Melee 'Til Midnight

Melee 'Til Midnight


Check out our website: Eric Monday, a former VYI and James Madison High School wrestler, passed away at the age of 21.

He is sorely missed by family, friends, and teammates. Eric was passionate about wrestling. Following high school, he attended Washington & Jefferson College where he was a leader of the wrestling team and amassed the school’s second all-time best season win record. The Eric Monday Memorial Foundation was established to honor Eric’s passion for wrestling. The foundation provides aspiring youth and

Operating as usual


No matter the battles you are fighting, your team is there for you. Do not be afraid to reach out a hand to ask for support. At the Eric Monday Foundation, we care about helping coaches, parents and student athletes. We are here to provide resources and support. Keep holding onto hope. Visit to learn more today.


Behind each victory or loss, there is a battle being fought that we don't see. It is easy to feel the weight of the world in quiet moments, but know that you are never alone. Your strength is found in your vulnerability; open up and share what is weighing you down, and support will follow.

This su***de prevention month, let us remind one another that it is okay not to be okay. Donate and learn more about the su***de hotline today



Did you know that we reach out to the community through our Speaker Series and awareness presentations for coaches, teams, parents, and other interested organizations?

Visit to learn more about our programs and how you can help those struggling as we start the new school year.

EricMondayFoundation Video06 07 23 08/03/2024

EricMondayFoundation Video06 07 23 Founders Brian and Holly Monday do a short presentation about the Eric Monday Foundation on a Zoom to a group of local business people in Northern VA.

Photos from Melee 'Til Midnight's post 06/23/2024

Scenes from 2024


Thank you to everyone who made a tremendous success last night, particularly our great Melee Referees!

Participants Now Inbounds with One Point of Contact in High School Wrestling 06/19/2024

Wrestler will compete under the new high school rules at the 12th Annual Melee!

Participants Now Inbounds with One Point of Contact in High School Wrestling The NFHS is the national leader and advocate for high school athletics as well as fine and performing arts programs. Within our 51 member state associations, we serve 19,500 high schools and more than 12 million young people.


Congratulations to Ben Weader for his commitment to Virginia Tech. The rising senior is a VHSL State Champion, 16U All American, Beast of the East, and Powerade place winner.

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Big night on the mats tonight! #meleetilmidnight #letsgo #takedownthestigma #newrules #threepointtakedown




GMU Field House/4400 University Drive
Vienna, VA

Opening Hours

5pm - 12am