William & Mary Washington D.C. Alumni Chapter

William & Mary Washington D.C. Alumni Chapter


Welcome to the DC Metro Chapter's page! Check in often for updates on events going on throughout the year for Tribe alumni in the D.C.

and Northern Virginia area!

Operating as usual

W&M DC Metro Alumni Chapter Board Application 06/25/2024

Board applications close this Friday! If you're interested in strategizing and hosting events for the W&M DC Alumni community, then fill out your application below.

W&M DC Metro Alumni Chapter Board Application The D.C. Metro Alumni Network is recruiting new board members! Join fellow alumni of all ages to connect the W&M community in the D.C. region. As an integral part of the William & Mary Alumni Association, our chapter works to provide activities and events aimed at alumni living in the greater Washin...

W&M DC Metro Alumni Chapter Board Application 06/17/2024

Board applications close in 2 weeks - due June 29th! If you live in the DMV and are interested in planning events for alumni, family, and friends in the area then join the board! More information can be found in the application linked.

W&M DC Metro Alumni Chapter Board Application The D.C. Metro Alumni Network is recruiting new board members! Join fellow alumni of all ages to connect the W&M community in the D.C. region. As an integral part of the William & Mary Alumni Association, our chapter works to provide activities and events aimed at alumni living in the greater Washin...

2024 Live! At the Library 06/13/2024

The Library of Congress kicks off Happy Hour and extended exhibit hours on Thursdays and we're delighted to have reserved tickets for William and Mary alumni to enjoy all this special programming has to offer. We invite you to wear your W&M swag to make it easier to identify other members of our group.

Attendees are invited to enjoy happy hour drinks and food available for purchase in the Great Hall and the Jefferson Building's beautiful architecture while immersing themselves in the Library's exhibits, collections, and programs. At 7:00 pm, we will celebrate the arrival of the House of Blues Radio Collection at the Library of Congress as blues artists are featured in live performance in the Coolidge Auditorium and curators will display items from the House of Blues Collection and other blues items in the Library's holdings in the Great Hall and along Mahogany Row. The performance requires separate ticket reservations, and you can reserve those here: https://www.loc.gov/item/event-412814/live-at-the-library-the-house-of-blues-moves-into-the-library-of-congress/2024-06-27/


2024 Live! At the Library THURSDAY, JUNE 27 | 4:30 - 8:00 PM Please register to join W&M DC Alumni for LIVE! At the Library at the Library of Congress! Parties must include no more than four (4) people. This event is limited to 40 attendees, so early registration is recommended. The Library of Congress kicks off Happy Hours....

WM at the National Zoo! Saturday June 8 06/01/2024

Lions, Tigers, and Bears - Oh My! Join us next Saturday, June 8th for a morning at the Zoo!


WM at the National Zoo! Saturday June 8 Join your W&M alumni, family and friends for a day of fun and elephant trails. Everyone's invited, and there's no cost to attend, but please do register and let us know how many will be in your group, as they require group reservations to be made (which we'll do for you). We all know how hot it gets...

W&M DC Metro Alumni Chapter Board Application 05/22/2024

Drumroll please...Board applications are live! If you live in the DMV and are interested in planning events for alumni, family, and friends in the area then join the board! More information can be found in the application linked. Applications are due June 29th!

For questions, reach out to President Graeme Cranston Cuebas or Vice President Jena Araojo (contact info in the application).

W&M DC Metro Alumni Chapter Board Application The D.C. Metro Alumni Network is recruiting new board members! Join fellow alumni of all ages to connect the W&M community in the D.C. region. As an integral part of the William & Mary Alumni Association, our chapter works to provide activities and events aimed at alumni living in the greater Washin...

Photos from William & Mary Washington D.C. Alumni Chapter's post 05/21/2024

Tribe Set Sail 2024 was a success! Thank you to everyone who came out. Check out our most recent post for an upcoming event on June 8th at the National Zoo!

WM at the National Zoo! Saturday June 8 05/18/2024

We’re going to the National Zoo on June 8th! Join us for a day of fun and elephant trails. This event is free, but please register and let us know how many will be in your group as the zoo requires group reservations to be made (which we’ll do for you).

We all know how hot it gets in the summer, so we’ll plan on meeting at 8:30 a.m. Feel free to stay as long as you’d like!

