It's Labor Day and the 50th anniversary of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Dan Doonan's new Forbes column reflects on ERISA successes and policy improvements to strengthen retirement for American workers. https://ow.ly/fMQE50Tcyxc
ERISA: Reflecting On 50 Years And Looking To The Future
There are numerous successes to celebrate as ERISA turns 50, but challenges remain to create better retirement outcomes in the future.
"As a generation, Xers are right to worry about retirement. A study by the National Institute on Retirement Security found that the bottom half of Gen X households have almost nothing saved for retirement." https://ow.ly/frjH50T6lOg
Gen X Investors: 6 Financial Policies We Want in a Trump Administration
In their prime earning years, Generation X sees retirement looming just over the horizon -- and many don’t feel prepared. Nearly half (48%) of Gen Xers say they won’t have enough money to enjoy retirement, according to a 2024 study by Natixis Investment Managers.
"A whopping 87% of Americans say Congress should act now to protect long-term funding for Social Security, according to an online survey conducted for the National Institute on Retirement Security, a non-profit, non-partisan organization." https://www.kiplinger.com/retirement/social-security/americans-want-social-security-boosted-now
Americans Want Social Security Boosted Now
If Congress doesn't act, lawmakers may be setting up automatic benefit cuts, one expert says.
"A study done last year by the National Institute on Retirement Security found that income is the single biggest factor in determining who has built savings and who has not. Retirement savings for Generation X is highly concentrated among the highest earners,” the report noted. https://ow.ly/qsa750T3VRo
Gen Xers are nearing retirement. Here’s why many are more at risk of running short of money than younger colleagues | CNN Business
A recent analysis by Morningstar’s Center for Retirement and Policy Studies projects that 45% of US households run the risk of falling short financially if they retire at 65 — or 54%, if they retire at 62.
Be sure to read The Wall Street Journal's take on the retirement struggles facing GenX, along with NIRS Research Director Tyler Bond's thoughts. https://ow.ly/nJTM50T3sZk
As Generation X Approaches Retirement, Reality Still Bites
The ‘forgotten generation,’ born between 1965 and 1980, launched their careers at the start of a massive shift in how Americans work.
"Only 11% of Americans who aren't retired say they know exactly how much in benefits they stand to receive, according to new research from the National Institute on Retirement Security." https://ow.ly/EL1650T1om7
Social Security is a key issue for voters, CNBC poll finds. Take these 5 steps to maximize your benefits
Voters say Social Security is an important issue in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Yet many don’t understand how Social Security works.
Happy 89th Birthday, Social Security! There is much to celebrate about the success of this popular and effective anti-poverty program, but we're at a critical juncture where policymakers must craft a long-term funding fix. Read Dan Doonan's Forbes column: https://ow.ly/HOl550SXEKx
On Social Security’s Birthday, Let’s Give It The Gift Of A Long-Term Funding Solution
Social Security celebrates its 89th birthday today, but this highly popular and effective anti-poverty program needs a long-term funding solution.
"Americans understand, for instance, when they can start receiving Social Security benefits but are less sure of their own benefit levels, according to a new research brief from the National Institute on Retirement Security." https://ow.ly/Q1z550SWQQ2
Social Security: Readers weigh in with questions
Understanding the ins and outs of Social Security can be confusing. Yahoo Finance answers your questions.
"This urgency was strong across all party lines, NIRS reported, with 90% of Democrats, 86% of Republicans, and 88% of Independents all supporting prioritizing Social Security." https://401kspecialistmag.com/where-the-parties-stand-on-social-security/
This Forbes column examines financial issue facing the middle class. “The structure of the retirement savings system fails to adequately provide retirement security for the middle class,” said Tyler Bond, NIRS research director. https://ow.ly/FCUN50STOSR
6 Signs That You’re Middle Class
If you’re like the average American, you probably think you’re in the middle class. A little more than half of Americans are middle class, according to a recent Pew Research Center analysis of income and cost of living data. Similarly, a Gallup poll found that nearly 55% of Americans consider th...
This MarketWatch story focuses on our new research that finds few Americans know what they'll collect in Social Security benefits, making planning for retirement harder and more problematic. https://ow.ly/wIgi50ST8XC
Don’t know what your Social Security benefits will be? Uh oh.
What people don’t know can hurt them in planning for the long haul of retirement.
"Recent research from the National Institute on Retirement Security found just 11% of Americans know exactly how much Social Security benefits they may receive." https://ow.ly/MBT550SSncf
72% of Americans worry Social Security will run out in their lifetimes. Here's what experts say
Experts say chances are slim that Social Security benefits will go away completely.
