We have another member of the 2024-2025 FSU Fulbright cohort to share with you today!
Samuel Granoff is a recipient of the Fulbright Université Paris-Saclay Doctoral Research Award. Granoff intends to use this award to pursue his PhD dissertation: And Now We Lie, a novel-length work of historical fiction set in France during 1917, which follows the plight of a deserter with a conflicted moral compass. Samuel will begin research in Paris with Dr. Gilles Malandain, Professor of History, at the Centre d'histoire Culturelle des Sociétés Contemporaines (CHCSC), which “brings together contemporary historians, specialists in Anglo-American Studies, and literary scholars,” while also taking short trips to retrace the route of his novel's protagonist. By researching accurately and writing honestly, Samuel's goal is to display the interconnectedness of human experience at wartime as a portrayal of the tenacity of our existence, while also establishing himself as a qualified writer of historical fiction.
The Office of National Fellowships
We offer comprehensive services to help students gain a competitive edge in the application process
Operating as usual
Congrats to Roz Wadsworth, our second winner of the 2024 Critical Language Scholarship.
Through CLS, Roz, a senior majoring in anthropology with a minor in Japanese language and culture, will study at Okayama University in Okayama, Japan. After graduating, she plans to pursue a master’s degree in anthropology at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa with a primary focus in archaeology.
“I am incredibly grateful to have been given the opportunity to immerse myself in Japanese language and culture,” Wadsworth said. “I am excited to expand my linguistic skills and connect these skills to my academic and professional pursuits in anthropological study.”
Congratulations to Auria Rembert, one of two ONF students to receive the 2024 Critical Language Scholarship!
Through CLS, Auria, a junior majoring in international affairs and studying Arabic, will be studying at the Jordan Language Academy in Amman, Jordan. Her goal is to work in diplomacy, specifically in the Middle East.
“I am deeply grateful to get this opportunity,” Rembert said. “My goal abroad is to be a sponge: Learning the culture, the food and, of course, developing in the language. I am truly honored and excited to broaden my global knowledge.”
We're so excited to begin sharing the 2024-2025 FSU Fulbright cohort with you!
First up, we have Sydney Cole. As the recipient of a Fulbright scholarship to Belgium, Sydney will spend the 2024-2025 academic year pursuing a Masters in Sociology at Universiteit Gent. During her time there, she plans to study the concepts of sustainable development, analyzing environmental policy and ethical models of engagement within a globalized world. She hopes to translate this into further work with issues of humanitarianism. Sydney is a graduate of Florida State University's class of 2024.
Interested in applying for a Fulbright? Register for our Canvas course and set up an advising appointment today!
Today we also say goodbye to our graduate assistant, Keshawn Mathews.
Keshawn has worked with ONF for one year. In his time here, he has had a huge impact on the students he helped with fellowship applications. Everyone at ONF will miss the care he brought with him into this position and his interactions with others daily.
This summer, Keshawn will be participating in an internship with Boys Town North Florida. Following the completion of his internship, Keshawn will be earning his Master's degree in Social Work. Congrats, Keshawn!🥳
Today we're taking the time to congratulate and say goodbye to two of our lovely staff members at ONF.
First up is Emma Roush, who will be graduating this weekend!🥳
Emma has worked for ONF since fall of 2022. Emma has also worked closely with University Housing as an RA, as well as STRIKE Magazine, so she will be missed by multiple communities at FSU. We'll miss her personality and wit in the office; she always brought a positive attitude to ONF!
Emma will be going to Ohio State for a Master's in Higher Education and Student Affairs at the The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology this upcoming fall, so everyone send her off with the warmest wishes!
We're celebrating our final 2024 Boren recipient today!
As a Boren recipient, Kaitlin Bell, a senior pursuing a dual degree in international affairs and business management, will travel to Azerbaijan to study Turkish. After graduation, she hopes to join the Department of State’s Civil or Foreign Service.
“The Boren Award will allow me to study Turkish in an immersive environment and have the opportunity to connect with a diverse range of people, perspectives and cultures,” Bell said. “This cross-cultural experience will provide me with an invaluable foundation for a career in diplomacy.”