WM at the National Zoo! Saturday June 8 Join your W&M alumni, family and friends for a day of fun and elephant trails. Everyone's invited, and there's no cost to attend, but please do register and let us know how many will be in your group, as they require group reservations to be made (which we'll do for you). We all know how hot it gets...


Breaking News!

2 W&M Washington DC Alumni Chapter events are around the corner. Join us for Tribe Set Sail or Top of the Monument! More information below on how to sign up:

Tribe Set Sail - 5/16/2024 ($30)
Set sail with fellow W&M alumni and friends! The three-hour charter travels along the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers. Bring your own food and drinks (beer, wine or non-alcoholic beverages) for a floating picnic with the W&M community in D.C. This event will fill up fast so sign up today!


Top of the Monument - 5/18/2024 (Free)
Join W&M DC Alumni, family, and friends for a visit to the top of the Washington Monument! Parties must include no more than four (4) people. This event is limited to 30 attendees, so early registration is recommended.

W&M Washington D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter: W&M Choir Concert and Pre-Concert Dinner 01/29/2024

Celebrate 100 Years of the William & Mary Choir! Come listen to the glorious voices of the mixed choral ensemble made up of 60 students and directed by Dr. Daniel Parks. The concert will be held at the Church of the Holy Comforter (543 Beulah Road, Vienna, VA 22180) on Saturday, February 24th at 7pm.

Alumni are also invited to the optional pre-concert dinner at the Bear Branch Tavern (133 Maple Avenue E, Vienna, VA 22180). We'll meet and eat together at 5:30pm for pay as you go meals.

Please fill out the below form to let us know you're coming!

[W&M Washington D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter: W&M Choir Concert and Pre-Concert Dinner](https://forms.gle/zKxCnZy9o57aB9Kd7)

W&M Washington D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter: W&M Choir Concert and Pre-Concert Dinner Event Timing: Saturday, February 24, 2024 7:00pm Event Address: Church of the Holy Comforter - 543 Beulah Road, Vienna, VA 22180 Event Cost: Free OPTIONAL Pre-Concert Dinner: 5:30pm - 6:30pm Restaurant: Bear Branch Tavern - 133 Maple Avenue E, Vienna, VA 22180 Dinner Cost: Pay Your Own Meal Contact....


You know Convocation, Charter Day, Study in DC, and Commencement. But do you recall, our most festive winter William & Mary tradition of all?

Yule Log is back! This year, we’re offering TWO Yule Log celebrations in the D.C. area. Space is limited and both events are sure to sell out quickly, so register soon!

Arlington Yule Log

Join us at the Arlington W&M Yule Log celebration held at Ms. Peacock's Champagne Lounge on 12/08/23 from 7:30-9:30 for a revamped take on Yule Log festivities with trivia, board games, food and beverages.

Come dressed in your favorite holiday or Tribe Pride attire. Registration includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, an open bar and a festive champagne cart.

Registration for Arlington: Registration: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=c91de7ac91b79dc089b9121653ae592624c3a097e266c3af897e01dd28e6f52a469862d7640e7b4be30ba263d0d656a0d2d2e78fb8e7c2f3

D.C. Celebration at the DACOR-Bacon House Club

DEC. 9 | 6:30-9:30 P.M.
Join us at the historic DACOR-Bacon House Club for W&M camaraderie, delicious food and drink and plentiful holiday cheer. Come dressed-to-impress - cocktail attire is requested. Registration includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, elegant holiday splendor and an open bar with specialty holiday cocktails.

Registration for Dacor-Bacon House Club: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=c91de7ac91b79dc0cb5bee9cdc901269d1f96f8af326d53dc78f4e3bb48c1a15378033e6e07a49a25f4db2263cebaf3d6fbb4f643cead87e


JOY TO THE WORLD… and, the William & Mary DC Alumni as Yule Log is back and more festive than ever!

This year, we’re offering TWO Yule Log celebrations in the D.C. area. Space is limited and both events are sure to sell out quickly, so register soon!

Arlington Yule Log

Join us at the Arlington W&M Yule Log celebration held at Ms. Peacock's Champagne Lounge on 12/08/23 from 7:30-9:30 for a revamped take on Yule Log festivities with trivia, board games, food and beverages.

Come dressed in your favorite holiday or Tribe Pride attire. Registration includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, an open bar and a festive champagne cart.

