We hope you can join us for the next Monday's (9/9) TOPSS webinar on Go-to Lessons to Promote Scientific Thinking, to be held at 7:30 PM, eastern, on Monday, September 9. Register at https://apa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEsf-GqrzIvGNDeIO5TQl9hkR5qxgxGEoEj #/registration.
Need some tips for infusing research methods and scientific thinking across all units of your psychology course? This free, hour-long webinar will be led by Kristin Whitlock, The College Board, and Annette Nielsen, Woods Cross High School (Utah). This webinar is for all high school psychology teachers.
Here's another great resource you may not know about - a working group at the 2017 APA high school psychology summit developed a self-reflection tool for psychology teachers that aims to aims to boost interpersonal and cultural sensitivity in both students and teachers. The website comes with a set of resources for teachers. (The tool is a self-reflective exercise for psychology teachers. APA does not endorse or provide this tool to be used as an assessment.)
Considering Diversity: A Self-Reflection Tool for Psychology Teachers
This resource aims to boost interpersonal and cultural sensitivity in both students and teachers.
Here is the second 2-day lesson plan we posted online over the summer: a lesson plan on bio bases of behavior, learning, and memory by Martin Hyatt of Northside High School, Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Just the first page is posted here - the full lesson plan is online here: https://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/topss/lessons/hyatt-lesson-plan.pdf.
This is a review lesson, so you may want to use it later in the semester, but sharing it now in case it gives you an idea for your class!
A summary from Martin:
"This lesson is not focused on a specific objective(s) but rather is a review lesson that focuses particularly on the following standards:
1.1 Identify the major divisions and subdivisions of the human nervous system
and their functions
2.1 Describe the processes of operant conditioning
2.1 Explain strategies for improving the encoding, storage, and retrieval of memories
..The lesson gets students up and moving. Oftentimes, laughter is involved. Phones get pulled out and comical video typically gets posted in a variety of places. However, in the process, semantic encoding, priming, relearning, retrieval, and recall all take place as well..."
Over the summer we posted new 2-day lesson plans for our APA TOPSS "Charlie" Excellence in Teaching Award winners online. Here is a summary of one from Caitlyn Homol of Brooklyn Prospect High School (Brooklyn, NY), on Research method application: Interviews. The lesson plan is online at https://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/topss/lessons/homol-lesson-plan.pdf.
From Caitlyn:
"This is a two day lesson plan structured for 45 minute class periods. After learning about the four types of interviews that they should know for the IB Psychology exam (structured interviews, semi-structured interviews, unstructured interviews, and focus groups), students study Lueck and Wilson (2010) and the use of interviews to better understand acculturation and acculturative stress. We use this study to develop
understanding of techniques that improve the quality of interviews and ensure ethical considerations are met.
In order to give students more practical understanding of interviews, this lesson plan allows them to work together to plan one of their own. On day one of this plan, students learn of their opportunity to plan an interview/focus group about culture and acculturation, in which the participants are members of our staff. They begin to discuss which On day two, they solidify their questions, prepare for data collection, and discuss how to improve the credibility of their data and findings. After they complete the interview/focus group, students corroborate their data and complete a rudimentary thematic analysis, which they’ve practiced in an earlier project. They then summarize their findings and reflect on their research process."
We hope you can join us for the next TOPSS webinar on Go-to Lessons to Promote Scientific Thinking, to be held Monday, September 9 at 7:30 PM, eastern. Register at https://apa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEsf-GqrzIvGNDeIO5TQl9hkR5qxgxGEoEj #/registration.
Need some tips for infusing research methods and scientific thinking across all units of your psychology course? This free, hour-long webinar will be led by Kristin Whitlock, The College Board, and Annette Nielsen, Woods Cross High School (Utah). This webinar is for all high school psychology teachers.
TOPSS elections opened on August 15!! All current, paid members should have received a ballot over email from the APA elections office. There are two open positions be filled in the election, the chair-elect and a member-at-large. You can read about our impressive candidates on the 2024 TOPSS election website. Voting closes on September 30. If you didn't receive your ballot (be sure to check your spam filter) or have any questions, you can email the APA elections office at [email protected].
TOPSS Committee Elections
Learn more about being involved with the APA Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS).
