A new issue of The Millennium Project newsletter is out!
The 20.0 executive summary is now available in multiple languages, along with the first videos of the series on the 15 Global Challenges. Discover key future events, including a special session of The Millennium Project at the Dubai Future Forum 2024, the launch of the new Lithuania Node, and more. Watch interviews with Jerome C. Glenn on the State of the Future 20.0, read the results of 2023 analysis on Futures, and updates from various Nodes of The Millennium Project!
Read online: https://mailchi.mp/millennium-project/newsletter-october-2024
The Millennium Project
The Millennium Project is a global participatory think tank on Futures Research established in 1996. EPA, UNDP, and UNESCO.
The Millennium Project is a global participatory think tank with 73 Nodes around the world. It produces the State of the Future reports, Futures Research Methodology series, and the online Global Futures Intelligence System. It was initiated by the Smithsonian Institution, The Futures Group International, the United Nations University (UNU), and the American Council for the UNU in a three-year fea
Operating as usual
📊 School of Quantitative Methods for Foresight – November 26-30, 2024
The third edition of the School on organized by the Millennium Project Italia Node and the Italian Institute for the Future will take place in Sasso Marconi (Bologna, Italy).
Read more and register: https://www.millennium-project.org/school-of-quantitative-methods-for-foresight-november-26-30-2024/
🌍 Exciting News: is a new Node of The Millennium Project!
On October 29, 2024, we officially launched the Lithuania Node of The Millennium Project, hosted by Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University and chaired by Erika Vaiginiene.
The Lithuania Node unites members from government, education, innovation, and parliament to foster interdisciplinary collaboration on foresight initiatives.
Next steps include inviting new members from international organizations and NGOs, holding a meeting in December to align its mission, and enhancing visibility through various channels.
Read more and watch the video of the launch, featuring Ibon Zugasti among others.
📽 https://youtu.be/SnpOVeA9gH0
ℹ https://www.millennium-project.org/launch-of-the-lithuania-node-of-the-millennium-project/
📢 New Publication Alert!
We're thrilled to announce the release of the paper, " 2023 Global Futures Agenda," authored by Mara Di Berardo, Comms Director and Millennium Project Italia Co-Chair, now published in Futures. by Elsevier.
This paper dives into the insights and key takeaways from the tenth anniversary of World Futures Day (WFD), a 24-hour global event organized by The Millennium Project, in collaboration with Association of Professional Futurists, Humanity Plus, Lifeboat Foundation, World Academy of Art and Science, and World Futures Studies Federation, to explore possible futures through collective intelligence.
The author dedicates this work to Theodore J. Gordon for the profound ideas on futures studies he shared during this last World Futures Day he attended and throughout his whole life.
The paper will be available for free for 50 days (Dec. 17, 2024) at the following link: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1j-xb_NmknuKe
For more information, you can visit https://www.millennium-project.org/world-futures-day-2023-global-futures-agenda/
Millennium Project - Greek Node The Millennium Project - Argentina Node South Asia Foresight Network SAFN Millennium Project Foresight Analysis Think Tank Sri Lanka Node
How can genuine emerge from ?
Watch the new video on Global Challenge 4 from the 20.0 by The Millennium Project.
🎥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39CB9xByVY4
Order: https://www.millennium-project.org/publications-2/state-of-the-future-version-20-0/
Video courtesy of Saphia Richou , France Node.
Millennium Project Foresight Analysis Think Tank Sri Lanka Node Millennium Project - Greek Node Millennium Project Italia The Millennium Project - Argentina Node
Global Challenge 4 - Democratization Global Challenge 4: How can genuine democracy emerge from authoritarian regimes?From the State of the Future 20.0 by The Millennium Project.Order: https://ww...
Jerome C. Glenn on the 20.0 for Good Men Project
The conversation focused on the insights from the latest State of the Future 20.0 report, which tracks key global challenges, including climate change, , and demographic shifts. Glenn emphasized the importance of transforming food systems and enhancing global governance to address these issues.
Read more: https://www.millennium-project.org/jerome-clayton-glenn-on-state-of-the-future-20-0-the-good-men-project/
El Universal "El Estado del Futuro: 20.0 reúne un conjunto extraordinariamente diverso de datos, información, inteligencia y algo de sabiduría para proporcionar un marco coherente que nos ayude a pensar con más claridad y profundidad"
The 20.0 brings together an extraordinarily diverse set of data, information, intelligence, and some wisdom to provide a coherent framework that helps us think more clearly and deeply)
By José Cordeiro (Venezuela Node Chair)
Read ➡ https://www.eluniversal.com/el-universal/193329/el-estado-del-futuro-200
Discover more ➡ https://www.millennium-project.org/publications-2/state-of-the-future-version-20-0/
Jose Cordeiro
🌍 This year's V Argentina 2024, taking place on October 24-25 at the National University of La Pampa, will focus on the theme “Building Alternatives for a New Era,” bringing together academics and professionals from across Latin America to explore innovative solutions to the pressing challenges of our time.