"A survey from the National Institute on Retirement Security found that 87% of respondents believe Congress should prioritize funding Social Security benefits now instead of waiting until its predicted insolvency in 2033." https://ow.ly/uhym50SP8Cg
Don't miss the MarketWatch article that covers our new Social Security public opinion research. https://ow.ly/OsT150SOmUS
Don't know what your Social Security benefits will be? Uh oh.
MarketWatch Don't know what your Social Security benefits will be? Uh oh. Provided by Dow Jones Jul 27, 2024 12:55pm By Jessica Hall What people don't know can hurt them in planning for the long haul of retirement Few Americans know what they'll collect in Social Security benefits, making planning f...
Be sure to read this CNBC article citing our new research that found most Americans don’t know how much their Social Security retirement benefits may be. https://ow.ly/FQFo50SLhBL
Most people don't know how much their Social Security retirement benefits may be. Here's how to tell
Social Security is a major source of income for most retirees. Yet new research shows most people don't know how much income they may receive from the program.
Our new research finds Americans want action now on a long-term funding solution for Social Security.
Research: https://bit.ly/4fb5R0f
Webinar: https://ow.ly/BNzQ50SHHXp
Join us today to hear about our forthcoming research that explores Americans' views on . You'll also hear from three top and Social Security experts. Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MA0I07r1RWGhvvdAJXhO6A #/registration
Join us tomorrow to hear about our forthcoming research that explores Americans' views on Social Security. You'll also hear from three top retirement and Social Security experts. Register: https://ow.ly/y3eu50SH24R
Read about our new report on the important role of pensions in recruiting and retaining public safety personnel in this PlanSponor article. https://ow.ly/Q9aE50SFMYg
Be sure to check out this BenefitsPro article. Our polling consistently shows that the vast majority of Americans are worried about their retirement outlook. https://ow.ly/Xkj950SEZjk
Using retirement savings as an emergency ATM makes it even harder for most Americans to build up a nest egg that will ensure financial security in retirement. https://ow.ly/31cO50SE5HY
Using Your Retirement Account as an Emergency ATM Just Got Easier
You get $1,000 for an emergency of your choice. It could be a doctor’s bill or groceries.
Don't miss this important USA Today reporting on the depths of the nation's retirement crisis that cites our new research. https://ow.ly/rjpO50SAeEt
The retirement savings crisis: Why more Americans can’t afford to stop working
Is retirement now a luxury? With rising costs and without pensions, millions of seniors can’t afford to stop working into their 70s, even 80s.
Today! Don't miss this webinar reviewing new research that examines the role of pensions in retaining public safety professionals.
Read the report: https://bit.ly/3XEwDro
Register for the webinar: https://bit.ly/3zkDyvW
Tomorrow! Don't miss this webinar reviewing new research that examines the role of pensions in retaining public safety professionals.
Read the report: https://bit.ly/3XEwDro
Register for the webinar: https://bit.ly/3zkDyvW
Don't miss this webinar reviewing new research that examines the role of pensions in retaining public safety professionals.
Read the report: https://bit.ly/3XEwDro
Register for the webinar: https://bit.ly/3zkDyvW
In an interview with Federal News Network, NIRS Director of Research Tyler Bond provides insight on how pensions play a critical role in keeping public safety professionals on the job. https://ow.ly/nYeg50SwWFN
How important to recruiting is a traditional pension plan?
Government employee recruitment often relies on the appeal of the mission. Still people want to be paid and have some financial security.
Our research finds that the vast majority of Americans are not on track for a secure retirement, especially those who lack retirement plans through their employers.
Is America saving enough for retirement?
Despite high inflation, Vanguard found that Americans set aside funds for retirement at the highest rates ever.
“The happiness of America is intimately connected with the happiness of all mankind; she is destined to become the safe and venerable asylum of virtue, of honesty, of tolerance, and quality and of peaceful liberty.” — Marquis de Lafayette
Unfortunately, our research is consistent. The vast majority of Americans are ill-prepared for a financially secure retirement. https://ow.ly/EXBU50StHeA
Americans are still woefully unprepared for retirement, TIAA chief administrator says
An alarming number of Americans are still unprepared for retirement, according to Derek Ferguson, chief administration officer at TIAA.
"Americans feel retirement anxiety, with 79% believing that we’re in a retirement crisis, according to a report from the National Institute on Retirement Security." https://ow.ly/Q8rq50SrZN7
How Much Do I Need to Save for Retirement?
How much money do you need to retire? It depends on a few factors, such as when you want to retire and your current savings rate. Our guide shows you the average retirement savings by age and ways to start investing for retirement, even if you’re feeling behind.