Join us tomorrow from 10am-12pm at our early childhood open house. It's an open house, so just pop on over-no need to rsvp! Look for the flags right next to the Japanese Cultural and Community Center.
We offer preschool through eighth grade students an education that is joyful and purposeful. We actively seek a diverse student body.
Bright Water Waldorf School offers an Early Childhood through Grade 8 Waldorf education in urban Seattle that balances the diverse needs of students by integrating academic, artistic, and practical elements into the curriculum. Website: http://www.brightwaterwaldorf.org/
Blog: http://www.brightwaterwaldorf.org/blog/
Operating as usual
Join us tomorrow from 10am-12pm at our early childhood open house. It's an open house, so just pop on over-no need to rsvp! Look for the flags right next to the Japanese Cultural and Community Center.
A peek into some middle school main lesson books...
Our middle school is a wonderful place that students deepen their knowledge and find themselves. Curious about our middle school? Schedule a tour today! [email protected]
Some work from Japanese class in anticipation of celebrating the Lunar New Year. We are excited to celebrate the year of the snake.
Join our January tour THIS THURSDAY at 9:00am. We will tour the grade school and early childhood together.
Questions? Email us at [email protected]
Join us this Saturday at our Early Childhood building for an open house to take a peek in the classrooms and meet our early childhood teachers! 10am-12pm
Questions? Please email: [email protected]
Bright Water Waldorf School gathered and marched today in the MLK march! Thank you to Ms. Chamberlain and all of the families who joined.
Celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by taking action with community service and some wonderful learning.
A few links:
Happy birthday weekend to the legendary Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The students in grade 7/8 created stippling portraits of Dr. King for today's assembly. Monday is a Federal Holiday in honor of Dr. King.
Join Bright Water Waldorf School at Monday's march (https://www.seattlemlkcoalition.org/route). Look for Ms. Chamberlain and her tall orange sign!
The Bright Water Waldorf School first and second graders took action today with acts of service for Aikido and in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.
A few Bright Water Waldorf students had the honor to participate today in an extra special mochi making presentation in honor of the new year/Lunar New Year. The relationship Bright Water Waldorf School has with the Japanese Cultural and Community Center is special and we have deep appreciation for the opportunities to learn and share together.
The third and fourth grade has begun the journey of Norse Myths...
Join our January tour!
When: Thursday, January 23rd 9am-10am
Where: Bright Water Waldorf School
We will walk through the grades classrooms and early childhood. Questions and discussion welcome!
Early Childhood Open House Saturday, January 25th
Please join us from 10am-12pm
The Bright Water seventh and eighth grade students are reading the book, Warriors Don't Cry, Melba Pattillo Beals’ first-person account of the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School in 1957.
Throughout this school year, the seventh and eighth grade class is deepening their understanding of human rights.
As we continue into the month of January and looking towards celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it's important to uplift voices of American history that are often left out. When students hear stories first person versus a synopsis or paragraph of a time period, it deepens their understanding of humanity and ability to empathize and connect to where they may find strength in their own lives. Melba Pattillo Beals is right around the same age as the students who read this very book.
When we listen to stories and specifically voices of marginalized people, it centers their stories and shapes our world view.
Happy Kwanzaa to all who celebrate. May your Kwanzaa be meaningful.
Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate! We send you all the light and strength with extra oil~
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. May your day be filled with love and peace.
Finding the JOY!!
Thank you to our incredible volunteers and parents who are working on improving our playground today! Despite a soggy and rainy set-up and work party day, and after setting up one of our new climbing structures, a huge double rainbow filled the sky!