Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science

Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science


Preparing students to study the solutions of today’s world’s challenges through universal perspectives.


Check out our spotlight featuring ISS alumni Madeleine Siegel!🤩🤩🤩


Madeleine Siegel – a first-year Juris Doctor candidate at FSU College of Law and a COSSPP alumna (B.S. Interdisciplinary Social Science and Spanish ’21) – currently serves as the Chair of FSU’s Law School Council, where she facilitates all operations, such as ensuring funding requests are distributed properly and equitably among student organizations.

The Law School Council represents all FSU’s Law School RSOs before the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Congress of Graduate School (COGS). The council sub-allocates funds to all the Law School RSOs and is a Florida State SGA affiliate. Siegel reviews all funding requests and allocates funds accordingly. She also drafts, presents, and passes legislation through COGS in this role.

“When I left my small town in Minnesota, I was ready for big opportunities,” Siegel said. “I was met with an abundance of opportunities that allowed me to explore several passions and gain tangible experience in leadership, legal studies, languages and culture, and social, service-based, and academic student coalitions.”

To read more, visit coss.fsu.edu/cosspp-alumni-spotlight-madeleine-siegel.


Welcome back to our video series: Why Study Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science at Florida State University🥳

Interviewing ISS students, faculty, staff, and more to highlight the dynamic nature of our program!

In this video, Dr. Turner de Vera, The Director of the ISS Program, highlights how the faculty and overall program listen to and value student feedback. She talks about the communication, respect, and seriousness the entire program regards for every student!

Follow us for more♥️

Photos from FSU Division of Student Affairs's post 06/24/2024

Start Summer B off right!😎📚✨


We 🫶 our Distance Learning Program!

Read here to learn more https://coss.fsu.edu/iss/distance-learning/

We offer two distance learning programs, which students can complete even when they're away from campus! These programs do not require in-person courses and can be completed fully online. Undergraduate students can earn a Bachelor's with a major in Interdisciplinary Social Science (Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science) and graduate students can earn a Master's in Public Administration (Askew School at FSU).

Learn more about our distance learning programs at our website: https://coss.fsu.edu/departments-and-programs.


Summer is flying by!♥️

Today is the official end of Summer A, while Summer B begins Monday (Jun 24), and Summer C is still in session! Good luck to everyone!🤩


𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐦. 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡.

Photos from Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science's post 06/12/2024

Interdisciplinary Social Science students can choose from 7 specializations when pursuing their degree!

⭐️Environmental Studies
⭐️Inequalities and Society
⭐️Law and Society
⭐️Public Policy
⭐️Public Service
⭐️Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
⭐️Urban Studies

Check out the specializations above, and read more here https://coss.fsu.edu/iss/


There's nothing better than seeing Bellamy when going around Campus 🌟

We hope everyone is having a great Summer 🌅


Welcome to our video series: Why Study Interdisciplinary Social Science at Florida State University✨

Interviewing Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science students, faculty, staff, and more to highlight the importance of our program!

In this video, Rodney Wells, former Student Body Vice President and fourth-year ISS student, highlights how he incorporates his passion for civil rights and democracy into his major. Wells speaks about using his disciplinary focus and other aspects of his major to make a difference!

Follow us for more!🥳

Photos from Florida State University's post 05/29/2024

Florida State University recognizes accomplished students as “Student Stars.” Students are selected for this designation after achieving distinction in their academic area or by providing a significant service to the university, such as Shanaya Jaitly.

Choosing to attend Florida State University was a natural decision for Jaitly, motivated by a lifelong devotion as a Seminole fan and the university’s extensive academic opportunities.

FSU’s diverse opportunities and vibrant campus culture strongly resonated with her interests, and the university’s emphasis on research innovation and student success solidified her choice.

“One of my most impactful community service experiences at Florida State was with the Food for Thought Pantry on campus. Through collaboration between the Presidential Scholars program and FFTP, I contributed to the Beat UF/Beat Hunger food drive by promoting it across campus, collecting donations and organizing pantry items,” Jaitly said.

Read more here https://coss.fsu.edu/student-star-shanaya-jaitly/


Smile! Your newest professional photo awaits. 😁 Visit our ProfessioNole Photo Booth to take a FREE professional picture for all your career needs. The photo booth is open during regular Career Center hours! Stop by the first floor of the Dunlap Success Center today to take your pic! 📸

Photos from FSU Faculty Development's post 05/20/2024

Congratulations to Alexandra Cockerham, Ph.D., for being awarded the Outstanding Teaching in the Major Award for Florida State University College of Social Sciences & Public Policy by FSU Faculty Development ✨🎉👏

Dr. Cockerham is an Associate Teaching Professor for our program and is incredible at all she does! We are honored by her hard work and drive as a dedicated faculty member!