SAVE THE DATE! We hope you can join us for the next TOPSS webinar on Go-to Lessons to Promote Scientific Thinking, to be held Monday, September 9 at 7:30 PM, eastern. Register at https://apa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEsf-GqrzIvGNDeIO5TQl9hkR5qxgxGEoEj #/registration.
Need some tips for infusing research methods and scientific thinking across all units of your psychology course? This free, hour-long webinar will be led by Kristin Whitlock, The College Board, and Annette Nielsen, Woods Cross High School (Utah). This webinar is for all high school psychology teachers.
As you return to the classroom, don't forget that last year we updated the resource vetting rubric, which can be used to determine if any resource or activity you have found is of high enough quality to use in class! The rubric (see https://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/topss/vetting-rubric.pdf) includes 9 questions to consider and then provides a set of criteria to use to assess any resource.
Don't forget that APA offers a whole lot of free resources that can provide you with research studies, no matter which class you teach! Not included in this list were several activities from the Stress and Health TOPSS lesson plan (see https://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/topss/lessons/stress-health.pdf) that provided summaries of research studies for students to consider (see Critical Thinking Exercise 4.1: Stress and the Common Cold, Critical Thinking Exercise 4.2: Stress and Healing, Critical Thinking Exercise 5.1: Is Popularity Protective Against Stress?, and Critical Thinking Exercise 5.2: Being Mindful), and this new resource we shared recently:
APA's Editor's Choice
APA’s Editor’s Choice Newsletter offers a free, bi-weekly compilation of APA Journal articles selected as outstanding, noteworthy, and impactful for the field by APA Journal editors. Each article will be freely available to Editor’s Choice subscribers for 30 days.
APA resources to help teachers engage students in research
Access a wide variety of free resources that provide all high school psychology teachers with research studies.
If you are at APA in Seattle, we hope you’ll come to the two TOPSS sessions today and our reception too!
Noon, Friday, August 9, TOPSS Invited Address: Lee Gurel Lecture, Regan A.R. Gurung, PhD, Oregon State University - See No Evil: Fostering Optimal Study Strategies in a World of Technological Distractions. Room 3A.
3:00 PM, Friday, August 9, TOPSS Invited Address, Erlanger A. Turner, PhD, Pepperdine University - Empowering Youth of Color: Applying the School Trauma and Racial Stress Blueprint. Room 3A.
TOPSS reception, Friday, August 9, 6:00-7:30 PM, Yard House, Seattle.
APA 2024 starts today in Seattle! TOPSS is sponsoring 3 great sessions and a social hour - details are below, including virtual options for those interested in select offerings but cannot join us in person this week.
TOPSS Invited APA 2024 Speakers:
Randal M. Ernst Lecture: Disability as a DEI Concern for Teaching: Informing Your Students and Peers, with Dana S. Dunn, PhD, Moravian University
8/8/24, Noon, Room 3A
Lee Gurel Lecture: See No Evil: Fostering Optimal Study Strategies in a World of Technological Distractions, with Regan A.R. Gurung, PhD, Oregon State University
8/9/24, Noon, Room 3A
Empowering Youth of Color: Applying the School Trauma and Racial Stress Blueprint, with Erlanger A. Turner, PhD, Pepperdine University
8/9/24, 3:00 PM, Room 3A
Join TOPSS for a social hour at 6:00 PM on Friday, August 9, at Yard House (1501 4th Avenue, Seattle)
Select programming for educators:
Virtual programs:
Need to know information if you attend APA 2024:
APA Convention 2024 | Community, Impact, and Learning
Explore the vibrant community, impactful sessions, and cutting-edge learning at APA 2024. Register by May 31 to save $100. Join us in Seattle for an enriching experience.
The TOPSS workshop is underway in Seattle!! So glad we have Allyn Olsen and Scott Reed here presenting and we are looking forward to hearing from Dr. David Myers later today.
Help us help others! We've extended the deadline to September 15 for teachers to submit pacing calendars to TOPSS ([email protected]), for us to consider for sharing on our website!
Currently our website features several sample academic calendars for high school psychology teachers to view as they conduct their own planning. However, these were collected prior to the development of the 2022 National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula, and we would like to update them to reflect course planning. If you are interested in submitting a sample pacing calendar for an on-level, AP, or IB psychology course for possible inclusion on the TOPSS website, please send your calendar to TOPSS by September 15 (again, [email protected]). We are hoping to gather samples that reflect different types of course scheduling (e.g., traditional, block schedule, and trimester; one semester and full year). Calendars must show alignment to the current National Standards and we encourage you to indicate how research methods are integrated across all units in the course. Thanks for your help here!
