Oklahoma State University NRHH

Oklahoma State University NRHH


A leadership honorary containing the top 1% of leaders at Oklahoma State University.

The Lynn & Frances Jackson Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary consists of the top 1% of residence hall leaders. The organization is designed to recognize top students and provide a means for them to continue to make a difference in the halls in which they live. The four pillars of NRHH are scholarship, leadership, recognition, and service. We program around these four pillars and stri

Operating as usual


Applications open this Sunday! Encourage everyone you think would be a good candidate to apply.


‪Get excited guys! Tonight’s our first meeting of the year. Starts at 7:30 in Human Sciences 230. Hope to see everyone there! ‬


We are so excited for Traditions Night tomorrow! Check our Twitter for fun pictures from our member-candidate scavenger hunt as they explore campus and Stillwater! We might even throw out some fun fun facts about NRHH history!

NRHH Non Member Scholarship 04/17/2017

Applications for the $200 NRHH Non-member Scholarship are due TODAY at 5 pm! All students living in residence halls are eligible to apply. Good luck to all of our applicants! http://bit.ly/2ocl5Z9

NRHH Non Member Scholarship This scholarship is for people living on campus not a part of NRHH. This scholarship is worth $200. Please answer all question to the best of your ability with thorough, well thought out sentences. This application is due by Apr 17th at 5PM

Timeline photos 04/13/2017

I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream!

to ice cream, buffalo wild wings, massages and more tonight at 7:30 in the Wentz Living Room.


Ever wondered what happens at an NRHH meeting?Tonight's NRHH meeting is open to anyone interested! Come check it out in 230 Human Science at 8 p.m. and don't forget, NRHH applications are due tonight at 11:59!

National Residence Hall Honorary Fall 2017 Candidacy Application 04/05/2017

Today is the last day to apply for NRHH candidacy! Applications close tonight at 11:59 p.m. http://bit.ly/2nFSLOr

National Residence Hall Honorary Fall 2017 Candidacy Application Thank you for your interest in the National Residence Hall Honorary! We are elated that you are interested in continuing to grow as a leader and give back to the residential community! NRHH strives to ensure that your membership promotes both personal and professional growth, but also encourages pos...

Timeline photos 03/30/2017

Come hang out with us at the Griffith Community Center tonight at 6:30! We'll answer your questions, introduce you to some of our members, and play some fun games!

Timeline photos 03/28/2017

What is NRHH? What does it do? Who's in it? Why join?

Get the answers to all these questions and more at our Recruitment Social on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the Griffith Center!

Timeline photos 03/09/2017

Start Spring Break a little early and take a break. Pre-Spring Break Bash TONIGHT at 7 p.m. in the KD/Villages Courtyard! Free food, good music and prize drawings.

Timeline photos 03/07/2017

Want a chance to win cool prizes, just for recognizing the amazing student staff, programs, students, or faculty at Oklahoma State? You can, just by writing a winning nomination for an Of the Month award. Nominations are due TONIGHT at 11:50! Visit otms.nrhh.org, create an account, and brag about your campus.


Of the Month award nominations are due tomorrow night at 11:50! Visit otms.nrrh.org and tell us about the awesome student staff, programs and more at !


Timeline photos 02/23/2017

Today and tomorrow celebrate week. Comment here or tweet us your best story about an everyday act of kindness you experienced or something kind that you did and be entered for a chance to win this tumbler of sweets!

Timeline photos 02/20/2017

Stop by the KD Mez 3 - 7 p.m. everyday this week for events!

Timeline photos 02/16/2017

Join us and the Residence Hall Association at tonight's Diversity Fair in the Student Union Ballroom for discussions and insights on diversity issues with guest presenters, a cineculture movie, and organizations representing diversity issues in s*x, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality and more.

NRHH OTMs 02/08/2017

Do you have a student, faculty member, or program that you want to recognize? Recognize the awesome things going on at Oklahoma State and write a nomination for an Of the Month award (OTM)!

Need some help writing? NRHH is having an OTM party at 8pm in the RLIO (in Stout's basement)! Snacks provided.


NRHH OTMs that provide standard definition and guidance for all OTMs submitted to the local, regional, and NACURH levels. If you have questions about particular OTMs, please check out your regional NRHH website for assistance.


The second NRHH meeting of the semester is TONIGHT! Hope to see all of our Diamonds there!

Timeline photos 11/20/2016

Come destress tonight in Wentz lounge from 6-8 with free professional massages, Fuzzy's tacos, and a movie night!

Timeline photos 10/23/2016

Another SWACURH for the record books. OSU came out with 10 OTM wins, 3 3-yr Service Pins, the Golden Feather Award, Winner of the Beet finding Competition, 2 top 10 programs, and our very own VP of Admin and Finance Carly Suttle won Student Staff of the Year!!! Way to go OSU and this great NRHH family!

National Residence Hall Honorary Spring 2017 Candidacy Application 10/11/2016

It's that time of year again, NRHH applications for spring candidacy are out! NRHH is looking for the top 1% of leaders at Oklahoma State who want to achieve more opportunities in leadership, service, recognition, and academics. Applications are due by Nov 4th!!!


National Residence Hall Honorary Spring 2017 Candidacy Application Thank you for your interest in the National Residence Hall Honorary! We are elated that you are interested in continuing to grow as a leader and give back to the residential community! NRHH strives to ensure that your membership promotes both personal and professional growth, but also encourages pos...

NRHH Lynn and Frances Jackson Chapter Application 03/28/2016

Applications are out! NRHH is looking for the top 1% of leaders on OSU's campus to join us for candidacy next semester. If you, or someone you know, is an outstanding student leader, please apply! If you have any questions, feel free to message us here or email [email protected].

NRHH Lynn and Frances Jackson Chapter Application NRHH members are the top 1% of students living in the residence halls on campus, as well as all over the country. Our values are recognition and service. NRHH has a strong commitment to recognizing individuals who make living in the residence halls a positive experience and believes that community i…

Timeline photos 02/25/2016

NRHH members Gretchen Moore and Kait Burton at Cowboython!

Timeline photos 02/09/2016

Be sure to stop by the KD Mezz for your free compliment and some candy

Timeline photos 01/27/2016

Hello all! Don't miss this amazing program, brought to you by Late Night Programming! There will be milkshakes, bingo and a showing of Grease. Don't be a square and miss out!

NRHH Induction 2015 01/27/2016
National Residence Hall Honorary Fall 2015 Candidacy Application or Interview Sign Up 08/06/2015


National Residence Hall Honorary Fall 2015 Candidacy Application or Interview Sign Up Thank you for your interest in the National Residence Hall Honorary! We are elated that you are interested in continuing to grow as a leader and give back to the residential community! NRHH strives to ensure that your membership promotes both personal and professional growth, but also encourages pos…

NRHH Scholarship Application 04/17/2015

Don't forget NRHH Scholarship applications are due today! You still have time to get yours submitted!

NRHH Scholarship Application Due midnight on Friday 17th

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