Oromo people

Oromo people



Operating as usual

Photos from Oromo people's post 02/28/2024

Rabbiif jecha share nuuf godhaa 😭
Fayyaan Bu'uuraa jirenya ilma Namaati!
Rabbiin fayyaa isin hin dhorkiin
Obboolessaa keenyaa Mammee Maan
Rabbiin fayyaa bodaan dhibdeen hin jirree haa kennuufi

obboolessi Keenyaa mammeen Dhalataa godina Hararge lixaa Aanaa Gubbaa Qorichaa Areddaa 6 ti

Akkuma nama kamiituu jirenya isaa jijiiruuf Finfinnee galee waggaa shanii Oliif hojii jimaa hojjachaa turee
garuu Har'a mucaa qaxaleen kun sababaa dhukkubaa hamaa Onneetin Qabamee yeroo Ammaa hospitala keessatti oksijinin Lubbuu isaa jiraachisaa jiran
kanaaf Doctoris yeroo Ammaa kana maati isaa mucaan ni yaalama fayyuu Danda'aa waan tahef Qarshii yaalaf barbaachisuu million Tokko xuqaa shan gaafatan
maati Gurbaa kanaatis Qootee bulaa waan taheef Qarshii kana Arkachuun Dandenyee
kanaaf Namonni mucaa qaxalee kana lubbuu isaa hanbisuu barbaddaan waan dandeessaanin Bira nuuf dhaabbadhaa isinin jennaa Oromoo ko hundii keessaan! 1000361337647
Abdi mahammad se.id

Obbolessa kenyaa Rabbiin fayyaa bodaan dhibdeen hin jirree sif haa kennuu Yaa Allaha
Sushan Aliyi ✍️

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Washington D.C., DC

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