One of the highlights will be a special panel on October 25, discussing the and its implications for Latin America, featuring experts like Ibon Zugasti
and Héctor Casanueva.
The hybrid event is co-organized by Centro de Estudios Prospectivos de Cuyo, Mendoza sub-node of The Millennium Project - Argentina Node, with support from The Millennium Project and RIBER.
For more information, visit https://www.millennium-project.org/v-prospecta-argentina-oct-24-25-2024/
Javier Vitale
Futures Week 2024, organized by the Bolivia Node - UNIFRANZ, is coming to El Alto and Cochabamba, Bolivia, from October 22-25! Join experts from around the world to co-create healthy, cultured, and technological cities of the future.
On October 23, hear insights from the Mexico and Bolivia Nodes of The Millennium Project on their publication LatinoAmérica 2050: Retos, Escenarios y Acciones.
For details and registrations, visit https://www.millennium-project.org/futures-week-in-bolivia-october-22-25-2024/
How can and be brought into balance?
Watch the new video on Global Challenge 3 from the 20.0 by The Millennium Project.
🎥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSa5OjT7wNk
Order: https://www.millennium-project.org/publications-2/state-of-the-future-version-20-0/
Video courtesy of Saphia Richou, France Node.
Millennium Project Italia Millennium Project Foresight Analysis Think Tank Sri Lanka Node Millennium Project - Greek Node The Millennium Project - Argentina Node
Global Challenge 3 - Population & Resources Global Challenge 3: How can population and resources be brought into balance?From the State of the Future 20.0 by The Millennium Project.Order: https://www.m...
🎥 Ibon Zugasti, Deputy Director and Spain Node Chair of The Millennium Project, recently joined the conference on “Cultura prospectiva: hacia la institucionalidad“, included within the annual PAC-2024 organized by the Centro de Estudios Prospectivos de Cuyo.
The video recording is now available! Watch at https://www.millennium-project.org/pac-conference-2024-october-3-2024/
How can everyone have sufficient clean without ?
Watch the new video on Global Challenge 2 from the 20.0 by The Millennium Project.
🎥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXGmbNyyW68
Order: https://www.millennium-project.org/publications-2/state-of-the-future-version-20-0/
Video courtesy of Saphia Richou, France Node.
Jerome C. Glenn Mara Di Berardo Ibon Zugasti Elizabeth Florescu Millennium Project - Greek Node Millennium-Project Portugal The Millennium Project - Argentina Node Millennium Project Italia Millennium Project Foresight Analysis Think Tank Sri Lanka Node
Global Challenge 2 - Clean Water Global Global Challenge 2: How can everyone have sufficient clean water without conflict?From the State of the Future 20.0 by The Millennium Project.Order: h...
( ) invites you to the next on October 31, 2024, from 14:00 to 15:30 CEST.
Experience FUTURIST—the world’s first generative AI chatbot built specifically for foresight! Futurists Tarian Jenkins, Marianna Mäki-Teeri, and Charlotte Korhonen from Futures Platform will lead an interactive session, demonstrating how AI is transforming the foresight landscape.
FEN is a regional Network of The Millennium Project, click here for info on the event and free registrations ➡ https://www.millennium-project.org/fen-demo-hour-on-ai-futurist-october-31-2024/
Ufuk Tarhan, Co-Chair of the Turkey Node, recently joined Fatih Altaylı on his acclaimed YouTube show . In this engaging interview, Ufuk delves into futures studies, discusses her career, and highlights the impact of The Millennium Project on understanding global trends.
Read more and catch the full interview: https://www.millennium-project.org/ufuk-tarhan-from-the-turkey-node-on-futures-studies-and-global-trends/
How can development be achieved for all while addressing global ?
Watch the new video on Global Challenge 1 from the new State of the Future 20.0 by The Millennium Project.
📽 https://youtu.be/I2gtKM6iamw
Order the 20.0: https://www.millennium-project.org/publications-2/state-of-the-future-version-20-0/
Video courtesy of Saphia Richou, France Node Chair
Millennium Project Italia The Millennium Project - Argentina Node Millennium Project - Greek Node Millennium-Project Portugal Millennium Project Foresight Analysis Think Tank Sri Lanka Node Jerome C. Glenn Elizabeth Florescu Ibon Zugasti Mara Di Berardo
Global Challenge 1 - Climate Change Global Challenge 1: How can sustainable development be achieved for all while addressing global climate change?From the State of the Future 20.0 by The Mille...
