No school Monday? Come make something fun in our workshop and pay just the price of your projects. Be sure to sign up to get your spot: bit.ly/sawdustpaintdays
A fun place where kids and adults can create their very on woodcraft project. We have projects for all ages!
We have everything from decorations, picture frames, toys to handprint keepsakes!
Operating as usual
No school Monday? Come make something fun in our workshop and pay just the price of your projects. Be sure to sign up to get your spot: bit.ly/sawdustpaintdays
We have holiday kits available now in store for 25% off!! Stop by, say hi and get a last minute gift for your next Christmas party. 🎅🏼
Making Christmas ornaments at The Sawdust Factory is our favorite holiday tradition!
HO HO HO! It's almost Christmastime and we have 3 extra special No-Workshop-Fee days for you to make some holiday cheer in our workshop. Be sure to sign up here: bit.ly/sawdustpaintdays
The Holidays are coming! We're your number one spot for handmade custom one-of-a-kind gifts and decorations. Be sure to sign up to get your spot: bit.ly/sawdustpaintdays
This coming Monday, we've got the workshop open for you to get a head start on your holiday crafts. (Or you can totally make something for yourself, we won't tell!) Be sure to sign up to get your spot: bit.ly/sawdustpaintdays
It’s Village Venture time!!! Stop by booth 309, mention this ad and we’ll give you 10% off our handmade craft kits! See you tomorrow!
Pass the Paintbrush is the best game because everyone wins a lollipop!!!
Who keeps taking my leaf!!! Let's read this fun Fall story and make a perfectly autumnal project to match! Be sure to sign up: bit.ly/paintingstory
A Craft Night is nearly upon us! Space is limited, so be sure to sign up online to get your spot! bit.ly/fallsawdustcraftnight
No plans this weekend? We've got you covered. Sign up for our No-Workshop-Fee day on Saturday. bit.ly/sawdustpaintdays
We’re all set up at and ready for tomorrow and the next day!!! Can’t wait to see y’all!
We are SO excited for Pinners conference this weekend! We just saw you can get BOGO on tickets if you use the code:BFF See you there, we are selling handmade craft kits!
We've got some paint days coming up!!! Be sure to sign up! bit.ly/sawdustpaintdays
We’re feeling stylish in these new shirts!
It's hot out, so make something cool! - be sure to sign up online: bit.ly/sawdustpaintdays
Upland School District Summer Camp, let’s paint!!!