Registration for Arlington: Registration: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=c91de7ac91b79dc089b9121653ae592624c3a097e266c3af897e01dd28e6f52a469862d7640e7b4be30ba263d0d656a0d2d2e78fb8e7c2f3

D.C. Celebration at the DACOR-Bacon House Club

DEC. 9 | 6:30-9:30 P.M.
Join us at the historic DACOR-Bacon House Club for W&M camaraderie, delicious food and drink and plentiful holiday cheer. Come dressed-to-impress - cocktail attire is requested. Registration includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, elegant holiday splendor and an open bar with specialty holiday cocktails.

Registration for Dacor-Bacon House Club: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=c91de7ac91b79dc0cb5bee9cdc901269d1f96f8af326d53dc78f4e3bb48c1a15378033e6e07a49a25f4db2263cebaf3d6fbb4f643cead87e


Have a Holly, Jolly, Yule Log!

This year, we’re offering TWO Yule Log celebrations in the D.C. area. Space is limited and both events are sure to sell out quickly, so register soon!

Arlington Yule Log

Join us at the Arlington W&M Yule Log celebration held at Ms. Peacock's Champagne Lounge on 12/08/23 from 7:30-9:30 for a revamped take on Yule Log festivities with trivia, board games, food and beverages.

Come dressed in your favorite holiday or Tribe Pride attire. Registration includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, an open bar and a festive champagne cart.

Registration for Arlington: Registration: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=c91de7ac91b79dc089b9121653ae592624c3a097e266c3af897e01dd28e6f52a469862d7640e7b4be30ba263d0d656a0d2d2e78fb8e7c2f3

D.C. Celebration at the DACOR-Bacon House Club

DEC. 9 | 6:30-9:30 P.M.
Join us at the historic DACOR-Bacon House Club for W&M camaraderie, delicious food and drink and plentiful holiday cheer. Come dressed-to-impress - cocktail attire is requested. Registration includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, elegant holiday splendor and an open bar with specialty holiday cocktails.

Registration for Dacor-Bacon House Club: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=c91de7ac91b79dc0cb5bee9cdc901269d1f96f8af326d53dc78f4e3bb48c1a15378033e6e07a49a25f4db2263cebaf3d6fbb4f643cead87e



Yule Log is back! This year, we’re offering two Yule Log celebrations in the D.C. area. Space is limited and both events are sure to sell out quickly, so register soon!

Arlington Yule Log

Join us at the Arlington W&M Yule Log celebration held at Ms. Peacock's Champagne Lounge on 12/08/23 from 7:30-9:30 for a revamped take on Yule Log festivities with trivia, board games, food and beverages.

Come dressed in your favorite holiday or Tribe Pride attire. Registration includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, an open bar and a festive champagne cart.

Registration for Arlington: Registration: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=c91de7ac91b79dc089b9121653ae592624c3a097e266c3af897e01dd28e6f52a469862d7640e7b4be30ba263d0d656a0d2d2e78fb8e7c2f3

D.C. Celebration at the DACOR-Bacon House Club

DEC. 9 | 6:30-9:30 P.M.
Join us at the historic DACOR-Bacon House Club for W&M camaraderie, delicious food and drink and plentiful holiday cheer. Come dressed-to-impress - cocktail attire is requested. Registration includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, elegant holiday splendor and an open bar with specialty holiday cocktails.

Registration for Dacor-Bacon House Club: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=c91de7ac91b79dc0cb5bee9cdc901269d1f96f8af326d53dc78f4e3bb48c1a15378033e6e07a49a25f4db2263cebaf3d6fbb4f643cead87e

W&M Global Research Institute in DC Panel U.S. Engagement in the World - my1693 - William & Mary 11/02/2023


Please join the William & Mary Global Research Institute for a panel entitled - U.S. Global Engagement in a Changing World.

Find more information/RSVP at:

W&M Global Research Institute in DC Panel U.S. Engagement in the World - my1693 - William & Mary Join us for an analysis of U.S. global engagement amid shifting priorities and unfolding global developments. Ex-officio Rear Admiral Mike Studeman '88, Michelle Bekkering, National Engagement Director for the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, and Ammar Malik, Senior Research Scientist at AidData, w...

