Did you know babies learn to use gestures before they talk? The gestures your baby uses drive what you say, and that sets into motion learning to talk. Research shows that early gestures predict language 2 years later. Catching small delays early prevents bigger delays later.
If you have a child 18 MONTHS OR YOUNGER, you’re invited to join Baby Navigator. Be part of our research to help families. You will find out how to support your baby’s learning in everyday activities you’re already doing, and how to track your baby’s development — all at no cost to you.
Starting at 9 months you will be invited to fill out the Social Communication CheckUp with questions about gestures and sounds your child uses and how your child plays to screen for language delay, social communication delay, and autism.
We also have research opportunities that we may invite you to. You can decide later if you want to learn more about or participate in any research. We have an early intervention study for children who show early signs of autism by 18 months of age.
All you need to do is go to Baby Navigator: https://babynavigator.com Click Join and learn more about why you should Join.
Share this with your friends to help us get the word out to families of young children.
We have changed our name. We are now Baby Navigator. Visit our website at https://babynavigator.com. The mission of Baby Navigator is to provide resources and tools for families to celebrate and support their baby’s early learning and nurture the development of language and success in school . . . and in life.
Baby Navigator was developed by the FIRST WORDS Project and now has all the resources that were on the FIRST WORD Project website and much more. On Baby Navigator you will find tools and resources on the magic of what it takes to learn to talk and what if something doesn’t seem quite right. You will also find a register button for families to join Baby Navigator when they’re pregnant, as soon as their baby is born, or any time until their baby is 18 months old. Help spread the word to families, friends, and colleagues.
The FIRST WORDS Project is not going away. It is the longitudinal research we are doing at the Florida State University Autism Institute and is the research engine behind all the Baby Navigator tools and resources. We will continue to study ways to improve screening tools and early detection of communication delays and autism. We will showcase our tools and resources on Baby Navigator.
Baby Navigator
Providing resources and tools for families to celebrate and support their baby’s early learning
It’s All in the Hands
How do you know what babies are thinking before they can talk? You’d be amazed at what a baby’s hands can tell you about what they’re thinking.
What babies do with their hands sets into motion learning to talk. Learn what babies are doing with their hands each month from 9 to 16 months by flipping through our Baby Navigator Lookbooks — 16 Gestures by 16 Months and 16 Actions with Objects by 16 Months at https://babynavigator.com/lookbooks/. By observing early gestures and actions with objects, you can get a critical snapshot of what a baby knows and is thinking about.
Hands down, it’s magical. Come watch videos with us as we explore what it takes to learn to talk. Join our free webinar series, Social Communication Development in Infants & Toddlers (SC•DIT). We offer this series 4 times a year — mark your calendar for the summer series starting August 2nd. Find out more and register at https://autismnavigator.com/webinar-scdit/. Learn how you can encourage the magic.
Can you give us a hand? Please help us spread the word by sharing this post with professionals, families, and friends in your social networks.
There is still room to register for our Baby Navigator Webinar on Thursday, September 17th. We watch videos together that show how to turn activities you’re doing everyday into learning moments for your baby . . . how to support your baby through challenging moments to get ahead of the terrible twos . . . and much more. These simple moments matter. Especially because your baby’s brain is developing at an amazing rate. What you do and say now can make all the difference.
What does it take to learn to talk?
Supporting Your Baby’s Learning in Everyday Activities
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2020
Time: 1:00 to 2:30pm (Eastern Time)
Link to Register: https://fla.st/2ReCgt9
This FREE webinar series is for families of babies from birth to 24 months old — whether you have concerns about your baby’s development, or your baby is reaching all of their milestones on time. We also welcome anyone who cares about babies
You need to register to participate. We cannot record our webinars because we show photos and videos of our families, so make sure to register with the link above.
Save the dates for this new webinar series—Mark your calendars for the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 1:00 to 2:30 eastern time. We will share new content and watch new video clips together each webinar. Please share this invitation with friends and families who may have an interest in learning about what it takes to learn to talk and how to support babies learning.
Did you know that early experiences have a big impact on your baby’s brain development? Find out how everyday moments can support your baby’s learning. Because what you do and say now can make all the difference.
Join us on Thursday, September 3rd for our next Baby Navigator Webinar for families of babies from birth to 24 months old — whether you have concerns about your baby’s development, or your baby is reaching all of their milestones on time. We offer this webinar on the 1st and 3rd Thursday each month (barring holidays) with new content and videos to watch together each webinar.
This FREE webinar series for families, or anyone who cares for babies, is about what it takes to learn to talk — gestures, sounds, actions, and more; how to support your child’s learning in everyday activities and get ahead of the terrible twos, and how Baby Navigator online resources can help you and your family. You must register to participate. Information is below:
What does it take to learn to talk?
Supporting Your Baby’s Learning in Everyday Activities
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2020
Time: 1:00 to 2:30pm (Eastern Time)
Link to Register: https://fla.st/3jrdmT5
Baby Navigator (https://babynavigator.com/) is collaborating with the Reading Rockets (https://www.readingrockets.org/) to bring this webinar series to you. At this webinar we will share online resources and tools for families to celebrate and support their baby’s early learning and nurture the development of language and success in school . . . and in life.