Welcome back to our video series: Why Study Interdisciplinary Social Science at Florida State University✨

Interviewing Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science students, faculty, staff, and more to highlight the dynamic nature of our program!

In this video, Jack Hitchcock, former Student Body President, speaks about the plethora of opportunities his ISS degree offers him. How getting to select a certain specialization to focus on allowed him to explore various aspects of learning and ideas.

Follow us for more!💌

Photos from Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science's post 05/16/2024

Class of 2024, we want to look back on your Commencement and say congratulations!✨🤩🎓

Even with your new alum status, don't forget that the ISS website provides various FSU resources you can still use, from career advising to networking opportunities and more! Once a Nole, always a Nole!❤️


Check out these photos and more from the Florida State University College of Social Sciences & Public Policy graduation celebration here

198206831@N06/albums/72177720316784108/" rel="ugc" target="_blank">https://www.flickr.com/photos/198206831@N06/albums/72177720316784108/


Still not over this! An amazing feature of one of our now Interdisciplinary Social Science Alumnus, Jack Hitchcock🎓 as Student Body President this past year, speaking at the Commencement ceremonies!

Congratulations Class of 2024!✨✨✨


The College of Social Sciences and Public Policy invites our Spring 2024 graduates and their families and friends to join us for a come-and-go reception in Bellamy's First Floor Atrium on the afternoon of Friday, May 3, from 12 - 3 p.m. 🥳🎓🥳🎓

In celebration, we also ask that all ISS students send in their Graduation photos either through DM or email to [email protected] 📸

During the event students can enjoy refreshments, pick up a small gift, and connect with Alumni Engagement Coordinator, Elizabeth Jones, and our Career Center Liaison, T.J Johnson! This will all take place the day before FSU's Commencement Ceremony at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 4, in the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center.

We hope to see you there!❤️


Welcome to our video series: Why Study Interdisciplinary Social Science at Florida State University🤩

Interviewing Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science students, faculty, staff and more to highlight the dynamic nature of our program!

In this video, Dr. Woodard speaks about giving everyone who is impacted a voice at the table. How ISS supplies students the opportunity to pull from a variety of disciplines to help people!

Follow us for more!♥️


We are so proud of our graduating senior, Jack Hitchcock!

Read more about all of Hitchcock's dedications from serving as FSU Student Body President, Chairman of the Florida Student Association, and on the Florida Board of Governors!

Read here: https://coss.fsu.edu/student-spotlight-jack-hitchcock/

Jack Hitchcock – a fourth-year student double majoring in Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science and International Affairs – serves in many leadership roles at Florida State University and beyond.

In April 2023, Hitchcock began his tenure as President of FSU’s Student Body and a University Trustee. FSU’s Student Body President is elected each Spring semester and represents all 45,000 students by administering and enforcing programs that address each students’ needs.

“Serving as FSU Student Body President, Chairman of the Florida Student Association, and on the Florida Board of Governors, has allowed me to make decisions that directly impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of students, advocating for their needs and driving positive change,” Hitchcock said. “These experiences have shaped my understanding of advocacy and leadership and my career trajectory toward a path where I can continue to fight for what is right.”

Read more: https://coss.fsu.edu/student-spotlight-jack-hitchcock/


One of our incredible students, Rodney Wells, who has made his mark at FSU in more ways than one!
To read more about Well’s accomplishments, visit https://news.fsu.edu/news/university-news/2024/04/22/aspiring-public-servant-and-fsu-social-sciences-student-named-truman-finalist/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABpqQM9CxjnlTSSv_eV29qEHZqsUnPq_zsuKxgt3GDs4TWsl0TelR4qklw0g_aem_AXwkbBKGAyNLpjzBr1x6NLCre1MLdEv2Lcks2W0VwazOEF84AzKVzJARrsgNfoNciyI

Florida State University’s former Student Body Vice President Rodney Wells has been named a finalist of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship.

Wells, an Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science major specializing in democracy and civil rights within the Florida State University College of Social Sciences & Public Policy, has made a mark on FSU’s campus and the community.

“Being named a Truman finalist reflects the profound impact of the community, student leaders, faculty, and staff at FSU,” Wells said. “Their dedication and support have been instrumental in my collegiate journey, and it is really an honor to have the opportunity to showcase the results of their efforts and investment in my growth.”

To read more about Wells and his accomplishments, visit the link in our bio (COSSPP News) or click here https://news.fsu.edu/news/university-news/2024/04/22/aspiring-public-servant-and-fsu-social-sciences-student-named-truman-finalist/

Photos from FSU Career Center's post 04/23/2024

We love to see our students putting themselves out there, and taking advances toward their career paths🤩


Daniela Vergara Forero – a fourth-year student majoring in Interdisciplinary Social Science (Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science) – was inducted into FSU’s Alpha chapter of Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Honor Society for her academic excellence and involvement.