W&M Global Research Institute in DC Panel U.S. Engagement in the World - my1693 - William & Mary 11/01/2023


Please join the William & Mary Global Research Institute for a panel entitled - U.S. Global Engagement in a Changing World.

Find more information/RSVP at:

W&M Global Research Institute in DC Panel U.S. Engagement in the World - my1693 - William & Mary Join us for an analysis of U.S. global engagement amid shifting priorities and unfolding global developments. Ex-officio Rear Admiral Mike Studeman '88, Michelle Bekkering, National Engagement Director for the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, and Ammar Malik, Senior Research Scientist at AidData, w...

Trunk or Treat with the WM DMV Alumni! 10/12/2023

Join the DC Area WM Alumni in distributing Halloween candy and cheer at the Arlington County Trunk or Treat event! The event takes place on Saturday, October 21 from 2-5 pm at the Lubber Run Community Center parking garage. Our trunk theme this year is "Mad Scientist"; feel free to bring extra decorations! Come dressed in costume or William and Mary gear...or both!

Register here:

Trunk or Treat with the WM DMV Alumni! Join the DC Area William and Mary Alumni in distributing Halloween candy and cheer at the Arlington County Trunk or Treat event! Lubber Run Community Center parking garage Saturday, October 21 from 2 - 5 pm Questions? Contact Maya Sapiurka ([email protected])

W&M vs UVA Football Game Watch Party 10/01/2023

W&M vs UVA Football Game Watch Party

Don your best Green and Gold, join us this Saturday at Mission in Navy Yard to cheer on the Tribe!

The event is sponsored by both the W&M D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter and
the UVA Club of Washington, DC.

Kick-off time is at 12:00pm EST.

Register here: https://forms.gle/yDN6QY1CWiptnxdj7

Location: Mission Navy Yard
1221 Van St. SE Washington, DC 20003

Please reach out to Jena Araojo '19 ([email protected]) with questions.

W&M vs UVA Football Game Watch Party All alumni, friends, families, and fans are invited to join the W&M D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter at Mission Navy Yard to cheer on the Tribe as they play football against UVA! We'll be joined by the UVA Club of Washington, DC; this event is sponsored by both clubs. This is a great way to share the game....

W&M vs UVA Football Game Watch Party 09/26/2023

W&M vs UVA Football Game Watch Party

Cheer on the TRIBE with the W&M D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter, fellow alumni, friends, families, and fans, at Mission Navy Yard.

We'll be joined by the UVA Club of Washington, DC; this event is sponsored by both clubs.

We hope to see you on Saturday, October 7 in your best Green and Gold - Go Tribe!
Kick-off time is at noon.

Register here: https://forms.gle/yDN6QY1CWiptnxdj7

Location: Mission Navy Yard
1221 Van St. SE Washington, DC 20003

Please reach out to Jena Araojo '19 ([email protected]) with questions.

W&M vs UVA Football Game Watch Party All alumni, friends, families, and fans are invited to join the W&M D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter at Mission Navy Yard to cheer on the Tribe as they play football against UVA! We'll be joined by the UVA Club of Washington, DC; this event is sponsored by both clubs. This is a great way to share the game....

Tribe In Your Neighborhood 09/16/2023

Happy Saturday! I wanted to share some great news with everyone…

Back by popular demand, Tribe In Your Neighborhood is here for fall 2023!

From September 21 - October 7 (specific details, times, and locations are provided in the registration link below) come to one or more casual happy hours throughout the D.C. Metro region.

These events are excellent opportunities to get to know fellow W&M alumni, parents, family and friends. Registration is free and drinks and food are pay-as-you-go.


Tribe In Your Neighborhood Back by popular demand, Tribe In Your Neighborhood is here for Fall 2023! Come to one or more casual happy hours throughout the D.C. Metro region and get to know fellow W&M alumni, parents, family and friends. Registration is free and drinks and food are pay-as-you-go. Locations, dates and times are...

Tribe In Your Neighborhood 09/08/2023

Happy Friday Tribe!

Wanted to share some great news with everyone…

Back by popular demand, Tribe In Your Neighborhood is here for fall 2023!

From September 21 - October 7 (specific details, times, and locations are provided in the registration link below) come to one or more casual happy hours throughout the D.C. Metro region.

These events are excellent opportunities to get to know fellow W&M alumni, parents, family and friends. Registration is free and drinks and food are pay-as-you-go.