We cannot record our webinars because we show photos and videos of our families, so make sure to register with the link above.
Save the dates for this new webinar series—Mark your calendars for the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 1:00 to 2:30 eastern time. We will share new content and watch new video clips together each webinar. Please share this invitation with friends and families who may have an interest in learning about what it takes to learn to talk and how to support babies learning.
Did you know babies learn to use gestures before they talk? Research shows that early gestures predict language skills 2 years later. The gestures your baby uses can impact what you do and say, which shapes your baby’s brain. Find out about the 16 gestures babies learn by 16 months and how they propel learning to talk at our webinar this week.
Join us on Thursday, August 20th for our next Baby Navigator Webinar for families of babies birth to 24 months old — whether you have concerns about your baby’s development, or your baby is reaching all of their milestones on time. We offer this webinar on the 1st and 3rd Thursday each month (barring holidays) with new content and videos to watch together each webinar.
This FREE webinar series for families, or anyone who cares for babies, is about what it takes to learn to talk — gestures, sounds, actions, and more; how to support your child’s learning in everyday activities and get ahead of the terrible twos, and how Baby Navigator online resources can help you and your family. You must register to participate. Information is below:
What does it take to learn to talk?
Supporting Your Baby’s Learning in Everyday Activities
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2020
Time: 1:00 to 2:30pm (Eastern Time)
Link to Register: https://fla.st/33SRefV
Baby Navigator (https://babynavigator.com/) is collaborating with the Reading Rockets (https://www.readingrockets.org/) to bring this webinar series to you. At this webinar we will share online resources and tools for families to celebrate and support their baby’s early learning and nurture the development of language and success in school . . . and in life.
We cannot record our webinars because we show photos and videos of our families, so make sure to register with the link above.
Save the dates for this new webinar series—Mark your calendars for the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 1:00 to 2:30 eastern time. We will share new content and watch new video clips together each webinar. Please share this invitation with friends and families who may have an interest in learning about what it takes to learn to talk and how to support babies learning.
Did you know that the best time to get ready for Kindergarten is before your baby turns 2? Let us show you how your housework can become homework for your baby, without ever leaving the house.
Join us on Thursday, August 6th for our next Baby Navigator Webinar for families of babies from birth to 24 months—whether you have concerns about your baby’s development, or your baby is reaching all of their milestones on time.
What you do and say helps shape your baby’s brain, especially during the first 2 years when their brain is growing faster than it ever will again.
This FREE webinar series for families will cover what it takes to learn to talk—gestures, sounds, actions, and more; how to support your child’s learning in everyday activities and get ahead of the terrible twos, and how Baby Navigator online resources can help you and your family. You must register to participate. Information is below:
What does it take to learn to talk?
Supporting Your Baby’s Learning in Everyday Activities
Date: Thursday, August 6, 2020
Time: 1:00 to 2:30pm (Eastern Time)
Link to Register: https://bit.ly/30iWbMG
Baby Navigator (https://babynavigator.com/) is collaborating with the Reading Rockets (https://www.readingrockets.org/) to bring this webinar series to you. At this webinar we will share online resources and tools for families to celebrate and support their baby’s early learning and nurture the development of language and success in school . . . and in life.
We cannot record our webinars because we show photos and videos of our families, so make sure to register with the link above.
Save the dates for this new webinar series—Mark your calendars for the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 1:00 to 2:30 eastern time. We will share new content and watch new video clips together each webinar. Please share this invitation with friends and families who may have an interest in learning about what it takes to learn to talk and how to support babies learning.
We are excited to announce the launch of our Baby Navigator YouTube Channel — for families of babies from birth to 24 months — whether you have concerns about your baby’s development, or your baby is reaching all of their milestones on time. And for anyone who cares for and cares about babies.
Check out our Baby Navigator YouTube channel to view videos about . . . when babies learn to talk . . . what it takes to learn to talk . . . how to turn activities you’re doing everyday into learning moments for your baby . . . how to support your baby through challenging moments . . . and much more.
These simple moments matter. Especially because your baby’s brain is developing at an amazing rate. What you do and say now can make all the difference.
Subscribe to our Baby Navigator YouTube channel to get notifications about highlights and new content. Watch, learn, and spread the word.
Baby Navigator is developed by the FIRST WORDS Project. Baby Navigator (https://babynavigator.com/) is collaborating with the Reading Rockets (https://www.readingrockets.org/) to bring this to you. Our mission is to provide resources and tools for families to celebrate and support their baby’s early learning and nurture the development of language and success in school . . . and in life.
Please share this with your friends to help us get the word out to anyone who cares for and cares about babies.
Join us on Thursday, July 16th for our next Baby Navigator Webinar for families of babies from birth to 24 months — whether you have concerns about your baby’s development, or your baby is reaching all of their milestones on time. When it comes to your baby, peace of mind is everything.
