Danny's Dinkers

Danny's Dinkers


1 on 1 Pickleball coaching. Coached Invitational BYOB doubles matches on a private shaded court. Blairstone Rd. 32301. The courts are behind the office.

Learn the game from an experienced, patient player/coach who will focus on what you are trying to accomplish. Danny is the organizer of Pickleball Music City (Nashville- 300 members), Saint Petersburg Women's Pickleball Drills (100 Members) and St. Petersburg One-On-One Pickleball Coaching which focused on Pickleball Basics for groups. Danny is a 4.25 level player who emphasizes d**k

Operating as usual


That's like a hug, RIGHT? Well, it feels like it, and I can get one anytime I want!

Tallahassee One-On-One Pickleball Coaching (Tallahassee, FL) 09/14/2021

What is the best drill to make me a better player?
They are looking for a drill to help their serve, or a drill to help their d**k game or a drill to help them have more consistent drop shots. They are always looking for and asking for drills to help their shots. But they never ask for THE drill that will do more for their game than any other drill.

What a lot of players, including teaching coaches, don't realize is that every ball or paddle sport has one specific need in order to play. Yes, every sport has to have a foundation to start from and that building block is your hand eye coordination.

Your hand eye coordination is that magical, mythical skill that allows you to catch a pickleball cleanly on the sweet spot of your paddle. You know how good that shot feels when you hit it in the right spot on your paddle and you know how ugly it feels when you don't hit that sweetspot.

It's pretty simple, if you have NO hand eye coordination, playing any sport that uses a ball, racquet or paddle is going to be very tough and unfortunately very frustrating.

But here is the good news. Hand eye coordination is a learnable skill. You can start with none or start with a little or start with a high level of hand eye coordination, and practice it just like you do any other skill.

Yes if you want a better backhand d**k, practice backhand d**ks. If you want a better forehand drive, practice forehand drives. And if you want better hand eye coordination, PRACTICE and DRILL your hand eye coordination.

Think about it. In every sport, you start by building a good foundation that works on your hand eye coordination.

In baseball, you start with hitting a ball off a batting tee, this gets you using the proper swing and actually seeing your bat hit the ball.

In basketball, you lower the basket and learn to shoot with the proper technique until your hands and eyes and needed muscles all start to work together to put the ball through the hoop.

Pickleball is exactly the same way, but you can even go so far as to work to build and strengthen your hand eye coordination even before you start practicing the proper strokes.

So what is the best drill to build that foundational hand eye skill?

Simply bounce a pickleball repeatedly on your paddle, concentrating on the ball hitting the paddle's sweetspot. It is so simple that most players will never do it. But those who do reap the benefits quickly.

A few keys to getting the most benefits from this simple bounce drill:
1) Make sure you hold the paddle with a continental (handshake) grip. If you have that grip and you turn your wrist toward the sky, you paddle head should be relatively flat (think holding a frying pan).

2) Bounce the ball on your paddle to about a 12 inch height.

3) Focus your eyes on seeing the ball strike your paddle each and every time. Try to hit and feel the sweetspot.

4) Make sure your contact point is just below your waist. Don't allow yourself to hit the ball chest high or above because that is not realistically the height where you will hit the ball in real play. Keeping the ball at or below the waist will get your eyes and hands working together to make those future real shots.

Do this bounce drill for about five minutes each and every day. In about three weeks you will begin to see a noticeable difference in how you are able to control the ball on the court.

Do it every day. You will be very glad you did.

THEN, if you want to drill a particular shot or swing shape, join us: https://meetu.ps/c/4qWxf/xGbnm/d

Tallahassee One-On-One Pickleball Coaching (Tallahassee, FL) INTRODUCTIONLearn the game from an experienced, patient player/coach who will focus on what you are trying to accomplish. Danny is the organizer of Pickleball Music City (Nashville- 300 members), Sain


Here is a slow motion chop shot which is very lethal because it has extreme underspin and is very accurate.
It is a very difficult shot that many people cannot execute but I can probably teach you.
Join us.


This is my favorite pickleball shot of all.
The serve and service return are the two most important hits in pickleball because they are the only two that are guaranteed to occur during every rally. They are also about the only shots you have time to prepare for and have some or total control over their ex*****on so GET 'EM RIGHT PICKLEBREATH.
In this case the service return is important because you have time to plan how and where you hit it.
The skill level of the opponents &/or your strategy will determine how you need to execute this shot.
You will quickly learn which of the partners has difficulty with the chop shot. It's obvious because they keep netting it and don't know why. Hit to that one for a winner. Or just hit to the TEE on the baseline if you just want an accurate penetrating shot that will freeze both partners on the baseline and give you a chance to advance to the NVZ.
Unfortunately, you aren't in total control here. Improve your odds by inching over to your backhand side to make it more likely that the serve will come to your forehand.
If the server is talented it may still come to your backhand so have a plan in that event. I favor the backhand slice that causes the ball to curve from right to left which is an unorthodox spin that will confound your opponent.

