Florida State University Department of Geography

Florida State University Department of Geography


Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Florida State University Department of Geography, Education Website, 113 Collegiate Loop, Tallahassee, FL.

Photos from FSU Faculty Development's post 05/22/2024

Graduates, families, faculty, and staff gathered in the Bellamy Atrium on Friday, May 3, to celebrate the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy's newest graduates. This semester, over 1,200 COSSPP graduates joined our 50,000+ alumni worldwide.

FSU COSSPP Grads, remember to update your contact info with us so we can stay in touch! Please remember to update us about the great things you go on to do!

View and download the images: https://coss.fsu.edu/spring-2024-cosspp-graduation-celebration


Associate Professor of Geography Tyler McCreary, Ph.D., received a Community Engaged Research Partnership Award. This award recognizes tenured faculty who are interested in collaborating with community members to create relevant and impactful research.

This award, given for the first time in 2024, is a part of the Institutional Challenge Grant Program. It is funded by the William T. Grant Foundation, Doris Duke Foundation, and Spencer Foundation.

Dr. McCreary’s planned project is a collaboration with the Office of the Wet’suwet’en in British Columbia, Canada. This office advocates for the indigenous Wet’suwet’en people to Canadian governmental organizations.

Read more: coss.fsu.edu/associate-professor-of-geography-receives-community-engaged-research-partnership-award/


Assistant Professor of Geography Carolina Velásquez-Calderon, Ph.D., was recently accepted as a mentee in the inaugural cohort of the Florida State University ADVANCE Cohort Network Program.

The FSU ADVANCE Cohort Network is just one part of the National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored FSU ADVANCE Program, which aims to implement systemic change by increasing recruitment, empowerment, advancement, and systemic equity for underrepresented women faculty in STEM fields.

Throughout the six-month program, mentees will attend mentoring meetings, webinars, and a summer retreat.

To read more, visit coss.fsu.edu/geography-professor-accepted-to-inaugural-fsu-advance-cohort-network/


This is a reminder that Dr. Amitav Ghosh will deliver his keynote lecture this Friday, April 26 at the More-than-human Religion Conference! Registered attendees can join us in WJB 2005 at 5 p.m. to hear this talk.

Learn more: morethanhuman.create.fsu.edu/


Jenny Bueno – a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Geography – was awarded a Margaret A. Davidson fellowship from the National Ocean and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) for her accomplishments in marine research.

The Margaret A. Davidson Graduate Fellowship is a two-year program that allows graduate students to conduct research with one of the 30 NOAA coastal reserves. The fellowship is named for Margaret A. Davidson, an innovator in coastal management.

Bueno began her FSU career by entering the Master’s in Geography program. While in the graduate program, she had the opportunity to study intertidal oyster reefs in Apalachicola Bay, Florida. This project sparked an interest in research, and in 2022 she applied for the Davidson Fellowship and entered the Geography Ph.D. program at FSU.

Read more: coss.fsu.edu/student-spotlight-jenny-bueno/

Photos from Florida State University Department of Geography's post 04/05/2024

Happy Meet the Faculty Friday! Today we're featuring Carolina S. Velásquez-Calderón, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Geography and African-American Studies.


FSU's Department of Geography will be co-sponsoring a keynote lecture by Amitav Ghosh, Ph.D., at the More-than-human Religion Conference.

The lecture, titled "Deadly Simplifications: Imagining the Future in a Warming World" will be held Friday, April 26 at 5 p.m. in WJB 2005. There will also be a reception after.

Learn more about the conference and register for this talk here: morethanhuman.create.fsu.edu/


Join us for an event celebrating the contributions of Kilisët Violet Gellenbeck, a Witsuwit’en teacher, intellectual, and knowledge keeper. This two-day online symposium will take place on April 8 and 9 at 3 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

Speakers, including activists, educators, and researchers within both the university and community setting will give short talks on Kilisët and the significance of her contributions to knowledge.

Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/events/427725262952186/430492402675472/
Join via Zoom: bit.ly/honoringkiliset


Every summer, up to 600 people in Miami-Dade County die from extreme heat. Florida State University Associate Professor Chris Uejio, Ph.D., is helping to keep people safe by identifying the places in the county that are most vulnerable to this natural disaster.

Uejio and NASA’s Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) used data from NASA’s Aqua satellite to measure land surface temperatures between May and September from 2003 to 2021. The research team combined that data with census records and health data to create maps that show which communities were most affected by heat.

Read more: https://coss.fsu.edu/florida-state-university-climate-expert-leads-nasa-study-examining-risks-for-extreme-heat-illness/


Congratulations to FSU Geography Faculty Member Tyler McCreary, Ph.D., for publishing a new book: Indigenous Legalities, Pipeline Viscosities: Colonial Extractivism and Wet’suwet’en Resistance.