PBK invites only about 10% of each university’s students and is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious honor society.

“My time as a student at FSU has allowed me to explore my passions and curiosities regarding social inequalities, issues that arise in urban spheres, and overall helped me develop critical thinking systems to address larger social issues,” Vergara Forero said. “By expanding my knowledge over topics in sociology, urban planning, and other social sciences, I feel that I am equipped to go into the workforce and help others.”

Read more here coss.fsu.edu/cosspp-student-spotlight-daniela-vergara


Happening today with the FSU Career Center!
Starting at Noon and going till 4 pm, make sure to check it out!😄

No jokes here - we're hosting one last career fair for the spring semester! Join us at the Final Spring Career Fair on April 17 🤩 This will be the perfect opportunity to meet with employers and find part-time, full-time, or summer positions! We'll see you there 😉

📆 Wednesday, April 17
⏰ 12 p.m. - 4 p.m.
☀️ Student Union Ballrooms

For a full list of attending employers, visit https://bit.ly/4chOcCF


Would you like to receive updates about new developments and events within the Civil Rights Institute and snapshots of our partnerships across campus?

We invite students, faculty, and staff, as well as members of the surrounding Tallahassee community, to sign up for The Empowerment Exchange, the Civil Rights Institute's newsletter. This newsletter encapsulates our recent achievements and strides that our Director, Ted Ellis, has made to further our mission of promoting justice and equality for all.

To sign up, visit bit.ly/FSUCRI-Newsletter!


Join us in commemorating 50 years of excellence at the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy!

We invite students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends to take a stroll down memory lane! Share your fondest moments, anecdotes, and photographs that encapsulate the unique journey we’ve all shared together.

Visit bit.ly/COSSPP50-memories (link in bio) to access the Share Your Memories survey!


Alexandra Cockerham, Ph.D., an Associate Teaching Professor for our program has won the FSU 2023-2024 University Teaching Awards!

This award recognizes multi-faceted teaching excellence, such as serving as role models, imparting respect for truth, and a love of learning!

Two professors from the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy won Florida State 2023-2024 University Teaching Awards.

Alexandra Cockerham, Ph.D. Associate Teaching Professor in the Interdiscliplinary Social Science Department, won the Outstanding Teaching in the Major award.

Katie Sherron, Ph.D. Director of the M.S. in Applied Economics program and a Teaching Professor of Economics, won the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award.

“I’m pleased to see these great professors recognized for their outstanding teaching,” said Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy Tim Chapin, Ph.D. “Dr. Cockerham and Dr. Sherron are exceptional educators and provide our students with exemplary instruction in interdisciplinary social science and economics.”

To read more, visit https://coss.fsu.edu/two-cosspp-faculty-win-university-teaching-awards/.

Photos from Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science's post 04/04/2024

Learn more about the Interdisciplinary Social Science program with general or specialized tracks, benefits, and more!

You can find more information on our website coss.fsu.edu/iss or Linktree linktr.ee/fsu_iss


Our very own Tracy Woodard, PhD is being promoted for her success as a faculty member!
This truly reflects her excellence in her role within the Interdisciplinary Social Science program and beyond!

The College of Social Sciences and Public Policy (COSSPP) has announced the promotions of three specialized faculty members for the 2023-2024 cycle: Crystal Taylor, Na'ama Nagar, and Tracy Woodward.

“These successes continue our 100% success rate over the last decade-plus in seeing candidates that we advance to the University level being approved for promotion,” said COSSPP Dean Timothy Chapin. “While these promotions rest primarily in the excellence of the faculty that we hire, it also reflects the supportive and productive work environment we have collectively established within the College.”

To read more, visit coss.fsu.edu/3-cosspp-specialized-faculty-promoted/.


Welcome to the Official Facebook for Florida State University College of Social Sciences & Public Policy Interdisciplinary Social Science Program!

We provide undergraduate students with an interdisciplinary orientation to the holistic study of complex social sciences issues, providing a “big picture” approach to solving today’s world’s challenges.

We are excited to join Facebook to further connect with our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends!

Make sure to check out our other accounts and be sure to follow for frequent program updates: https://linktr.ee/fsu_iss

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Videos (show all)

Welcome back to our video series: Why Study Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science at Florida State U...
Welcome to our video series: Why Study Interdisciplinary Social Science at Florida State University✨Interviewing Florida...
Welcome back to our video series: Why Study Interdisciplinary Social Science at Florida State University✨Interviewing Fl...
Welcome to our video series: Why Study Interdisciplinary Social Science at Florida State University🤩Interviewing Florida...




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