My greatest fear is that one day I will die, and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them!
Modern American Warrior is the highest rated Martial Arts School in the Woodlands.
Modern American Women's Shooting Club was formed by Modern American Warrior; the highest rated Martial Arts School in the Woodlands. The club was formed to give women the opportunity to learn from a woman instructor and each other the tools to develop their personal protection plan. The club gives this amazing group of dynamic women a chance to have fun, do something for themselves; which will ultimately benefit their families.
Operating as usual
My greatest fear is that one day I will die, and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them!
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL This video was made in collaboration with Academy of Ideas. They create videos explaining the ideas of history's great thinkers in order to help supply the w...
We have practiced this in the past. Trust your spidey senses and if necessary be rude, even mean!
Ladies, It's OK to be Mean... Written by Greg Ellifritz At last weekend's Rangemaster Tactical Conference, I heard three different presenters mention the same problem frequently seen in their female self defense students. All three mentioned that their students are
As I prepare to teach another group of campers; ages 6 - 13, basic first aid I began thinking through the skills I teach. Because of size and strength one of the things I stress is to remain calm and call for help - activate EMS (911). More and more households do not have a land line and rely solely on mobile devices. Because of the amount of information stored on these devices and the increasing popularity of e-pay options the devices have security measures in place. These measures range from a password, pattern or pin number all the way to fingerprint or iris scan. Mobile phones have an emergency call feature, but how many of us have shown our young children how to activate this? How many of us have discussed this with our children? Pre-schoolers have been known to call 911 for ill or injured family, saving their lives. This is because they were taught how.
I am planning to spend a little extra time on calling for help and activating emergency services this year. How about you? Remember you do not rise to the occasion, you fall to the level of your training. Train yourself and train your children. Find a first aid, CPR, and / or bleeding control class near you to participate in!
10am - 12pm |
We offer general memberships, personal training, nutrition guidance and indoor/outdoor BOOTCAMP! 8170 Spring Cypress Rd
Exceptional developmental opportunities in wrestling, tumbling, cheer, & education.
Certified Xtreme Hip Hop Instructor. Our mission is to make fitness inclusive and accessible for e
Softball & Fitness instruction -Pitching -Hitting -Fielding -Catching
Welcome to my hiking blog! Here, I share my passion for hiking and the great outdoors.
Formerly a secondary math educator, I am now a CERTIFIED Xtreme Hip Hop STEP Instructor. Classes are taught in the Spring area; both in person and online.
CrossFit Affiliate & HIIT training. Schedule a free trial today!
Recreational Gymnastics for children 18 months & Up. We offer gymnastics and tumbling. WGA is the proud home of the WGA Texans, girls competitive team!
Houston Homeschool Athletics (HHA) is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that was formed to provide amateur competitive sports for homeschooled children.
“Your True Power Lies Within”