Agapé Journeys

Agapé Journeys


Agapé Journeys® fulfills a dream as Joanne and Terry Van Hook journey in exploration of God's great creation and our inner life.

Workshops, Articles, Sermons and Spiritual Direction are the means of travel in this "Commonwealth of Hope."

Operating as usual

Vice President Harris and President Biden Remarks to Campaign Staff in Delaware 07/23/2024

In case you missed it, here's Vice-President Kamala Harris' first speech after receiving the endorsement of President Joe Biden to be the nominee of the Democratic Party in November 2024.
We are living in historic times of great change.

Vice President Harris and President Biden Remarks to Campaign Staff in Delaware Vice President Harris addressed staff at campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware. President Biden joined by phone. He said his decision to withdraw was "hard," but adds that "it was the right thing to do." He urged staff to back Vice President Harris' candidacy and help elect her in November,....

Photos from Agapé Journeys's post 06/16/2024

And so the next God-appointed chapter begins.
The journey to full affirmation of the Call, the growth, the faith and the hope was recognized by the California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist church.
Mark the day of Saturday, June 16 in the year of our Lord 2024 as a day when not only the angels danced in heaven, but we all danced with them here on the "Porch of Heaven."


Way to go Zach!
We surround you with love, hope
and the promise of a life
filled with wonder and God's love.

Felicitaciones y oraciones
por un futuro lleno de maravillas
y del amor de Dios!!!!

The Villanueva-Romero-Van Hook-Adkison family (and many more) surrounds you with great appreciation for you and for what God has been doing in your life.

We celebrate a new generation stepping into the season of expanded growth, exploration, discovery and preparation for a hope-filled and blessed life!

Zachary Villanueva has graduated with honors in the Class of 2024 from International Polytechnic High School in Pomona, affiliated with Cal Poly Pomona.
He is enrolled as a Freshman at UC Berkeley in the fall!
What a glorious time of celebration and love!


A great way to interact with your younger neighborhood!


Noon to 2 pm / 12:00 a 14:00 horas

Our Food Partner: Feeding America/Riverside

at Montclair First UM Church / Arbor de Vida
9950 Fremont Ave., Montclair, CA.

Photos from Agapé Journeys's post 04/26/2024

A timely 2022 Ken Burns documentary
on the U.S. response to the Holocaust of persecution and violence of WWII against Jews and others.
Available to stream on PBS / Passport
it's a three part series that's extremely insightful
and very relevant to our society today.

I recommend it for a Video study group,
where each participant can view an episode on their schedule,
then gather to discuss it by zoom, live, etc.
There, in prayer, reaction and questions of "So What?/How is this relevant today?", the group can explore what God may be leading them about it in light of the events of today.


Hi All...! I've been serving as Interim Pastor for Montclair First UM Church for three months: Mar, Apr, May this Spring.
It's in the middle of restarting after the Covid Pandemic did its thing in the community.
Check out our website for more info:


Be sure to check out the Instagram pics for FB: Montclair First UM Church - Arbol de Vida at: montclair_firstum_churchca

EVERY month, on the last Saturday of the month, Feeding America helps us provide boxes of food for needy families! Check out our website at:


Is your UMC church exhausted by the Pandemic?
Wondering where all the people went?
...God is renewing hearts and giving new visions.....
Join this Workshop in Covina, Sat., Apr 13 8:30a-1p....
Find out more about it here:

Opinion: 5 reasons why immigrants aren’t bringing higher crime, as Trump claims | CNN 04/03/2024

It might make sense to you to think that an immigrant family travels thousands of miles, often on foot, in order to be a criminal in the United States.
But the research and studies prove otherwise.

Take a few moments to put yourself in another shoes and seek some compassion on an often maligned and misunderstood part of our society.

...And then pray for them and for all of us to find a better way to respond to the longings of the heart that leads families and individuals to take the risks of seeking asylum and migration to a land that stands for justice and freedom in the world.
Pastor Terry

Opinion: 5 reasons why immigrants aren’t bringing higher crime, as Trump claims | CNN Most immigrants come here to seek a better life and are highly motivated to stay out of trouble, write sociologists Steven E. Barkan and Michael Rocque.


Why DID they want to kill Jesus?
Because he talked of love? and he embarrassed them?
Because he claimed to be a King? and he threatened them?
Or was something much bigger going on?
Jesus the Christ (Greek for Messiah) was expected to begin the reign of God, and the Romans and Jewish Leaders were terrified!

Join us this Sunday, Mar. 24, for a First Century look at what the Messiah meant to the people following Jesus.
10 am Palm Sunday and every Sunday afterwards.
.....You'll never look at Jesus the same way again........

Photos from Montclair First UM Church - Arbol de Vida's post 03/21/2024
Challenging machismo culture: Colombia is sending men to school to learn how to care 03/20/2024

Here's a thought..... Churches opening classes for men to learn caring and nurturing skills!
It's happening in Columbia!

Challenging machismo culture: Colombia is sending men to school to learn how to care Can teaching men how to care for newborns, repair clothes and better engage with their emotions make a more caring masculinity the norm and, in turn, rebalance entrenched gender inequalities around care work? These city officials think so – and they’re already seeing some impact.

Opinion: Many Americans believe migrants bring fentanyl across the border. That's wrong and dangerous 02/12/2024

The people who are coming to our border
...are not the ones you think they are.
.......(For Example: Guess who you think
.........are the 91% who are bringing in Fentanyl?)
We're in the 21st Century
and we need to update our understanding
of just who are seeking the hope and promise
that is the U. S. A.

Opinion: Many Americans believe migrants bring fentanyl across the border. That's wrong and dangerous Illicit imports of the opioid drug responsible for a fatal overdose crisis largely come from Mexico. But U.S. citizens bring most of it through legal ports of entry.

Seniors Free 02/01/2024

Seniors! FREE! February is the month visit the Safari Wild Animal Park!
We've been a number of times and it's great!

Seniors Free Seniors Free All February 2024 Seniors Free During the month of February, guests aged 65 and older receive free admission to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Take an exciting expedition on Africa Tram to spot herds of giraffes and rhinos, wander among kangaroos and discover platypuses at Walkabout Aus...

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1226 Upland Hills Drive S
Upland, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm