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Global Competitiveness Leadership Program
These projects promote the program’s focus on action and aim to produce a multiplier effect to expand the reach of the GCL program throughout the region.
Georgetown University's GCL program aims to provide a new generation of emerging leaders with the essential tools and a meaningful network in order to promote competitiveness, progress, and integral development in the Ibero-American region Georgetown University’s Global Competitiveness Leadership Program (GCL) is a one-of-a-kind program dedicated to promoting a new generation of socially responsib
Operating as usual
On Monday, June 3, Georgetown University's Latin America Leadership Program will open the call for applications for - the 19th edition of its Global Competitiveness Leadership Program
Available Scholarships for qualified applicants
✅ Apply from June 3 until August 23 at
GCL is a one-of-a-kind academic and experiential leadership development program that aims to provide a new generation of emerging changemakers with the essential tools and a meaningful regional network to promote competitiveness, progress, and integral development in the Latin American region. Since its inception in 2007, GCL has fostered competitiveness and sustainable development by providing transformative leadership education to more than 600 agents of change in business, politics, and civil society across 22 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The GCL Program’s emphasis on regional integration has spawned a vast and dynamic network of leaders dedicated to realizing positive transformation in the Western Hemisphere, with many alumni receiving prestigious accolades in recognition of their work.
All cohort participants must develop or scale a social impact project to be carried out in their home countries or across the Americas and/or the Caribbean. The implementation of these projects supports LALP’s mission of leadership in action and produces a multiplier effect of social change, which expands the impact of the GCL Program throughout the region.
Questions? [email protected]
GCL Program Alumni Georgetown Innovation and Leadership in Government
Do you know of potential candidates across the region who may benefit from this opportunity? 2024 Applications will be open from today until June 14. Apply at
Georgetown Innovation and Leadership in Government ( ) is an annual professional development (non-degree) executive education program organized by Georgetown University's Latin America Leadership Program (LALP) to promote responsible and ethical public leadership and innovation across Latin America and the Caribbean.
Abierta la convocatoria de la 11a edición del Programa de Innovacion y Liderazgo en Gobierno- Georgetown Innovation and Leadership in Government -de Georgetown University's Latin America Leadership Program
Se aceptan postulaciones desde hoy 15 de abril hasta el 14 de junio en
ILG es un programa inmersivo que reúne cada año a un grupo selecto y diverso de líderes latinoamericanos de los sectores público, social, multilateral y de cooperación internacional para avanzar conocimientos, intercambiar ideas y analizar oportunidades de innovación frente a los desafíos más urgentes de la región. Este programa anual otorga a los participantes con herramientas y marcos de referencia analíticos necesarios para la elaboración y ejecución de políticas públicas e iniciativas sociales innovadoras, a la vez que les brinda oportunidades de desarrollo de liderazgo para que puedan fomentar nuevas ideas y programas en sus respectivas organizaciones. Como el Global Competitiveness Leadership Program y el resto de los programas estrella de Georgetown University's Latin America Leadership Program, los participantes admitidos tienen que presentar un proyecto aplicado durante el programa.
tendrá una duración de 6 semanas, del 16 de septiembre al 11 de octubre y del 21 al 25 de octubre de 2024 en formato híbrido: las primeras cuatro semanas, del 16 de septiembre al 11 de octubre, en formato virtual, tres días a la semana (lunes, miércoles y viernes por la mañana), con una semana de receso y preparación de proyectos con mentores para la última instancia presencial de inmersión, a tiempo completo en Washington DC, del 21 al 25 de octubre 2024.
Para mas información, consulte nuestra página web
o escríbanos un correo a [email protected]
GCL 2024 Catapults LALP to 900 Alumni Across Latin America and the Caribbean
On March 20, 2024, the cohort of the 18th edition of the Global Competitiveness Leadership Program(GCL), an annual program of Georgetown University's Latin America Leadership Program, bid farewell to Georgetown as they prepared to return to their countries to implement their social impact projects and initiatives. This year’s cohort included 32 individuals from 15 different countries and 22 cities across Latin America and the Caribbean, showcasing the vast diversity of the region and the most promising talent in the region striving to realize social change. This year's cohort consisted of 20 women and 12 men, marking the second year in a row of increased participation from female leaders in the region.
With this cohort, LALP’s alumni network officially reached 900 alumni across 23 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. GCL 2024 projects spanned 12 project areas, with the three most common ones being diversity, equity, and inclusion; agriculture and rural development; and education.
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Our Story
Georgetown University’s Global Competitiveness Leadership Program (GCL) is a one-of-a-kind program dedicated to promoting a new generation of socially responsible, innovative and ethical leaders in the Latin American region.
The GCL Program awards young leaders with a full scholarship to participate in a 10-week program at Georgetown University where they learn about political, corporate, nonprofit and personal leadership.
In addition, an important component that sets apart the GCL Program is that participants develop a high impact project while at Georgetown to be carried out in their home countries. These projects promote the program’s focus on action and aim to produce a multiplier effect to expand the reach of the GCL program throughout the region.
Founded in 2007, the program has impacted 425 emerging leaders to date and has a strong emphasis on personal development which provides a life-changing experience and promotes a tight knit and dynamic network of leaders.
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Georgetown University
Washington D.C., DC