Tribe In Your Neighborhood Back by popular demand, Tribe In Your Neighborhood is here for Fall 2023! Come to one or more casual happy hours throughout the D.C. Metro region and get to know fellow W&M alumni, parents, family and friends. Registration is free and drinks and food are pay-as-you-go. Locations, dates and times are...

Conversation Series: A Life in Public Service — PIPS Alumni Network 08/31/2023

Go Tribe!

Join the PIPS Alumni Network & the W&M DC Alumni Board, Thursday, September 7th, for a fireside conversation with three of the nation's most distinguished and dedicated foreign policy practitioners. The event will take place from from 6:00 to 9:00 pm EST.

Special guests include the following public servants: former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Walt Slocombe, former Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs Clarke Cooper, and President of the DACOR Foreign Affairs Society and Career Foreign Service Officer Angela Dickey.

We hope to see you there!

RSVP here to attend:

Conversation Series: A Life in Public Service — PIPS Alumni Network Join us as Walt Slocombe, Clarke Cooper, and Angela Dickey regale us with tales from their storied careers in national security and foreign service.  A cocktail hour on the patio (indoors if weather is inclement) will precede the evening's program.


We want to thank everyone who came out to Quincy Hall for Tivia last night. Our team out of the SWAMP took home 2nd place.

Go Tribe!

Conversation Series: A Life in Public Service — PIPS Alumni Network 08/24/2023

Hey Tribe! We have two very exciting events coming up to kick off September and we hope to see you there!

1. Team Tribe Trivia Night will be on Monday, 08/28/23 at 6:30pm for an evening of trivia at Quincy Hall in Ballston, VA.

Trivia starts at 7pm and is free to play; the D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter will provide a few pizza pies for the group and other food or drinks can be ordered on your own at the bar.

Register here: https://forms.gle/6WwUtG8ixtZoeGG37.

2. 9/7/23 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, you are invited to join the PIPS Alumni Network & the W&M DC Alumni Board, for a fireside conversation with three of the nation's most distinguished and dedicated foreign policy practitioners.

Special guests include the following public servants: former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Walt Slocombe, former Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs Clarke Cooper, and President of the DACOR Foreign Affairs Society and Career Foreign Service Officer Angela Dickey.

We hope to see you there!
RSVP here: https://www.pipsalumni.com/event-calendar/life-in-public-service

Conversation Series: A Life in Public Service — PIPS Alumni Network Join us as Walt Slocombe, Clarke Cooper, and Angela Dickey regale us with tales from their storied careers in national security and foreign service.  A cocktail hour on the patio (indoors if weather is inclement) will precede the evening's program.

Team Tribe Trivia Night! 08/17/2023

Join us for two exciting upcoming events!

Team Tribe Trivia Night will be on Monday, August 28th at 6:30pm for an evening of trivia at Quincy Hall in Ballston, VA.

Trivia starts at 7pm and is free to play; the D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter will provide a few pizza pies for the group and other food or drinks can be ordered on your own at the bar.

Register here: https://forms.gle/6WwUtG8ixtZoeGG37.

Additionally on September 7th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, you are invited to join the PIPS Alumni Network & the W&M DC Alumni Board, for a fireside conversation with three of the nation's most distinguished and dedicated foreign policy practitioners. This we be held at the at the beautiful DACOR Bacon House.

Special guests include the following public servants: former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Walt Slocombe, former Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs Clarke Cooper, and President of the DACOR Foreign Affairs Society and Career Foreign Service Officer Angela Dickey.

We hope to see you there!
RSVP here: https://www.pipsalumni.com/event-calendar/life-in-public-service

Team Tribe Trivia Night! Are you really good at sports facts, geography, or pop culture? Or maybe you are really good at guessing? Join us on Monday, August 28th at 6:30pm for an evening of trivia at Quincy Hall in Ballston, VA. Trivia starts at 7pm and is free to play; there are plenty of delicious food and drink options.....

Team Tribe Trivia Night! 08/15/2023

Looking to show some skills?

Look no further!

Join us for Team Tribe Trivia Night on Monday, August 28th at 6:30pm for an evening of trivia at Quincy Hall in Ballston, VA. Trivia starts at 7pm and is free to play; there are plenty of delicious food and drink options.

