversity, Inclusion & Veterinary Medicine. Although there has been in

LGBT Topics in Veterinary Medicine 06/30/2022

As we close out Pride Month 2022, we invite you to check out our SoundCloud playlist of previous podcast episodes covering a range of related topics! Thank you Pride VMC for your important work in and for always being eager and available to participate in the show!

LGBT Topics in Veterinary Medicine Here's a one stop shop playlist featuring all of Diversity and Inclusion on Air's shows about LGBT topics! Lots of great information here!

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Our Story

In fall of 2015, The American Association Veterinary Medical Colleges launched Diversity & Inclusion on Air: Conversations about Diversity, Inclusion & Veterinary Medicine.
Although there has been in an increase in the amount of diversity programming hosted by AAVMC, its member institutions and student organizations, there is still a dearth of available programming within the veterinary profession. Diversity & Inclusion on Air will change this by delivering more diversity programming to a wider veterinary audience. The program interviews and presentations will cover a wide range of topics and feature guests from across the profession.

Videos (show all)

The problem with claiming racial "color blindness."
Pronouns are important!




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