Our next Boren recipient for 2024 is Shallom Tabib, a senior pursuing a major in political science with a minor in Russian and Eastern European studies.
As a Boren recipient, Shallom will be studying Russian in Latvia this fall. After graduation, she plans to pursue a master’s degree in international affairs while continuing to study U.S Intelligence and National Security.
“Studying in Latvia will allow me to advance my novice Russian language skills and be better equipped to work with analysts in the target language,” Tabib said. “Moreover, mastering a foreign language is imperative when dealing with issues in foreign policy and can help bridge the gap between countries.”
Join us this week as we celebrate our three exceptional Boren recipients for 2024!
First up is Kate Alonso, a senior double majoring in international affairs and philosophy with a minor in French. As a Boren recipient, she will spend her summer in Indonesian. In the future, Kate plans to attend graduate school with the goal of improving relations between the United States and Southeast Asia.
“Southeast Asia is rarely discussed outside of conflicts, international manufacturing, trade, and military endeavors, yet it’s important to expand our discourse and understandings to include the culture, history, and beauty of the region while advocating for human rights,” Alonso said. “Receiving a Boren Scholarship grants me the opportunity to study Indonesian language and culture at the intimate level needed to build relationships and foster connections to engage with communities on the ground, and I am beyond grateful for this experience.”
The FSU Campus Registration Deadline for the upcoming Fulbright cycle is fast approaching!
FSU students and alumni applying for the upcoming Fulbright cycle must enroll in ONF’s Canvas course and complete the Intent to Participate (located on the Canvas site) by Wednesday, June 5th.
For more information, reach out to FSU’s Office of National Fellowships today! We encourage any student interested to schedule an appointment with us ASAP.
ONF is proud to highlight Shaheed Perez who has been selected as a Goldwater Scholarship Recipient!
As a Goldwater Recipient, Shaheed will receive up to $7,500 for his final semester in the fall to be used toward tuition, fees, books and room and board.
Read here about Shaheed's journey and what he hopes to achieve with his Goldwater Scholarship!
Sunshine, Sweet Treats, and Smiles 🍨
HSF field trip to Landis Green for the President's Ice Cream Social
In partnership with Dr. Dana Weber, the Office of National Fellowships will be hosting a presentation to discuss experiential learning opportunities for students interested in the German language or research experiences in the region.
This will be a hybrid event but we ask that all attendees please register in advance. Thank you and we hope to see you there!
If you completed a fellowship application with us this semester, now is the time to give US some feedback. Y'all know how much we like feedback... 😄
Check your email for the Qualtrics link – and if you didn't receive an email, contact your fellowship advisor.
Thinking about applying for a Fulbright Program? Unsure what the Fulbright Program entails?
Join ONF for our Fulbright Programs Overview Workshop! This workshop will explore the different awards available through the Fulbright US Student Program and will discuss FSU's application process.
This workshop will take place in person in HSF3008 and on Zoom on April 11th at 3:30pm. Register using the QR code, or by going to buff.ly/3FAY8bJ. We hope to see you there!
A hearty congratulations to all of this year's past applicants—we are so honored to have had the opportunity to celebrate with so many of you at ONF's Annual Recognition Celebration!
Big thank yous all around to First Lady, Dr. Vartikar for her opening remarks, Emely Galán for her alumni thoughts, and Eli McKown-Dawson for his student perspective.
Applicants – you continue to inspire us, and we know you are all going to achieve so much here at FSU and beyond!
The Freeman Asia Scholarship is open NOW until April 2nd! If you are a student wanting to study abroad in Asia and demonstrate financial need (you do not need to be Pell Grant eligible), this scholarship is for you!
Reach out to our office today if you are interested in applying!
The DAAD & German Study Fellowships featuring Dr. Dana Weber has been moved to 3:00pm on April 16th. Register today to attend! You won't want to miss this one! Register using the QR code above or by going to the Important Dates tab on our website!
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
Contact the school
127 Honors Way: Honors, Scholars, And Fellows House
Tallahassee, FL