The D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter will provide a few pizza pies for the group and other food or drinks can be ordered on your own at the bar.

Register here: https://forms.gle/6WwUtG8ixtZoeGG37.

Team Tribe Trivia Night! Are you really good at sports facts, geography, or pop culture? Or maybe you are really good at guessing? Join us on Monday, August 28th at 6:30pm for an evening of trivia at Quincy Hall in Ballston, VA. Trivia starts at 7pm and is free to play; there are plenty of delicious food and drink options.....

W&M at the National Zoo! Saturday June 24 06/17/2023

“Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!”

Join W&M D.C. Metro alumni at the National Zoo on 06/24/23, family and friends for a day of fun and elephant trails at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo! This event is free, however, we do require you to register yourself and your guest(s), please use the link below.

The group will meet at 9 a.m. at the entrance.

Questions? Please contact Paul Hickman ’10 at [email protected] or 703-835-6034.


W&M at the National Zoo! Saturday June 24 Join your W&M alumni, family and friends for a day of fun and elephant trails. Everyone's invited, and there's no cost to attend, but please do register and let us know how many will be in your group, as they require group reservations to be made (which we'll do for you). We all know how hot it gets...

Movie In The Park 06/12/2023

Movie night!

Calling D.C. alumni and their families and friends to join the D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter Friday June 16, (5-11 p.m. ET), for an outdoor movie night. We will be watching “Moana” in Gateway Park, 1300 Langston Blvd., and will have popcorn and snacks.

The movie will start approximately at 9 p.m. but seating is first come, first served — please time your arrival for around 7 p.m. to ensure your party has the opportunity to grab a spot. The park features a pop-up bar with beer and wine available for purchase beginning at 5 p.m.

Alumni are strongly encouraged to bring their families; please bring your own blankets/ beach chairs.

Register here: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=21ebb5aebb555525cf1fd8aa66bc34ff918bdcaba8ccbfad51b0999a491c4c93f8bccfac09fe91b1121f41601225040318483f1950de6464

Questions? Please contact Mairin Lynch at 609-954-2888.

Movie In The Park Movie in the Park Did someone say popcorn? Calling D.C. alumni and their families and friends to join the D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter Friday June 16, (5-11 p.m. ET), for an outdoor movie night. We will be watching “Moana” in Gateway Park, 1300 Langston Blvd., and will have popcorn and snacks. The ...

Movie In The Park 06/11/2023


Calling D.C. alumni and their families and friends to join the D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter Friday June 16, (5-11 p.m. ET), for an outdoor movie night. We will be watching “Moana” in Gateway Park, 1300 Langston Blvd., and will have popcorn and snacks.

The movie will start approximately at 9 p.m. but seating is first come, first served — please time your arrival for around 7 p.m. to ensure your party has the opportunity to grab a spot. The park features a pop-up bar with beer and wine available for purchase beginning at 5 p.m.

Alumni are strongly encouraged to bring their families; please bring your own blankets/ beach chairs.

Register here: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=21ebb5aebb555525cf1fd8aa66bc34ff918bdcaba8ccbfad51b0999a491c4c93f8bccfac09fe91b1121f41601225040318483f1950de6464

Questions? Please contact Mairin Lynch at 609-954-2888.

Movie In The Park Movie in the Park Did someone say popcorn? Calling D.C. alumni and their families and friends to join the D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter Friday June 16, (5-11 p.m. ET), for an outdoor movie night. We will be watching “Moana” in Gateway Park, 1300 Langston Blvd., and will have popcorn and snacks. The ...

Movie In The Park 06/09/2023


Calling D.C. alumni and their families and friends to join the D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter Friday June 16, (5-11 p.m. ET), for an outdoor movie night. We will be watching “Moana” in Gateway Park, 1300 Langston Blvd., and will have popcorn and snacks.

The movie will start approximately at 9 p.m. but seating is first come, first served — please time your arrival for around 7 p.m. to ensure your party has the opportunity to grab a spot. The park features a pop-up bar with beer and wine available for purchase beginning at 5 p.m.

Alumni are strongly encouraged to bring their families; please bring your own blankets/ beach chairs.

Register here: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=21ebb5aebb555525cf1fd8aa66bc34ff918bdcaba8ccbfad51b0999a491c4c93f8bccfac09fe91b1121f41601225040318483f1950de6464

Questions? Please contact Mairin Lynch at 609-954-2888.