The Millennium Project Newsletter – September 2024 is out!
Discover the latest insights on the future of humanity in the State of the Future 20.0, learn about the open letter on governance to the UNGA, and read highlights from our Planning Committee Meeting at Tecnológico de Monterrey Monterrey. Plus, explore updates on global foresight projects, key events, interviews, and more from our Nodes!
👉 Read the full newsletter here: https://us6.campaign-archive.com/?u=2a1db6def96136ba30c91395f&id=de3b4b3601
Subscribe: http://eepurl.com/JXt4n
Millennium Project Italia The Millennium Project - Argentina Node Millennium Project - Greek Node Millennium Project Foresight Analysis Think Tank Sri Lanka Node Jerome C. Glenn Mara Di Berardo Elizabeth Florescu Ibon Zugasti
News from RIBER!
Unifranz forma parte del directorio de la Red Iberoamericana de investigación Prospectiva de The Millennium Project. | Unifranz Por Beatriz Cahuasa La Universidad Franz Tamayo, Unifranz, como nodo Bolivia de The Millennium Project, forma parte de la directiva 2024-2026, de la Red La Universidad Franz Tamayo, Unifranz, como nodo Bolivia de The Millennium Project, forma parte de la directiva 2024-2026, de la Red Iberoamericana...
Futures Digest #3: " 20.0, Humanity’s Options Ahead”.
Mara Di Berardo, MP Comms Director and Millennium Project Italia Node Co-Chair, featured an in-depth look at the recently published SOF 20.0 in her new Substack publication.
The post explores why this monumental publication is crucial for understanding humanity's challenges and opportunities ahead, what key topics are covered, and who contributed to the report.
Read more: https://futuresdigest.substack.com/p/futures-digest-3-state-of-the-future
The Millennium Project Italia Node released a new video to illustrate the main contents of the latest publication on Futures (Elsevier) by Simone Di Zio (Italy Node Co-Chair) and Ted Gordon (Co-founder) on "Exploring a method to reduce inconsistency in the group Analytic Hierarchy Process using the method and theory" (August, 2024).
Watch the video on our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7NT_j_pKYo
Read more: https://www.millennium-project.org/exploring-a-method-to-reduce-inconsistency-new-publication-on-futures/
Boosting AHP Consistency with the Delphi method and Nudge theory The Italy Node of The Millennium Project released a new video made with InVideo to explain the main contents of the latest publication on Futures by Simone D...
The Executive Summary of State of the Future 20.0 by The Millennium Project is now available for free in Romanian as well: Starea Viitorului 20.0 – Rezumat Executiv
Read more: https://www.millennium-project.org/starea-viitorului-20-0-rezumat-executiv/
Order: https://www.millennium-project.org/publications-2/state-of-the-future-version-20-0/
Elizabeth Florescu
Starea Viitorului 20.0 - Rezumat Executiv - The Millennium Project Starea Viitorului 20.0 Autori: Jerome C. Glenn, Theodore J. Gordon, Elisabeta Florescu și echipa rețelei The Millennium Project Ttraducere: Elisabeta Florescu și Răzvan Hoinaru ISBN: 978-0-9882639-6-3 Starea Viitorului 20.0 este a 20-a ediție a rapoartelor Starea Viitorului publicate periodic d...
Notis Epaminondas Christophilopoulos, Chair of the Millennium Project - Greek Node, will lead a Foresight Workshop during the Inclusive Science Conference 2024 in Porto on October 7, 2024.
The workshop will delve into future-oriented strategies for fostering inclusivity in scientific research, offering hands-on experience in developing foresight scenarios and actionable steps for a more equitable scientific community.
Read more and register: https://www.millennium-project.org/inclusive-science-conference-2024-oct-7-8-2024/
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A Global Think Take for a Global Future
The Project is a global participatory think tank with 63 Nodes around the world. It produces the State of the Future reports (19 so far), Futures Research Methodology versions 1.0 to 3.0, the online Global Futures Intelligence System, 55 Futures Research Studies, and supervised over 200 Interns from around the world.
It was initiated by the Smithsonian Institution, The Futures Group International, the United Nations University (UNU), and the American Council for the UNU in a three-year feasibility study beginning in 1992 funded by the U.S. EPA, UNDP, and UNESCO. Over 200 futurists and scholars from about 50 countries participated in the feasibly study.
Today, the Project accomplishes its mandate by connecting individuals and institutions around the world to collaborate on research to address important global challenges. Since 1996, about 4,500 futurists, scholars, decisionmakers, and business planners from over 60 countries have contributed with their views to the Millennium Project research.
Videos (show all)
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