Dr. McCreary’s book uses historical context and community-engaged research to explain the ongoing conflict between the Wet’suwet’en nation and entities seeking to develop pipelines, including governments and corporations. This relates to broader issues of colonialism, territory, and jurisdiction.

“[Indigenous Legalities, Pipeline Viscosities is] an amazing book built upon extensive community-engaged research,” said John Ridsdale, Na’Moks Hereditary Chief of the Tsayu Clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation.

This book is available through University of Alberta Press:


We invite you to participate in our Million Dollar Day, FSU's Great Give, a 24-hour day of online giving that supports various colleges and programs around Florida State University. This year, the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy is raising money to support our 'Get More Than a Degree' initiative that fosters undergraduate and graduate intellectual growth and professional development through experiential learning opportunities, support for student organizations and honor societies, and enhances the academic experience both in and out of the classroom.

To read more and support the initiative, visit spark.fsu.edu/Project/2461/The-Future-is-Made-in-Bellamy.

Photos from Florida State University Department of Geography's post 03/01/2024

For today's Meet the Faculty Friday we're featuring Ziqi Li, Ph.D.! Dr. Li is an Assistant Professor of Geography and co-authored a book published last November.

Photos from Florida State University Department of Geography's post 02/23/2024

Happy Meet the Faculty Friday! This week, we're featuring Assistant Professor Amber DeJohn, Ph.D.

Photos from Florida State University Department of Geography's post 02/09/2024

For this week's Meet the Faculty Friday, we're spotlighting Sage Ponder, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Geography!


Researchers from FSU’s Department of Geography and the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering published “Understanding Changes in Spatial Accessibility to Restaurants During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Disentangling Closures, Inequity, Neighborhood, and Transportation Mode” in the journal Geographical Analysis, which examines how restaurant closures during the COVID-19 pandemic impacted communities.

The authors compared the number of restaurants accessible within a specified travel time before the pandemic (2019) and during the pandemic (2021). They found that the spatial patterns of restaurant closures correlated with transportation modes: restaurants that were accessible by walking were impacted more in urban areas and restaurants that had mostly driving customers were affected more in suburban areas by the pandemic.

To read more, visit coss.fsu.edu/research-spotlight-understanding-changes-in-spatial-accessibility-to-restaurants-during-the-covid-19-pandemic-disentangling-closures-inequity-neighborhood-and-transportation-mode/

Photos from Florida State University Department of Geography's post 02/02/2024

Happy Meet the Faculty Friday! Today we're spotlighting Associate Professor of Geography Tyler McCreary, Ph.D.

Photos from Florida State University Department of Geography's post 01/19/2024

On this week's Meet the Faculty Friday, we're featuring Mark Horner, Ph.D., the Chair of the Department of Geography!

Photos from Florida State University Department of Geography's post 12/08/2023

For today's Meet the Faculty Friday, we're featuring Emily Billo, Ph.D.! Dr. Billo is an Associate Professor of Geography and will begin a new research project in Ecuador next year.

Photos from Florida State University Department of Geography's post 11/17/2023

We're excited to share our first Meet the Faculty Friday! Today we are featuring Chris Uejio, Ph.D.


We're excited to see the new edition of the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy's annual Engage magazine. It highlights many of our wonderful faculty, staff, students, alumni, and programs!

Visit the link below to read an update from our department chair, Dr. Mark Horner.

A lot of great things happened across Florida State University’s College of Social Sciences and Public Policy during the 2022-2023 academic year.

Our third Engage Magazine feature includes updates from COSSPP chairs and directors about their units.

Read more here: coss.fsu.edu/engage-magazine-feature-2022-2023-chairs-and-directors-update/


FSU Researchers – Mark Horner, Ph.D., Professor of Geography; Michael Duncan, Ph.D.; Professor of Urban and Regional Planning; and Dennis J. Smith, Planner-in-Residence for Urban and Regional Planning – and colleagues co-authored “Ridership Dynamics and Characteristics of Potential Riders of a Transit System: The SunRail of Central Florida,” to investigate the passenger flows among SunRail stations at different periods and the socio-demographic factors that potentially influence SunRail ridership.

The findings indicate that a majority of trips on the SunRail system occurred during AM peak and PM peak periods, between population centers (suburban and exurban areas) and business zones (urban and urban core areas).

The authors’ article provides data about where potential passengers travel from and where they go, which can help to advertise SunRail’s services and promote ridership as well as determine stations that might need enhancements. This research also identifies the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of residents around each SunRail station through park-and-ride and walk-and-ride catchment areas, which serve urban and transport planners in developing strategies to influence ridership based on the passenger flows and unique characteristics of the station areas.

Read more at https://coss.fsu.edu/research-spotlight-ridership-dynamics-and-characteristics-of-potential-riders-of-a-transit-system-the-sunrail-of-central-florida/


Welcome to the official page for Florida State University's Department of Geography!
We are excited to join Facebook to connect with our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends!
Please be sure to follow us for frequent department updates!

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