BUT, assuming you get a ball to your forehand, it isn't unusual for you to have to get real low to hit this forehand shot below the height of the net. I have hit this shot with one knee on the court. The ball then rises over the net and flies toward it's target.
If the serve bounces high i.e. above net height, then you have a perfect ball to hit.
Your two big concerns are getting it up over the net and then keeping it inside the baseline. My favorite target is the T at the baseline. THAT's Lethal.


Yesterday we played for 3 hours in 93-degree temps in the shade.
You gotta love it.
When are you going to join us?
Coach Danny
Check it OUT: https://meetu.ps/c/4qWxf/xGbnm/d


Outdoor Pickleball in the Shade.
Last Friday when the heat index was around 100 we played in the shade for 2 hours. Sure it was hot but we played for 2 straight hours and got spelled off by our fifth, Coach/ballboy Danny when necessary.
We took advantage of the restroom and enjoyed the life-saving breeze.
Join us at https://meetu.ps/c/4qWxf/xGbnm/d.

Tallahassee One-On-One Pickleball Coaching (Tallahassee, FL) 07/09/2021

I lost 25 pounds! Having incredible fun learning and playing pickleball.

I joined Danny's Dinkers at https://meetu.ps/c/4qWxf/xGbnm/d on March 19, 2021 and have attended a coaching weekly coaching session ever since.

These sessions last about 2 hours. At first I couldn't go the full 2 needing to sit a number of times, but Coach Danny works at your pace.

Once my skills reached an adequate level, I was able to join the invitational doubles matches.

The Friday afternoon session is my favorite because the play is constant for over 2 hours and much of it is in the shade. If you need to sit, there is someone to replace you for as long as you want to rest. As soon as you're ready, you're back in.

The thing is, I joined to learn and play pickleball, not lose weight. What a bonus!

Mike Kondos 7/9/21

Tallahassee One-On-One Pickleball Coaching (Tallahassee, FL) INTRODUCTIONLearn the game from an experienced, patient player/coach who will focus on what you are trying to accomplish. Danny is the organizer of Pickleball Music City (Nashville- 300 members), Sain

Tallahassee One-On-One Pickleball Coaching (Tallahassee, FL) 06/23/2021

It's a simple DIY process.
Here's the link that invites you to define your own level.
If you've been playing for a while start with 3.0 and work up or down based on how you measure up to each definition.

Myself? I just looked at it for the first time in years and feel I'm a 4.25. I have to work on a consistent unattackable third-shot drop. Even though I exceed some of the other expectations, that one category is holding me back from a higher level.

Let's talk over your conclusion. The categories you fall short in are the areas I can help with.

Don't be a Gherkin. Go for it!

Danny Dinker

Tallahassee One-On-One Pickleball Coaching (Tallahassee, FL) INTRODUCTIONLearn the game from an experienced, patient player/coach who will focus on what you are trying to accomplish. Danny is the organizer of Pickleball Music City (Nashville- 300 members), Sain


This photo inspires me.


Our next scheduled 'Shaded BYOB Invitational Pickleball' event will be on Friday 6/24 at 1:00. Text Coach Danny to see if you are eligible for this event at 727-276-2994.

Tallahassee One-On-One Pickleball Coaching (Tallahassee, FL) 06/17/2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - Extremely Social Pickleball! - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Danny's Dinkers at Blairstone Apartments - - -

Our doubles games are coached, coed, by invitation and are evenly matched. That translates to you enjoying every game, athletically and socially.
You only sit if you want to otherwise you are on the court d**kin' away for 2+ hours.
Our afternoon and early evening sessions are shaded and BYOB!
BYOB? Yep. We are working on adding food of some sort.
Click this link: https://www.meetup.com/tallahassee-pickleball-one-on-one-coaching/ for all of the details including some pretty rosey testimonials in the discussions section.

We D**K to extend play, not BANG to end play.

Inexpensive, individual, patient coaching, is available.

Tallahassee One-On-One Pickleball Coaching (Tallahassee, FL) INTRODUCTIONLearn the game from an experienced, patient player/coach who will focus on what you are trying to accomplish. Danny is the organizer of Pickleball Music City (Nashville- 300 members), Sain

Tallahassee One-On-One Pickleball Coaching (Tallahassee, FL) 06/16/2021

Extremely Social Pickleball!
Because our doubles games are by invitation so they are evenly matched. You only sit if you want to otherwise you are on the court kickin' butt. Our afternoon and early evening sessions are shaded and BYOB!
BYOB? Yep. we are working on adding food of some sort.
If you click the link to our webpage on Meetup.com you will get all of the details including some pretty rosey testimonials in the discussions section.
The doubles are coached (no nagging) so you are constantly improving your game.
If you want individual, patient coaching, that's available.

Tallahassee One-On-One Pickleball Coaching (Tallahassee, FL) INTRODUCTIONLearn the game from an experienced, patient player/coach who will focus on what you are trying to accomplish. Danny is the organizer of Pickleball Music City (Nashville- 300 members), Sain

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Videos (show all)

Here is a slow motion chop shot which is very lethal because it has extreme underspin and is very accurate. It is a very...
The CHOP Forehand Service Return





Tallahassee, FL