This FREE webinar series for families will cover what it takes to learn to talk — gestures, sounds, actions, and more; how to support your child’s learning in everyday activities and get ahead of the terrible twos, and how Baby Navigator online resources can help you and your family. You must register to participate. Information is below:
What does it take to learn to talk?
Supporting Your Baby’s Learning in Everyday Activities
Date: Thursday, July 16, 2020
Time: 1:00 to 2:30pm (Eastern Time)
Link to Register: https://bit.ly/3iPPRn3
Baby Navigator (https://babynavigator.com/) is collaborating with the Reading Rockets (https://www.readingrockets.org/) to bring this webinar series to you. At this webinar we will share online resources and tools for families to celebrate and support their baby’s early learning and nurture the development of language and success in school . . . and in life.
We cannot record our webinars because we show photos and videos of our families, so make sure to register with the link above.
Please share this invitation with friends and families who may have an interest in learning about this webinar series.
Did you know children learn to use gestures before they talk? Research shows that early gestures predict language 2 years later. Visit https://babynavigator.com/ to learn more about what it takes to learn to talk. Research shows that the words children hear shape their vocabulary and propel their interest in learning. And the gestures children use drive what parents say.
On June 10th and 11th, we will be launching a new Baby Navigator Webinar Series for families of babies from birth to 24 months — whether you have concerns about your baby’s development, or your baby is reaching all of their milestones on time. When it comes to your baby, peace of mind is everything. There’s still room to register.
This free webinar series for families will cover what it takes to learn to talk – the gestures, sounds, actions and more; how to support your child’s learning in everyday activities and get ahead of the terrible twos, and how Baby Navigator online resources can help you and your family. You must register to participate. Information is below:
What does it take to learn to talk?
Supporting Your Baby’s Learning in Everyday Activities
Choose one date and time option:
Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Time: Noon to 1:30pm (Eastern Time)
Link to Register: https://bit.ly/371IbIS
***** *****
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2020
Time: 4:00 to 5:30pm (Eastern Time)
Link to Register: https://bit.ly/2z4lFCR
Both webinars have the same agenda. Please register only once for the date and time that works best for you. There is great international interest in these sessions—be sure to consider your time zone and date when you register.
Baby Navigator (https://babynavigator.com/) is collaborating with the Reading Rockets (https://www.readingrockets.org/) to bring this new webinar series to you. This webinar will introduce resources and tools for families to celebrate and support their baby’s early learning and nurture the development of language and success in school… and in life.
We cannot record our webinars because we show photos and videos of our families, so make sure to register with the link above.
Please share this invitation with friends and families who may have an interest in learning about this webinar series.
Babies don’t come with an instruction manual. Now that it’s summer, this is a great time to explore all the learning opportunities for your baby that are right there at home in your everyday activities.
On June 10th and 11th, we will be launching a new Baby Navigator Webinar Series for families of babies from birth to 24 months — whether you have concerns about your baby’s development, or your baby is reaching all of their milestones on time. When it comes to your baby, peace of mind is everything.
This free webinar series for families will cover what it takes to learn to talk – gestures, sounds, actions and more; how to support your child’s learning in everyday activities and get ahead of the terrible twos, and how Baby Navigator online resources can help you and your family. You must register to participate. Information is below:
What does it take to learn to talk?
Supporting Your Baby’s Learning in Everyday Activities
Choose one date and time option:
Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Time: Noon to 1:30pm (Eastern Time)
Link to Register: https://bit.ly/371IbIS
***** *****
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2020
Time: 4:00 to 5:30pm (Eastern Time)
Link to Register: https://bit.ly/2z4lFCR
Both webinars have the same agenda. Please register only once for the date and time that works best for you. There is great international interest in these sessions—be sure to consider your time zone and date when you register.
Baby Navigator (https://babynavigator.com/) is collaborating with the Reading Rockets (https://www.readingrockets.org/) to bring this new webinar series to you. This webinar will introduce resources and tools for families to celebrate and support their baby’s early learning and nurture the development of language and success in school… and in life.
We cannot record our webinars because we show photos and videos of our families, so make sure to register with the link above.
Please share this invitation with friends and families who may have an interest in learning about this webinar series.
Did you know babies learn to use gestures before they talk? Research shows that early gestures predict language 2 years later. Catch small delays early to prevent bigger delays later.
The best time to get ready for preschool is between 9 and 16 months. Flip through our 16 by 16 Lookbooks at https://babynavigator.com/lookbooks/ to find out the 16 gestures and the 16 actions with objects that babies learn by 16 months to propel language, play, and much more.
Share this with your friends to help us get the word out to families of children 9 to 16 months.
Our weekly online Baby Navigator Classes have started. There's still room to join, and they're FREE. Our “Before Words” Class is for families of babies 6 to 12 months. Our “First Words” Class is for families of toddlers 13-18 months. Go to BabyNavigator.com to find out more and register: https://babynavigator.com/class/
You’ll be amazed at what babies are learning long before they start talking. What you do and say helps shape your baby’s brain, especially during this critical time when their brain is growing at an amazing rate.