Pillows Code of Carry

Pillows Code of Carry

USCCA Certified Instructor

Course List:
- Louisiana Concealed Carry
- Concealed Carry Concepts
- Basic Handgun
- Child Safety

Operating as usual


Condition Yellow: Relaxed Awareness.
Aware of surroundings, people or sounds. Not to be mistaken for paranoia, it’s just paying proper attention to the environment.

Prime examples: Driving your car without distractions, scanning a crowd of people, noticing body language.


Condition White: Unprepared and not paying attention to people or situations around them.

Prime examples: walking while on your phone, texting while driving, and daydreaming.


Situational Awareness is being able to perceive, understand, and effectively respond to one’s situation. Paying attention to your surroundings and people within it can help prevent immediate threats.


Happy New Year Everyone!
For 2025 Pillows Code of Carry will be filled with more classes and new opportunities for those willing to commit to their fi****ms training.

Our first Basic Handgun Course will be January 25th for 1pm to 4pm


The first Basic Handgun Class for September is available! Sign Up Today!


Would you like to know how to operate your firearm efficiently?

In our Basic Handgun Course, you will learn firearm safety rules, proper grip, clearing malfunctions and recoil management during live fire!

This class includes 2 hours of class time, and 1 hour of live fire on the range.


What is Dry Fire Training?

Dry Fire Training is the practice of handling a firearm without firing live ammunition. Even without ammunition, the firearm safety rules still apply. This practice can help improve your grip, sight alignment, draw stroke, reloads and many more actions.


Shooting a handgun is a perishable skill. With our busy lives, it can be a challenge to find time to hit the range like we want to.
The best way to dial yourself back into those shooting fundamentals is by utilizing Dry Fire Training.


Firearm Safety Rule #4

Always be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
Don’t take the shot unless you know exactly where that bullet is going. Make sure your bullet doesn’t injure anyone or anything beyond your target.


Firearm Safety Rule #3

Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
Keep your finger away from the trigger while loading, unloading, drawing or holstering. That’s the best way to avoid a negligent discharge.


Firearm Safety Rule #2
Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction.
Never point your firearm at anything you’re not willing to destroy. If a negligent discharge were to occur, no injury can occur if the muzzle is pointing in a safe direction.


Firearm Safety Rule #1

Treat all fi****ms as though they are loaded.
Whenever you handle a firearm, or hand it to someone, be sure to visually check the chamber/receiver to insure the firearm is empty.


"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."
-Marcus Aurelius


Hello Everyone!
This is an update on our classes for 2024


As many of you have heard; Louisiana has joined 27 other states in Constitutional Carry! This will take effect July 4th, 2024.

What does this mean for you and others?
Constitutional carry grants the right to carry a gun without needing a permit, but it doesn’t exempt you from the responsibility of fi****ms ownership.

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As many of you have heard; Louisiana has joined 27 other states in Constitutional Carry! This will take effect July 4th, 2024.

What does this mean for you and others?
Constitutional carry grants the right to carry a gun without needing a permit, but it doesn't exempt you from the responsibility of fi****ms ownership.


What do you mean you haven’t signed up to take a PCC class yet?? 🫣🤔

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Shreveport, LA