Sample academic calendars for high school psychology courses
The sample pacing calendars provide teachers with examples of actual calendars from other psychology teachers like advanced placement classes, international baccalaureate classes, and regular classes, and courses can be one semester or yearlong, block or regular schedule.
We hope you've seen and used this great video before - it features TOPSS members and students talking about the value of the HS psych class, and can be used on the first day of class, or shared with parents, or used to recruit students to take your class in the future!! The video is the same, but we recently updated the website that goes with it on why students should take psychology - see https://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/topss/students! This website covers topics students will learn in psychology, how psychology can help students study, how psychology can help students learn about/cope with stress, types of HS courses, common myths about psychology, psychology related careers, and a lot of links to useful information for students! There is new information online and we hope you'll share it with your students!
High School Psychology: Better Understand Your World
Psychology -- the scientific study of mind and behavior -- is all around us. Discover how taking a psychology course in high school can teach you how to be a...
Today, August 1, is the last day to register for the August 7 TOPSS workshop next week in Seattle!!
Workshop Topics and Presenters: Delivering a high-quality psychology course by infusing research into the course; challenging teaching topics; and TOPSS resources. Allyn Olsen of Hilltop High School (CA) and Scott Reed of Hamilton High School (AZ; retired) will present.
Keynote Address: “Misinformation and Education in a Post-Truth Age,” presented by David Myers, PhD, of Hope College
Registration for this workshop ($35 for TOPSS members; $45 for non-members) is separate from APA 2024 registration. This workshop is in-person only.
APA 2024 Workshop for High School Psychology Teachers
The workshop will focus on delivering a high-quality psychology course and address challenging teaching topics.
We have another great, free resource to share that can provide you with full research articles - all articles selected through APA's Editor’s Choice newsletter will be free to read – in full text – for 30 days. Check it out!
For more FREE research resources from APA, see https://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/psychology-teacher-network/introductory-psychology/engage-students-research-studies
APA Editor’s Choice
This newsletter offers a free, bi-weekly compilation of APA Journal articles selected as outstanding, noteworthy, and impactful for the field by APA Journal editors.
If you liked the documentary "My Octopus Teacher," APA's latest Speaking of Psychology podcast is an interview with a psychologist who was the scientific advisor to the film and is "one of the world’s leading experts on octopus behavior" - who knew?!
Inside the mind of an octopus
Jennifer Mather, PhD, talks about what we know about octopus behavior and cognition
The latest PsychSessions podcast features an interview with TOPSS member Paula Hylton!! "In this episode Garth interviews Paula Hylton from the Cannon School in Concord, North Carolina. Paula discusses her journey and experiences as a high school psychology teacher. She shares insights into the unique aspects of teaching at an independent school, her creative teaching methods, and activities such as the first-day memory icebreaker and the 10K step challenge. Paula reflects on her background, motivation, professional development, and the importance of making psychology relevant to students’ lives. She also emphasizes the value of building strong student-teacher relationships and the impact of real-world applications in the classroom."
E203: Paula Hylton: The Balancing Act of Teaching, Learning, and Family
In this episode Garth interviews Paula Hylton from the Cannon School in Concord, North Carolina. Paula discusses her journey and experiences as a high school psychology teacher. She shares insights into the unique aspects of teaching at an independent school, her creative teaching methods, and activ...
Summer PD reminders!!
Tomorrow, July 19, is the deadline to register for the July 26 FREE workshop at Clayton State University in Morrow, GA: https://www.clayton.edu/celt/teaching-psyc-ai
August 1 is the deadline to register for the one-day TOPSS workshop on August 7 in Seattle: https://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/topss/2024-workshop
You can register for APA 2024 up to or at/during the August 8-10 event in Seattle; select virtual programming is available too: https://convention.apa.org
Good news! We've extended the deadline to register for our August 7 workshop in Seattle to August 1. See below or online for workshop details. We hope you can attend if you live near Seattle or can travel this summer. APA 2024 starts the day after the workshop. TOPSS will have three great invited speakers at APA 2024, and there are hundreds of sessions at APA relevant to high school psychology teachers.