Movie In The Park Movie in the Park Did someone say popcorn? Calling D.C. alumni and their families and friends to join the D.C. Metro Alumni Chapter Friday June 16, (5-11 p.m. ET), for an outdoor movie night. We will be watching “Moana” in Gateway Park, 1300 Langston Blvd., and will have popcorn and snacks. The ...

2023 NATO Youth Summit | NextGen Freedom & Security 06/03/2023

Good afternoon, Tribe!

We have TWO great events coming up and wanted to share them with you here . . .

June 5 | 9:30 A. M.-11 P.M.: 2023 NATO Youth Summit | NextGen Freedom & Security

Young people from NATO member nations and beyond will join a transatlantic conversation at the 2023 NATO Youth Summit — the event is online, as well as in Brussels and Washington, D.C. Organized by NATO and William & Mary, it will provide participants opportunities to engage, build links, enhance understanding, exchange views and explore how NATO addresses challenges the young generation sees as critical to their security.

Register: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=21ebb5aebb555525234f364708a52827e62b1114c509c00e7efeaa2ad6150e69eace17c5be3f95a408a8edd330e5166c3e3f3be3dbe12950

JUNE 7 | 6 P.M.: Importance of American LGBTQ Political and Legal History

This event at the W&M Washington Center features the university’s new “Archive of American LGBTQ Political and Legal History.” The archive is the first of its kind — creating a scholarly repository for the study of the political and legal history that brought a revolution in the rights of LGBTQ Americans.

Register: https://cl.s6.exct.net/?qs=21ebb5aebb5555252e5efa63e3794ac98d91e2703ef443858ef9d2d181f98d8bfaf5fe6e38874c24915651ec40db80016e9fdaf044fb5e49

2023 NATO Youth Summit | NextGen Freedom & Security On June 5, young people from NATO member nations and beyond will join a transatlantic conversation at the 2023 NATO Youth Summit, which takes place online, as well as in Brussels and Washington, D.C. This year's summit is entitled

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1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington D.C., DC
Other Schools in Washington D.C. (show all)
AAAS Entrypoint! Program AAAS Entrypoint! Program
1200 New York Avenue NW
Washington D.C., 20005

ENTRY POINT! is a program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) offering outstanding internship opportunities for students with disabilities in science, engineering, and mathematics.

Upward Bound Upward Bound
1990 K Street NW
Washington D.C., 20006

This page is made only for recreational use and is not run by the Upward Bound Program.

The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs
37th And O Streets, N. W
Washington D.C., 20057

The center promotes scholarship & dialogue at the intersection of religion, ethics & global issues.

Native American Political Leadership Program Native American Political Leadership Program
805 21st Street NW
Washington D.C., 20052

A full scholarship program for Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians to study tribal policy and political management in Washington, DC at the George Washington University. www.naplp.gwu.edu

English Dept GWU English Dept GWU
801 22nd Street NW, Suite 643
Washington D.C., 20037


GW Center for Career Services GW Center for Career Services
800 21st Street, NW/Marvin Center
Washington D.C., 20052

The George Washington University Center for Career Services offers comprehensive career development,

GW Paralegal Studies GW Paralegal Studies
2101 F Street NW, Ste 100
Washington D.C., 20052

For some people being good enough isn't good enough. The GW paralegal studies program is for those pe

CEA Information for You CEA Information for You
2300 6th Street NW
Washington D.C., 20001

Lambda Law at The George Washington University Law School Lambda Law at The George Washington University Law School
Washington D.C., 20052

Supporting GW Law's LGBT and allied community

The Catholic University of America Center for Academic & Career Success The Catholic University of America Center for Academic & Career Success
620 Michigan Ave NE
Washington D.C., 20064

The Office of Career Services has combined with the Undergraduate Advising Center to create the NEW Center for Academic & Career Success. The new Center will provide academic and career advising for undergraduate and graduate students alike.

American Studies Program American Studies Program
329 8th Street NE
Washington D.C., 20002

"Where experience brings clarity, confidence, and a conviction to lead." 1976 - 2023

GW Fraternity & Sorority Life GW Fraternity & Sorority Life
800 21st Street NW, #408
Washington D.C., 20052

Over 2,500 students ~ forty chapters ~ four councils ~ one community