Taste Travel Teach

Taste Travel Teach


Enjoy fab flavors, explore cool places, and savor learning with this funky prof! Head over to my we

Operating as usual


We are surrounded by amazing, rich history and culture that has been hidden by design and neglect, let’s begin to uncover and restore respect for it together.

Please join me this Saturday for a free public presentation on local indigenous sites and history (details in image).

And if you’re a creative person (artist, writer, photographer, chef, etc.), consider joining my roundtable cohort who will be taking a deep dive into this theme to illuminate and inspire. I’ll be leading the group, providing resources for research, leading a day trip to Historic St. Mary’s City and Jefferson Patterson Museum and Park, and guiding a tour of local indigenous sites as well as providing support for the creative process. The roundtable will culminate in a public presentation of our final creative products and a discussion of the process and what we experienced. I am donating 100% of my teaching fees to the nonprofits Through Piscataway Eyes and Riverworks Art Center (Details at link in comments).


Tix on sale now to benefit Historic Medley District! (Earlier=more family-friendly and later=creepier content)

Please note something new this year: Friday will be the classic tour and Saturday will be all-new tales!


Tickets on sale now. Hurry, they go fast!


The Culinary Institute of America's Worlds of Flavor conference from Nov. 2-4 is going to be remarkable: its focus is food, culture and innovation on the African continent and impacts and flavors of the African Diaspora. The speaker lineup features some of our favorite chefs, scholars and experts on Black foodways in the US and around the world. And guess what? They're streaming the conference for FREE! Check out the schedule of events and join the virtual audience!


We’re celebrating with a rewatch of our past program “Pinches, Dashes & Drizzles: The Origins of Gullah Geechee Cuisine” featuring chef and farmer Matthew Raiford and celebrity chef and fellow Southerner Carla Hall. Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyMg7gz25aA


Vegetables have always been our thing here at Dirt Candy. With many vegetables in danger of going extinct, Jongga, Korea’s No.1 Kimchi brand since 1987, has launched their Generation Preservation campaign to bring awareness of these endangered vegetables and to protect, through preservation, plant- forward foods. That’s why I’ve teamed up with to launch (P)reserve a Table, a special, free, two-night event at Dirt Candy featuring an exclusive tasting menu that highlights Kimchi, Korea’s traditionally fermented vegetables, along with vegetables once on the brink of extinction. Join me in supporting Jongga’s Generation Preservation and bring diversity to the table. and


Our — back in stock after many moons away 🙌🏽 — are a star in so many of our recipes, including Asha’s Spiced Sangria Spritz and Mab’s Baghali Ghatogh. 👩🏽‍🍳🍷🫘 They’re spicier and sweeter than anything you’ve tried before, and they’re packed with even more oil and flavor compounds than their powdered counterpart! ✨❤️‍🔥😋 Add them to a stew, curry, or even a pot of rice for notes of honey, orange blossom, thyme, and brown butter. 🍯🍊🧈

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