APA 2024 Workshop for High School Psychology Teachers
August 7, 2024, 9 a.m.−4:30 p.m.
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Topics: Delivering a high-quality psychology course by infusing research into the course; challenging teaching topics; and TOPSS resources.
Presenters: Allyn Olsen of Hilltop High School (CA) and Scott Reed of Hamilton High School (AZ; retired).
Keynote speaker: David Myers, PhD, of Hope College, will present an address on “Misinformation and Education in a Post-Truth Age.”
Registration: $35 for any APA teacher affiliate (TOPSS member) or APA member, and $45 for all others. This includes coffee, lunch, and workshop materials. Registration for this workshop is separate from APA 2024 registration.
Teachers can register for the August 7 workshop online:
APA 2024:
TOPSS invited speakers:
Additional select programs for educators at APA 2024:
Why APA is the greatest professional development for high school teachers (from 2019):
APA 2024 Workshop for High School Psychology Teachers
The workshop will focus on delivering a high-quality psychology course and address challenging teaching topics.
If you teach in (or near) Georgia, we hope you'll consider registering for a one-day workshop, Teaching Psychology in the Age of AI, being held July 26 at Clayton State University in Morrow, Georgia. This opportunity is provided at no cost to psychology teachers and is supported by the American Psychological Foundation David and Carol Myers Fund to Support Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools. More information is available online at https://www.clayton.edu/celt/teaching-psyc-ai. The deadline to register has been extended to July 19! There is still space to register!
It's hard to believe the APA Summit on High School Psychology Education started SEVEN years ago today in Ogden, Utah! The summit brought over 70 educators together to work on issues related to psychology as science, skills, standards, assessment, credentialing, professional development, diversity, and technology. The summit's mission was to create the best possible future for high school psychology.
Summit deliverables included a report on high school psychology as science, a set of lessons on metacognitive, transferrable, and well-being skills, a framework for what became the revised APA National Standards, an assessment guide and assessment exemplars, a credentialing advocacy toolkit, a resource vetting rubric, a recommendation to start what became the Oregon State University workshop (modelled after the APA/Clark University workshop), a great video about the value of the course, a diversity self-reflection tool, a Canvas course template/resource set, resources on technology, and more! TOPSS is now working to revise some of these great resources. You can find them all online here (see the "deliverables" tab: https://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/topss/high-school-summit), and we'll be highlighting these as any revisions are made! Thanks to everyone who was there at Weber State University! And thanks to everyone who has used these resources.
Help us help other teachers!
If you are interested in submitting a sample pacing calendar for an on-level, AP, or IB psychology course, to be considered to share on the TOPSS website, please send your calendar to us ([email protected]) by July 15. Our goal is to gather samples that reflect different types of course scheduling (e.g., traditional, block schedule, and trimester; one semester and full year). Calendars must show alignment to the current National Standards (https://www.apa.org/education-career/k12/national-standards). Teachers are encouraged to indicate how research methods are integrated across all units in the course.
Sample academic calendars for high school psychology courses
The sample pacing calendars provide teachers with examples of actual calendars from other psychology teachers like advanced placement classes, international baccalaureate classes, and regular classes, and courses can be one semester or yearlong, block or regular schedule.
This list is a few years old, but still offers good book suggestions! Nancy Fenton, Laura Brandt, and Jessica Flitter still run the "Books for Psychology Class" blog at https://booksforpsychologyclass.weebly.com/, and TOPSS members receive discounts on all APA publications too, per https://www.apa.org/pubs/books or https://www.apa.org/pubs!
Don't forget PTN has book reviews too: https://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/psychology-teacher-network/activities-books.
Happy summer reading!!
10 Exciting Psychology Books for Your Summer Reading List — Psych Learning Curve
The school year is over, and it is time to rest and reinvigorate! Below is a list fascinating books for psychology teachers this summer which...
We were so happy to hear that the fourth Oregon State University Workshop for High School Psychology Teachers went well last week! Giant thanks to Regan Gurung and his Oregon State colleagues for hosting a group of 25 teachers on their campus for three days and thanks also to Kara Beiswanger and Eric Castro for sharing their knowledge with participants! Thanks to all the participants for taking time out of their summer to learn! TOPSS has been delighted to support this workshop thanks to support from the American Psychological Foundation (APF) David and Carol Myers Fund to Support Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools.
