Cooking for Kids is a multi-agency effort aimed at changing the paradigm of school nutrition in Oklahoma. The program was developed by Oklahoma State University faculty in the College of Human Sciences, Oklahoma State Department of Education Child Nutrition Services and industry certified chefs.
The project includes multiple phases and approaches including basic culinary skill development training, school-site chef consultations and web-based resources. Trainings and consultation are provided at no cost to the school district or school nutrition personnel.
Skill development training is conducted in group settings and is offered to school districts at multiple locations across the state. During regional training sessions, school nutrition professionals learn creative, new ways to prepare healthy, balanced, flavorful meals.
After completing the skill development phase, school districts may request to a have a consulting chef work directly with school nutrition management and kitchen personnel for a school year. Consulting chefs will focus specifically on menu development and procurement, equipment and work schedules as well as effective marketing strategies.
The initiative is designed to increase the availability of freshly prepared foods, boost student participation in the school meal program and expand public support for child nutrition programs.