Thanks Mrs. Harwood and Mr. Koberna for supporting our fundraiser in such a fun way! Can't wait to see the winner's new look 👀 We also have Shane Riem, FBLA Officer, who will donate his hair to Locks of Love if we meet our fundraising goal.
Mrs. Harwood is at it again!! It's dunk booth season. For everyone who doesn't know her well, she's not a person who really goes into pools much, but somehow whether it's the polar plunge or a dunk booth, she's willing to do this for charity. This time our school is raising money for the American Cancer Society. Not only does she "win" a dunking for first or second place, but Mr. Koberna is going to dye her hair a color of his choice, while she gets to shave his head in a mohawk that we are dyeing pink! This will be updated with photos if we "Win"! If you are willing to support us in this absurd endeavour, HARWOOD'S Venmo (note American Cancer Society donation) is below or you can send money in with your kids to drop in our boxes at lunch or in HARWOOD'S room. Thanks!!
(Sorry The Parlor NKY , you may have a mess on your hands!)