Don't forget we have two deadlines today, Monday, July 1: the deadline to nominate yourself or a colleague to run for TOPSS office this year, and the first deadline of the year to apply for an APF Outreach grant to support regional teaching networks! Details and websites are listed below!
TOPSS Committee call for nominations
In 2024, TOPSS members will elect one chair-elect and one member-at-large. The nomination deadline for potential candidates is July 1. In an effort to broaden the representation of the TOPSS community on the Committee in 2024, TOPSS is particularly interested in member-at-large candidates who teach outside the United States, those who have experience teaching on-level psychology, and/or those who are early career teachers within their first 10 years of teaching.
APF High School Psychology Outreach Grants
The American Psychological Foundation (APF) has made $10,000 available to support regional teaching networks. The deadlines to apply for funding are July 1 and November 1.
Monday, July 1, is the first deadline of the year to apply for an APF Outreach grant to support regional teaching networks! APF has made $10,000 available to support regional networks, which are great opportunities to provide low-cost professional development and connect area teachers with each other. We hope you'll consider applying for funding, to continue a network or start a new one! TOPSS especially hopes to start new networks in Texas, North Carolina, and New York. A second deadline to apply for funds will be November 1.
High School Psychology Outreach Grants
$10,000 to support regional teaching networks that facilitate networking and professional development opportunities for high school psychology teachers.
If you can attend APA in person, register by June 30 to receive a $50 discount! APA 2024 will take place August 8-10 in Seattle; the conference offers hundreds of sessions on all subfields of psychology, including featured main stage events and more. Select programming is available virtually for those who cannot attend in person. TOPSS will sponsor three invited speakers and a social hour:
-TOPSS Invited Address: Randal M. Ernst Lecture, Dana S. Dunn, PhD, Moravian University: Disability as a DEI Concern for Teaching: Informing Your Students and Peers
-TOPSS Invited Address: Lee Gurel Lecture, Regan A.R. Gurung, PhD, Oregon State University: See No Evil: Fostering Optimal Study Strategies in a World of Technological Distractions
-TOPSS Invited Address, Erlanger A. Turner, PhD, Pepperdine University: Empowering Youth of Color: Applying the School Trauma and Racial Stress Blueprint
Don't forget we are offering a full-day workshop on Wednesday, August 7! Registration for the TOPSS workshop is separate from APA registration:
Read about other select programming for educators in the April PTN issue and on the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP) website:
APA Convention 2024 | Community, Impact, and Learning
Explore the vibrant community, impactful sessions, and cutting-edge learning at APA 2024. Register by May 31 to save $100. Join us in Seattle for an enriching experience.
Do you want to get more involved in TOPSS and/or have a leadership role in psychology? Or do you know someone who would be great in these roles? In 2024, TOPSS members will elect one chair-elect and one member-at-large. The nomination deadline for potential candidates is July 1. In an effort to broaden the representation of the TOPSS community on the Committee in 2024, TOPSS is particularly interested in member-at-large candidates who teach outside the United States, those who have experience teaching on-level psychology, and/or those who are early career teachers within their first 10 years of teaching. More details are available online.
TOPSS Committee Elections
Learn more about being involved with the APA Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS).
Don't miss these great main stage events at APA 2024 this summer! We hope you can attend in person in Seattle, but these main stage events are also available to those who want to join virtually! Register by June 30 to get $50 off registration! More details about APA 2024 are below:
TOPSS invited speakers:
TOPSS Invited Address: Randal M. Ernst Lecture
Dana S. Dunn, PhD, Moravian University
Disability as a DEI Concern for Teaching: Informing Your Students and Peers
TOPSS Invited Address: Lee Gurel Lecture
Regan A.R. Gurung, PhD, Oregon State University
See No Evil: Fostering Optimal Study Strategies in a World of Technological Distractions
TOPSS Invited Address
Erlanger A. Turner, PhD, Pepperdine University
Empowering Youth of Color: Applying the School Trauma and Racial Stress Blueprint
Main APA website:
Main stage events:
APA 2024 TOPSS workshop (8/7, in person only):
Other events for educators (out of HUNDREDS to choose from!):
Why APA is the best professional development for high school teachers (from 2019, by the sentiment still applies!):
Main Stage - APA Convention 2024
Explore some highlights from the APA 2024 program. Join us for the latest research and trends. Register now to experience everything psychology has to offer.